Austin Startups List

Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Austin.

Meet 2550 entepreneurs, makers, and investors based in Austin

ID 197812

Asad Zafar


Principal at Sentient Capital

ID 216

Kenny Van Zant


Business lead for @asana, entrepreneur, angel investor. Former Chief Product officer at @solarwinds (SWI).

ID 32860

Michael Dell


Family man, Chairman and CEO

ID 143

David Cohen


Founder/CEO of @techstars. Investor in Amazing Startups. Geeky to the bone.

ID 29161

Justin Siegel


founder & ceo @mocospace / advisor @boston-seed-capital / mentor @techstars & @capitalfactory

ID 1151

Rick Wittenbraker


CMO at @howler-brothers-2, Partner/Co-founder of @stage-one-capital. Multiple start-ups, former private equity. Marketer and fisherman at heart.

ID 291338

Eric Simone


Founded Compete, sold to Perficient (PRFT) 2000. Founded ClearBlade 2007. VP w Corsa Ventures, LP w LeadEdge Capital. Active Austin angel investor.

ID 187613

Chris Plough


Advisor, entrepreneur, storyteller.

ID 503

Sam Decker


Founder/CEO @mass-relevance, Founding CMO @bazaarvoice, Co-founder @capital-factory, 7-year Dell Exec, 5 startups B2B & B2C (product, marketing, biz dev), author.

ID 246

Kip McClanahan


Founder @broadjump (IPO), over six startups returned $800m in shareholder equity

ID 899

Aziz Gilani


Director at @mercury-fund

ID 84

Joshua Baer


Founded 3 email companies and @capitalfactory. Teaching @longhornstartup at @university-of-texas-austin. @trilogy Alumni 1999. CS @carnegie-mellon-university .

ID 475

Jason Cohen


4x founder, 2x exit, bootstrapped & funded; Angel

ID 29549

Josh Williams


Co-founder + CEO @last Formerly at @gowalla and @facebook Maker of the finest margarita in Noe Valley.

ID 40547

Nick Wyman


Director @galvanize-ventures-1 and Angel Investor. Ex - @foundry-group Special Projects, @techstars Associate & @BoulderBeta Producer.

ID 99574

Cotter Cunningham


RetailMeNot CEO/Founder [SALE]. Former COO Bankrate [RATE].

ID 39079

Jason Seats


Managing Director @techstars • Co-founder @slicehost (acq by @rackspace)

ID 8892

Rony Kahan


Chairman, co-founder of @indeed.

ID 832

Bill Boebel


Founder & CEO of @pingboard; previously founded @capitalfactory & @webmail-us-acq-rax; Virginia Tech software engineer.

ID 4420

Tim Sullivan


CEO of MicroVentures; Seed stage investing in tech companies with strong teams, investors, and traction.

ID 24431

Rick Timmins


Rick brings with him 35 years of experience in financial management and strategic guidance from two Fortune 100 technology leaders.

ID 22345

Rahul Prakash


Founder & Partner, @coyote-ridge-ventures & @the-hatchery-1. Former 3x Entrepreneur with 3 successful exits.

ID 504

Mellie Price


//// startup investor & advisor //// founder @frontgatetix @sourcespring //// managing director @capitalfactory //// hands on active investor ////

ID 258440

Alex Chang


Co-founded $250MM company. World traveler, marathoner, and cyclist. Angel investor.

ID 37215

Rob Taylor


President @blacklocus-1 (Acquired by The Home Depot), Partner @CapitalFactory, COO/GM @truecar (GRP, Anthem). COO @pricelock (GS). COO @quepasa-corporation (IPO).

ID 760

Nitesh Banta


Investor at General Catalyst. Co-founder at Founding team of @getaround and @summer-workation. Invested in @kayak, @hubspot, @bigcommerce, @locu

ID 386681

John Fanguy


Founder Engagiant • Worked at @bizspeed, @airside-mobile • Investor @airside-mobile, @bizspeed • Studied at @georgia-institute-of-technology

ID 51848

David Wieland


50+ investments: @ginkgotree @noredink @schoola @datanyze Founder: @rivs, @innflux , @iestates , @irishangels edu: @NotreDame @Kellogg

ID 78822

Laurent Drion


Founder & Partner at @e-merge a Brussels based investment company with 30+ early-stage investments up to date, mainly as lead investor

ID 49090

Russell Hinds


Managing Director, RSH Ventures

ID 10400

Alan Michael Kane


Founder @phunware, @simpler-1 • Worked at @booz-allen-hamilton, @procter-gamble-2 • Studied at @babson-college, @university-of-san-diego

ID 429

Steve Welch


Co-Founder at DreamIt Ventures. Past Fellow Eisenhower Fellowships. Founder & CEO Mitos Technologies

ID 10239

Scot Chisholm


CEO & Co-Founder at @classy. Board of @team-rubicon. Partner at @mixture-ventures

ID 77516

Arun Prakash


Outside of AngelList I am a Partner with Virgo Capital

ID 281671

Cameron Drummond


Founded Mastodon Capital Management, and run a hedge fund. BS & ME in engineering from Cornell; MBA from UCLA. Live in Austin, TX.

ID 408567

Mark Collier


OpenStack co-founder, OpenStack Foundation COO, Austin Music Board. Love Austin, BBQ, BBALL, open source for fun & profit. *opinions my own*

ID 117569

Andrew Busey


Entrepreneur / Angel Investor. Partner, Chaotic Moon. CEO, Team Chaos. Founder, Challenge Games (Acq by @zynga), Co-Founder, Pluck (Acq by @demand-media)

ID 35393

Morgan Flager


I've been a partner with Silverton since 2006. Prior to Silverton, I worked with FTV Capital in San Francisco. I was a entrepreneur with Kintana and Ingrian.

ID 1206

David Hauser


Founder of @grasshopper. Founder of @chargify. Founder of @popsurvey. Angel Investor.

ID 105534

Lukas Bouvrie


Founder @blacklocus-1 (Acquired by The Home Depot)

ID 3041

David Crow


EiR at @OMERSVentures. Focused on custdev & productdev. Cofounder of @influitive. Worked at @microsoft, @reactivity, @trilogy. @carnegie-mellon-university MS in HCI + UWaterloo BSc.

ID 61488

Bob Metcalfe


UTexas Austin Professor of Innovation, Murchison Fellow of Free Enterprise; Polaris Partner; @massachusetts-institute-of-technology Trustee. Past: Harvard, PARC, @stanford-university, @3com, InfoWorld.

ID 635548

Michael Kunitzky


Working in & around start-ups for 20 years. Lucky and thankful to have worked with some of the most passionate souls and brilliant minds. ~ alwayslookaround ~

ID 2100

Bradley C. Harrison


Founder/Managing Partner @scout-ventures; early-stage VC focused on media, tech, and entertainment. Focused on great people; @massachusetts-institute-of-technology, @mit-sloan-school-of-management '01; USMA '94; Airborne Ranger

ID 416128

Colin Corgan


B.A. Dartmouth, retired Partner from Goldman Sachs

ID 106358

John Smart

Cofounder of @prescreen and, Chief Software Architect

ID 43879

Ian Clarke


Computer Scientist and Serial Entrepreneur

ID 87357

Ross Buhrdorf


CTO at HomeAway. Board of Trustees for the Santa Fe Institute, VP at, Hal Computers (acquired by Fujitsu). Passionate about startups and Innovation.

ID 26227

Bill Clark

I invest in startups through We have helped 15 startups raise about 3 million in the last year.

ID 59961

Jared Slosberg


Founder @profitfuel • Board @homecity • Advisor @hot-or-not • Investor @yodle, @kld-energy-technologies, @distil-networks, @ekso-bionics • Worked @findlaw

ID 53532

Darwin Ling


Founder @thump-games •Chief Architect at @jaxtr, Sr Director @skyfire ( Acquired by Opera ), Hacker/Data Nerd, BS/MS @purdue-university , MBA @university-of-chicago-booth-school-of-business

ID 7445

Rodrigo Carvalho


Founded BlackLocus (sold to Home Depot)

ID 218627

Tucker Max


CEO of @book-in-a-box , #1 Best Selling Author, angel investor, @university-of-chicago and @duke-university University

ID 9270

Arthur Edstrom


Founder XYZ2Y Ventures, Chairman Edstrom, Inc., Founder Artic Software (sold to Adlib). Rally racer Budapest-Bamako. Harvard Business School, OPM.

ID 330902

Brett Hurt


Hurt Family Investments (portfolio -; Chairman, Edgecase (formerly Compare Metrics); Founder of Bazaarvoice and Coremetrics

ID 172674

Michael Trafton


On my 3rd successful bootstrapped tech company. Investor/Mentor at @Capital Factory. Advisor to several Austin startups. CS Rice University.

ID 223623

Central Texas Angel Network


One of the most active angel networks in the US; investing in Texas entrepreneurs

ID 173106

Jonathan Coon


Founder/CEO 1-800 CONTACTS, sold for $900 million, inventor, investor, made Napoleon Dynamite with my brother (he produced and edited in Final Cut on his Mac)

ID 16488

Scott Kosch


Investor @on-ramp-wireless-1 @xyber-technologies @routehappy @safehostel @lemnoslabs @yourmechanic @hangify • Studied @wharton-school @claremont-mckenna-college

ID 56481

Bril Flint


Strategy and Planning, Angel Investor; Technology, Media and Entertainment Executive, Computer Hardware

ID 43858

Andrew Romans


General Partner Rubicon Venture Capital / Author The Entrepreneurial Bible to Venture Capital (McGraw Hill) Twitter: @RomansVentures

ID 42357

Jeremy Bencken


Founder @apartmentratings-com (UGC apartment site; sold to @internet-brands), Founder, BuzzStream. @capital-factory Mentor.

ID 24727

Thomas Ball


Investor in @bazaarvoice, @convio, @mindjolt, @jigsaw, @whaleshark-media, @nileguide, @workstreamer, @boundless-network, @gazzang, @foodonthetable-com, @newcomlink...

ID 271158

Johannes Larcher


Founder @pikum • Worked at @hulu, @yahoo-search-marketing-overture , @academy123, @discovery-communications , @capitalfactory • Studied at @wharton-school

ID 60936

Josh Kerr


Co-founder and CEO at Written. Co-founder of @zosh, sold to @hightail-2. Partner at @capital-factory and mentor at @techstars

ID 188487

Wesley Barnett


Founder Maximize Social Media • Worked at @treetop-software • Investor @treetop-software • Studied at @university-of-california-los-angeles

ID 112538

Hans Erickson


Chief Operating Officer at @phunware, Inc.

ID 24881

Jason Reneau


Early stage tech entrepreneur -- @freemarkets (IPO), @kiva-systems (Bain Capital), @mindbites (True Ventures)

ID 43888

Alan Chesler


Founder, Investor, Advisor. MS Finance - Wisconsin

ID 5858

Chuck Gordon


Founder of SpareFoot, world's largest marketplace for self storage.

ID 102643

Gordon Daugherty


Founder & Principal - Shockwave Innovations Director - Capital Factory Incubator

ID 207908

Rick Orr

Founder @tabbedout, Dallas and UT sports nut, Austinite in 78704, owner tree climbing dog & beer lover.

ID 35109

Rosa L. McCormick


Investor in @volunteerspot, @phunware, @volunteerspot, @savara-pharmaceuticals, @alchemy-systems.

ID 182987

Cedric Kutlu


Fools Fund Founder Kibo Ventures Investment Manager

ID 300646

Christopher Piedmonte


Extensive experience forming and nurturing technology startups. Entrepreneur-inventor with 8 granted patents in data management and internet technologies.

ID 66013

Brian Grigsby


General Partner at @corsa-ventures

ID 384532

Shane Adams


Founded Sagacious Consultants

ID 33823

Higinio O. Maycotte


CEO at @umbel. Founder at @flightlock (acquired by Control Risks), Finetooth (now Mumboe), & most recently founding CTO of @the-texas-tribune.

ID 195139

Mario Feghali


ID 249062

Michael Agustin

i build expressive products. co-founder & ceo of @weaver-labs. co-founder of @gamesalad, responsible for 21% of app store monthly game uploads. masters from @carnegie-mellon-university

ID 227939

Denis O'Dwyer


CEO & Founder of Wide Open Spaces, previously Yelp, Clover, Yahoo, HotJobs. Investor in TechStars Austin & QuickGifts... a Sales guy... Oregon

ID 683201

Josh Hansen


I'm an active investor, very excited about disruptive technology possibilities.

ID 59426

Jonas Lamis


CEO & Co-founder of @sensai-corporation. Co-founded @rally and @Techranch. MBA + Engineer.

ID 34693

Tom West

Digital CEO with expereince running multiple top 100 internet retailer sites. Advisor/Investor in @brighttag, Martini Media, Future Simple, Kele & MedSpeed

ID 4225

Nicholas White


CEO and EIC of @the-daily-dot; Board at Sandusky Newspapers; Angel investor and philanthropist

ID 209044

David Lemley

Founder&CTO @tabbedout; Strong in architecture, implementation; also involved in biz dev and fund raising activities.

ID 301338

Ryan Pitylak


Executive @profitfuel (sold to @yodle). Founded @unique-influence. MBA @texas

ID 25109

Matthew Sechrest


CEO @waterfall-3, angel/advisor @ startups, ex-VC, conservationist/advisor @global_wildlife

ID 71983

Bryan Menell


Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year finalist. I've founded three companies including Perficient (NASDAQ: PRFT, 1996).

ID 94359

Jonathan Berkowitz


Chief Executive Officer at @thinktiv, Inc.

ID 107360

Arjun Banker


Former @facebook platform and tools engineer. Previously @zillow, @microsoft.

ID 114716

Andrew Eye


CEO/Founder - Boxer, COO/Founder @ciphent (Acq @accuvant), 2010 Inc. 500 16th Fastest Growing Company In America

ID 53917

Jason Traff


Investor @bisonwood . Founded @leaky (Acq 2013). @y-combinator alum, @massachusetts-institute-of-technology dropout . Former pro gamer, ultramarathon runner.

ID 936

Yvonne Tocquigny


CEO and founder of @tocquigny, an internationally recognized digital marketing firm. 3 year mentor for Capital Factory

ID 42506

Louis Marascio

Entrepreneur; Market Hacker; Troublemaker

ID 297841

Brian Magierski


Co-founder of (sold to FreeMarkets), Moxie Software, and Appconomy. Split time between Austin TX and China.

ID 17675

Andrew Allison

Co-founder & Co-CEO of Main Street Hub, @stanford-graduate-school-of-business, Stanford Law, Yale BA.

ID 1442

John Hime


Investor in @infochimps, @perception-software, @tabbedout, @mpower-mobile, @affinegy, @tango-health, @wisegate.

ID 61882

BJ Heinley

Founder / Inventor - Investor at STAG - Provisions for Men Founder - @base-fine-art-gallery Founder - @verde-camp Board Member - Texas Sculpture Group

ID 74110

Mitchell Harper


Co-founder of @bigcommerce. I like to build companies that democratize large industries and help small to medium-sized businesses thrive.

ID 181162

Tim Sullivan


Founded MarketZero(ZNGA). VP Product @boxer your next generation inbox

ID 70056

Adam Michela


Designer & Developer · Made things at @dropbox, @facebook, @gowalla, @new-york-times, etc.

ID 466231

Christopher Rhodes

VP Design & Special Projects @waterfall-3

ID 6055

Matt Cohen


CEO/Founder OneSpot • Former early stage VC • 24 years Media & Internet tech: registered the 1st news domain in 1988 ( • @rice-university CompSci

ID 905

Joel Trammell


Founding CEO of NetQoS, sold for $200M to CA . Founding CEO of CacheIQ, sold to NetApp.

ID 32103

Avery Kadison


Founder LightMiner Systems • Worked at @paypal, @ehealth-1 • Investor @breakthrough-com, @500startups • Studied at @stanford-university

ID 377245

Ian Ragsdale

Startup veteran. Problem solver. Software aficionado. Information sponge.

ID 27330

Lloyd Armbrust

Founder of @ownlocal; Y Combinator W10; 10+ years in the newspaper industry.

ID 59667

JR Garcia


Principal at Green Park & Golf Ventures (GPG). undergrad at Notre Dame, MBA at SMU. Time at FedEX, Bold Ventures, Lone Star.

ID 17050

Steve Waters


Chief Ventures Officer @thinktiv; 15-year CMO/advisor to 50+ cos: RNOW (IPO); @firepond CMO (IPO); @trilogy 93-97; Bear Stearns 90-92; @stanford-university 90.

ID 26910

David Wesson


Founder @geodynamics-inc, @peak-pressure-control-llc • Worked at @ds-wesson-investments • Investor @indinero, @sendhub • Studied at @southern-methodist-university, @texas-a-m-university

ID 555017

Dan Treiman

Founder @gamesalad, @weaver-labs • Studied at @gustavus-adolphus-college

ID 34978

Jonathan Ellis


Co-Founder @datastax, Cassandra project chair @apache Software Foundation.

ID 184935

Richard Jalichandra


ID 39854

Jonathan Spillman

VP of Operations at @umbel. Co-Founder at @tripgather. Former Director at @elavon. SXSW Panelist. University of Texas (McCombs) MBA.

ID 143346

Robin Reyes


Founder @mita Ventures, • Worked @Silvergate Bank, @ministry of Finance and Public Credit (Mexico) • Studied @harvard, Advisor @manattjones

ID 494731

Chris Shonk


Seed stage consumer tech, services and packaged goods investor. Primarily in Austin, Texas. Industry and teams are my KPIs. I'm comfortable being very early

ID 930


Investor in @socialware, @sharespost, @collider-media, @pricelock.

ID 9215

Noah Kagan


I love tacos and running

ID 62373

Bill Moore


CEO of @zello, a new voice chat app. Founder of @tunein and 20 years creating winning software teams and products.

ID 172652

Adam Cianfichi

CTO/Founder - @boxer, Director Interactive Media @ciphent (Acq @accuvant), 2010 Inc. 500 16th Fastest Growing Company In America, CTO / Founder Music Mgmt

ID 36072

Marc Smookler


Founder @fonality, @sake-social, @written , partner @capitalfactory, investor/advisor @equipboard, board member @storymix-media

ID 29363

Robert Afshar


Founded 3 internet companies. All successful. Last company @leadclick-media took no investment and sold for $200mm. Currently, running a Hedge Fund & Angel Fund.

ID 131762

John Hamlin


ID 31673

Christopher Sherman


I been involved in startups spanning media, events, web services, online music and electronic commerce. I currently run conference company.

ID 1212

Neal Rapoport


Investor in over 20 tech companies. Founder of @dealtaker-com (sold to Media General 2008, bought back 2012), Dude.

ID 183988

Chris Taylor


Founder & CEO @square-root, EIR at Brighthouse (@truecar, @pricelock), Customer Partner @trilogy, Computer Science @carnegie-mellon-university-2

ID 749

Gary Chou


Worked at @union-square-ventures, @cisco • Investor @union-square-ventures • Studied at @princeton-university

ID 22253

Jason Novek

Founder at @ownlocal, Y-Combinator Winter 2010.

ID 891

Neelan Choksi


Current Prez-Tasktop, Prez-SolarMetric (acq. by BEAS), COO-SpringSource (acq. by VMW), CEO-Lexcycle (acq. by AMZN). @massachusetts-institute-of-technology ChemE & @university-of-chicago MBA.

ID 114266

Sean Lane


Chairman of the Board of @bts Corporation, @betamore, Digital Harbor Foundation, Lane Capital, @crosschx, and @ostp-ventures.

ID 24394

Mikael Solomon

Co-Founder @edgecase-formerly-compare-metrics, Entrepreneur, Stanford alum

ID 283616

Bernard Brenner


Cofounder of Truecar, Inc., Author of The Sumo Advantage (#1 Amazon Bestseller), Host of Extreme Biz Dev podcast, Partner at Capital Factory

ID 12863

Paul O'Brien


CMO of @microventures-1. Formerly of  @zvents, @outright, @dachis-group, @loop-and-tie, @fliptop, HP & @yahoo. Co-founder of Cospace & Fovnders / entre.

ID 146622

Ron Pragides


VP, Engineering @bigcommerce. Now Hiring:

ID 160133

Allen Rohner

Founder, CTO, @circle-4. Machine Learning background. Clojure contributor. 2nd time entrepreneur. Tech Lead of 4 products and 30 engineers @crossroads-systems .

ID 95589

Eric Falcao

Founder and CTO at @mass-relevance

ID 523622

Adam Zeplain


Started off in VC, then jumped into portfolio company, Early stage investor, Advisor, Philanthropist, animal lover, husband.

ID 52851

Nick Goggans

Co-Founder/Biz Dev @umbel, the new neilsen for digital media. Ex: co-founder @Lytiks, Conversion Assoc, @CharlieRose. Skills: Web Analytics, AdWords, Media

ID 401101

Ryan Holiday


Dir of Marketing: American Apparel, Advisor: Tim Ferriss, Robert Greene, Tucker Max, creativeLIVE My books: Trust Me I'm Lying. Growth Hacker Marketing

ID 18864

Investor is an investor and company building program for student entrepreneurs who are solving big problems.

ID 83449

Erica Douglass


CEO, @marketvibe. As seen in Inc. & Forbes. Marketing expert. Running tech companies for 12+ years; run hugely popular entrepreneurship blog at

ID 28282

Howard Marks


co-founder Activision ATVI $14B cap, founder @acclaim-games (sold to @playdom). Founder and managing partner @startenginela LA's largest accelerator.

ID 183586

Matt Thomson


Founder and CEO @wavecation • Studied at @pepperdine-university University. Formerly started successful SUP business

ID 70969

Larry Walker


Investor in @finsix-1, @calxeda, @pirus-networks, @current-analysis, @jam-technologies, @ciclon-semiconductor-device-corporation, @surgient-networks, @sirocco...

ID 329737

David Bettner


Co-founded Newtoy, Words with Friends and the With Friends franchise. Sold to Zynga in 2010. Co-founded Curious in 2013.

ID 262897

Chad Keck

Founder & CEO @promoter-io, Advisor @remote-garage, Leader @appfog, launched @hp-cloud, helped build & launch cloud platforms @rackspace.

ID 35890

Paul Ford

VP Product & Marketing @sendgrid Entrepreneur, Technologist, Strategist, Startup Advisor, VC Whisperer, Connector of Dots, Marketer & Creator of Cool Stuff

ID 56308

Mark Hicks


MSTC graduate, Public Speaker, Drupal developer, strategic thinker, investor since 2009. Looking for an active investment/participation in web-based B2B.

ID 402698

Eric Gould Bear


Founded MONKEYmedia, 100+ patents & app's, former professor & executive, advises in user experience strategy & intellectual property, Partner @capitalfactory.

ID 215743

Travis Devitt


Angel Investor and Growth Hacker helping early stage companies solve their toughest problems around user acquisition & retention, fundraising, and biz dev.

ID 42366

Meredith Maycotte

Co-Founder @umbel. Co-Founder @dishola. Marketing & Advertising Creative Director, past clients include CHANEL, Coca-Cola, Marriott. BS, University of Texas.

ID 50025

A.T. Fouty

Director of Engineering / RunTitle 12 years building scalable software systems M.S. Computer Science

ID 142252

Ashish Aggarwal

Startup Advisor / investor; Analytics @dell; Editor @yourstory-in; Worked @yahoo (5 years), OCA Ventures (Investor), Strong business & Tech skills, Kellogg MBA

ID 1190

Josh Jones-Dilworth


Founder and CEO of Jones-Dilworth, Inc. Co-founder at Totem, The Daily Dot.

ID 417573

Jeff Pinksa


MD Private Securities Group @sharespost; worked @wells-fargo, @stifel-nicolaus-weisel, @canaccord-adams; attended @university-of-colorado-boulder

ID 69131

Scott Miller


ID 306781

Robert Fabbio


Founded WhiteGlove Health (on-going concern), founded Agere (sold to Lucent), founded DAZEL (sold to HP), founded Tivoli (sold to IBM). Exper. operator and VC.

ID 48020

James Ledoux


Entrepreneur, ERP Training Expert, Angel Investor

ID 301905

Purav Patel


Owner of Village Liquors (Retail chain of Fine Wine and Spirits), active Angel and Advisor

ID 1345

Brad Wilson


Founder/CEO Creeris Ventures

ID 169679

Jason Aramburu


Founder @edyn. Founder re:char. Forbes 30 under 30. Ashoka Fellow. Echoing Green Fellow. Gates Foundation Grantee. Studied Ecology @princeton-university

ID 4908

Andrew Hunter

Founder/CEO Volume11 Media, Founder/CEO Gambit Labs, Co-founder Kickflip, angel investor, startup mentor

ID 147013

Naveed Lalani

Founder & CEO @portable-boutique-inc, Advisor @thiel-fellowship. Formerly - CSO @donornation , Co-Founder @rally, Investor (Acquired by Facebook).

ID 829810

Kathleen Blackwell


Kathleen Blackwell is a classically trained pianist. SONY CLASSICAL. Founded Saucy-Wear sold to Williams-Sonoma. Partner XYZ2Y Ventures.

ID 30967

Dana Severson


VP Sales @loot Founder @startups-anonymous. Former founder/CEO of @chasm-io. Writing at @pandomedia and @inc Marketing & growth guy. @angelpad Alum.

ID 50229

Evan Baehr


Cofounder, @able. Product, Marketing, Design. Worked at @facebook @clarium. Grad of @harvard-business-school, @yale-university MA, @princeton-university

ID 6099

Cyril Moutran


Cofounder at feedly. Partner at Makers Camp.

ID 308010

Andy Ulery

CEO/Founder theDrop • Worked in BD, Sales, Product and Ops for ad networks, publishers and a social analytics platform.

ID 95878

Brad Fults

I build excellent things for the web.

ID 56703

Courtney Powell

Founder/CEO @publikdemand, @leedseed-2 Founder, @boundless-network Founding Team ($50M/yr Rev), Enterprise Lead Gen Expert (@rackspace, Polycom, Verizon, Cisco)

ID 181143

Matthew Kimball


Investor @doctorbase, @gablit

ID 305570

Craig Harris


Craig is the CFO for Wild Basin Investments, LLC (“WBI”). He has held this position at WBI and its predecessor entities since 2001. WBI is a closely held venture investment company with a focus on direct early stage and “angel” investing. He has 20+ yea

ID 300912

Sean Spector


Founded Dropoff in late 2013 backed by a strong list of VCs and Angels. Prior to that co-founded GameFly in 2002 backed by Sequoia Capital and Tenaya Capital.

ID 189430

Kevin Doner


ID 170184

Matt Buck

I teach people to make Internets at @makersquare, formerly at @massrelevance, @rapid7, and several others • Full-stack (Rails) developer • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 47437

D. Keith Casey Jr.

User-focused technologist and developer, Professional agitator, Former @twilio Evangelist, BSEE from #1 Engineering School: @rose-hulman-institute-of-technology

ID 211905

Chris Weaver

Experienced hands-on startup guy. Technical chops. Business mind. I solve customer pains with tech that works.

ID 634678

Steve Semelsberger


Founder Alder Growth Partners. Operator at four startups with exits (two IPOs, two acquisitions). Duke MBA. Lived in Austin, New York, London, San Francisco.

ID 47222

Joseph Kelly


Co-founder of Infochimps, now a part of CSC

ID 324870

Shashi Vaswani


Ceo and President of About Time Inc , a distribution company which we grew to over 100 million in revenues WITHOUT giving up equity.

ID 187892

Rodrigo Tinajero


Serial Entrepreneur & Angel Investor. Founder, @gusanito • @intro marketing • Advisor at @grupo-manhattan • Investor @ohana

ID 177512

Matt Allison

Founder @trendkite. Worked @meltwater-group @Penn State fanatic.

ID 70150

Dan Graham


Founder & CEO

ID 33094

Kyle Cox


Austin Technology Incubator - IT/Wireless & On Campus Dev Portfolio Director, Investor, Serial Entrepreneur, MBA-Emory, BSEE-Georgia Tech

ID 52244

Eric Sung

Co-founded @loku (@500startups company, acquired by @groupon). @harvard-business-school @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 71475

Matt Peterson

Mobile Content Product Development Executive. I launch product.

ID 125679

Sangram Kadam

Sales/Financials @ordoro. Engineering, supply-chain management and partner marketing @dell. CS @NCState. MBA @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 96409

Jeff Harbach


Entrepreneur. Investor. Mentor. Former Executive Director of the Central Texas Angel Network; Kauffman Fellow; Owner of two 7-Eleven stores in Las Vegas, NV.

ID 121573

Zack Angelo

CTO at Vogistix, created vertical-specific VoIP applications. CIO at Versabar, built video and telemetry platform for monitoring oil infrastructure worldwide.

ID 41991

Raj Ramanan

Co-Founder & President/CFO @loku • Strong strategy/ops background (@kkr, @the-walt-disney-company Strat Planning, @mckinsey-company) • BBA @university-of-michigan

ID 244428

Dennis Kashkin


[email protected] - private exit Sr. [email protected] - IPO Angel investor @ctanangels

ID 182471

Hans Yeakel


Mentor @500startups. Lead sales & operations @appsumo. Previously founder and COO of ToneRite.

ID 243864

Jason George


Graduated from Texas Christian University

ID 43811

Jacqueline Hughes

Events Manager for @techstars Austin, Producer of Austin Startup Week, Most things at @craftlaunch, Dean for the Austin chapter of the Awesome Foundation.

ID 308173

Erik McMillan

CEO, Shelfbucks. Founder, BestFit Mobile. Founded/sold ProAce. University of Texas MIS Board. 15 Years Internet Development & Data.

ID 81440

Nick Macey


Chief Product Officer @rosetta-stone

ID 57963

Connor Hood

Co-founder at Written. Co-founded Wahooly (now Founded @the-site-slinger, sold to Capital Thought.

ID 107095

Jagath Narayan

CEO/data-monkey/growth-hacker @ordoro. Bringing usability and good design to the boring space of supply-chain-management. And customers love it so far.

ID 1314

Rodney Gibbs

Founder of @ricochet-labs • Founded @fizz-factor & sold it to Amaze Entertainment • Passion for mobile platforms and building stellar teams

ID 27231

Steven "Mick" Giles

Former Exec: UTV, EA, @turbine, SOE, @jellyvision Former Advisor: @ncsoft, ZeroG, DreamWorks, @globant Current Advisor: @claritics, @scent-sciences, @smilu-2, Gazillion

ID 109407

Jerry Bowerman

CEO of sonarDesign COO of Electronic Arts Canada CEO of Sentire VP/Founder WorldStream EVP Development/Marketing Sierra Online past board member at Lucasfilm

ID 134646

Glen Burchers

Successful entrepreneur at 5 startups. Global executive of successful marketing and sales teams. Excellent public speaker. Inspirational techno change agent.

ID 118887

Aaron Longnion

Founder @refynr • Worked at @homeaway, @adobe-systems • Studied at University of North Texas

ID 251206

Ash Maurya

Founder Spark59 - Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed.

ID 51737

Zaz Floreani


Diggin' big ideas, start-ups, and entrepreneurs. Dir of Corp Dev at a Texas startup. Wife of a Texas entrepreneur.

ID 58679

Kerry Rupp


CEO of @dreamit-ventures. Founded Holiday Golightly. Worked @jobster @lexisnexis. Studied at @harvard-business-school, @duke-university

ID 2914

Taylor Hou

Founder & Head of Product @remark • Learned SaaS @appfolio • Studied Supply Chain @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 35512

Joshua Shipsey


Investor in @mixbook, @boomerangs.

ID 826

Rudy Garza


Founded G51 Capital 25+ Investments, Acq by SAP, ADP, Cisco, Prudential & others, National network of G51 Venture Scholars w/10+ leading MBA prgms & 150+ Alumni

ID 134745

Robert Eanes

Founder at Pingboard

ID 178855

Jesse Lovelace

Founder @postmaster, TransLoc, co-founder @key-ingredient • Studied CS/Math at @north-carolina-state-university

ID 72005

Bradley Markham

Founder @tweettv. Former Googler. @stanford-university Alum. Based in Austin, TX.

ID 18515

Adam Dell


Partner at @austin-ventures

ID 3915

Michael Baird

Co-founder of @ricochet-labs. Tech Director of Fizz Factor, where I co-authored DS engine that's shipped 130+ SKUs and millions of units.

ID 230782

Barrett Wood


Founder @woodgen-1 • Investor @dreamit-ventures, @brideside

ID 122624

Robert Einspruch

Social/Mobile Game Product Manager. I work with great artists and great developers to make mobile and @facebook games fun.

ID 409024

John Graff


VP Sales and Marketing, National Instruments; BSEE UT-Austin; Advisory Board, myDials; Past-President, Austin Children's Museum (Thinkery)

ID 74087

Ryan Spraetz


Problem Solver. I like bouldering, building, coding, and winning. Co-Founder @keen-io-1 . 4+ years technical product experience at @salesforce. UIUC Engineering.

ID 3724

Cody Powell

Technical Cofounder, @famigo. Before that, tech lead and development manager at Grasshopper.

ID 254493

Heather Gore

Managing Partner, The Faction Agency. 18+ years of breakthrough marketing & PR campaigns. Yahoo!, Excite, Sun/Java, Sony, MobiTV, Simplee, Shockwave, Beatnik.

ID 89431

William Griggs


Founder @startup-slingshot • Head of Growth @cbanc-network • Customer Acquisiton @massrelevance (Acq) & @spredfast • Writer @mashable @venturebeat @ReadWrite

ID 280139

Kevin Kendall

Experienced guide, strategic thinker, designer.

ID 17782

Matt Langan

Product guy with a history of design, development, and marketing. Equal parts tactician and strategist.

ID 45418

Dave Verratti

Founder of Mercer Road Corp and @lookout-social . VP Business development at @vivox.

ID 580178

Sean Couch

I’m a digital media strategist, tech connoisseur, entrepreneur, photographer, husband, MBA, marketer @mass-relevance and co-founder of SceneScout

ID 314354

Jesse Weber


Commercial Real Estate Expert and Entrepreneur

ID 415259

Hoon Park


ID 225729

John Mauro

Product Manager and Designer. Worked in product at mobile payments startup and Y Combinator SaaS startup. Notre Dame engineering grad, Rice MBA 2012

ID 103927

Nathaniel Robinson


ID 54877

Matt Lyons


Partner at Andrews Kurth LLP

ID 144803

Aaron Longnion

Founder @refynr-1 • Worked at @homeaway, @adobe-systems • Studied at University of North Texas

ID 172619

Justin Jensen


Technologist. Photographer. Entrepreneur.

ID 78262

Ryan Michael

Pursuing elegance, currently @return-path

ID 362083

Angelos Angelou


ID 390075

Ben Gaddis


Innovation lead at T3. TechStars mentor. Angel investor.

ID 326934

Vivek Karuturi

Student @university-of-texas-austin . Most recently @facebook. Hacker Lounge + HackTX creator.

ID 40204

John Erik Metcalf


Founder @demand-analytics, @conjunctured • Work at @radius-4, @tiny-pictures • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 143260

Mark Allen

Product Management for @myfitnesspal, formerly at @yelp and I create great user experiences.

ID 113942

Brandon DuRette


Co-founder JustGolf • Lead developer / architect at @appconomy and @smart-bear • Division General Manager @smart-bear • SB CS from @massachusetts-institute-of-technology

ID 83420

David Johnston


Managing Director @dapps Fund I, Board Member @mastercoin-foundation, Co-Founder @api-network 10 X Entreprenur.

ID 205017

Sebastian Bruce

Founder @networklift • Worked at @thread-1, @balderdash • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 599278

Dustin Haver

Pixel Craftsman. UI/UX Designer @thirstie, Worked at @bigcommerce, @loku and Founder of Saturday Morning Design

ID 45798

Dave DeMink


Current: RVP, Sales - North America at @ringcentral. 12 years SMB Sales/Marketing experience - Loudcloud, WebEx, SuccessFactors, @ringcentral

ID 81916

Will Davis


Founder @able. Graduate of @harvard-business-school. Policy advisor @CapitolHill. I know just enough about enough to know I'm not enough.

ID 267877

James Clardy

20+ yrs Biz Dev, Tech Strategy & Alliances. Mentor @ TechStars, Startupbootcamp, Highway1. Leader at at Dell, Austin Ventures, Motorola, Crystal Semi, AMD.

ID 590208

Robert Tobolowsky


ID 157899

Gregory Green

Futurist, engineer, marketer, entrepreneur and executive "fixer". If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him...

ID 283130

Michael Yoch

SVP Product at HelloWallet, formerly at NPR. Product, strategy, and ops background. JD UT Austin.

ID 444677

Katy Hirschfeld

Owner of, National Collegiate Scholar, Free-lance artist, looking for a full-time job in an inspiring, creative, and passionate environment.

ID 324466

Heather J. Brunner


CEO @ WP Engine, COO @bazaarvoice 5 yrs, from 15M to $165M & IPO, BOD @looknook-1, Advisor @localeur and @loop&Tie

ID 45003

Jason Boulette


Partner at Boulette & Golden L.L.P.

ID 60370

Chris Boudreaux


Global Lead, Social Media at Accenture. Creator, Author, The Most Powerful Brand on Earth. MSCS and MBA, Univ. of Chicago.

ID 54918

Bart Bohn

Founder - Embrace, Ravel. Dir ATI's IT & Wireless Incubators. Founder - 3 Day Startup. Board-Moodfish. MoMoAustin. Entrepreneur Lounge. Andersen, BearingPoint.

ID 456469

Brian Cruver


Founder of Alert Media (2013), Co-Founder of Xenex (2009), angel investor, author, Texas MBA

ID 807313

Omeed Kazemi

Strategy & Analytics pro with experience in sales, marketing, lead generation, finance & operations. Worked at Facebook, LivingSocial, and Deloitte Consulting.

ID 173903

Peter Fossick


ID 72424

Dean Kakridas

MD @international-accelerator Founder @entreapp Worked at @frogdesign @opera-software @macromedia Strong background in Tech, UX Design, Business Development

ID 27610

Lynn Yeldell


Founder of L Style G Style. Investor in Rockify and Ticketbud.

ID 442100

Charles Sustaita

Extreme dedication to work, problem attacker, solution-driven, customer support guru, Corgi wrangler

ID 216979

Dallas Morgan

Former Head of Production at; Honors in Directing/Producing from Los Angeles Film School; Various roles on an assortment of film and TV productions

ID 39264

Brooke B Farrell

CEO, Founder @recyclematch; 10 yrs waste industry; '08 Mashable Best Environmental Site, for Waste Management Inc.

ID 363492

Carl Shepherd


Co founder, HomeAway, Inc.

ID 325965

Ed Anderson


Worked at CompuCom, ComputerLand, Computer Factory, American Express and various start-ups

ID 169965

Jason Bornhorst

CEO of @filament-labs. We help health professionals manage patients outside the clinic. Formerly @mobiata (acquired @expedia), @techarb, @mobil33t #umichfounder

ID 116601

Jacob Shea


Entrepreneur in Residence & Senior Associate at @monthly-ventures-1 , Software Architect turned Agency GM / CIO / CDO, Founder of Digital Boss.

ID 70301

Joe Mocquant

Entrepreneur & Designer. Co-Founder and CEO @ultime-combattant • Worked at @cloudflare • Studied at @epita Paris

ID 254207

Lauren DeLuca


Director @rivs, Advisor @chime-4, @archively @ginkgotree, Row One. MBA @kellogg-school-of-management, graduated Cum Laude @university-of-notre-dame 2001

ID 72113

Marc Yagjian


Founder of @tivoli-systems. Investor in @waveset, @sailpoint, @venafi, @intact-medical. Advisor to @swimtopia.

ID 162054

Richard M. Bagdonas


Co-founder and CTO at @mahana, founder and CTO at @subtledata. co-founder and COO at Remote Operations, and founder and Executive Director at Operation Turkey.

ID 255238

Ravi Kotichintala


Founder BOXC • Cofounded SocialMD, Syntric • Scalability Junkie • Lifted heavy Java in B2B at @alterpoint, @commerce-one, @exterprise-acquired-by-commerce-one • Background in Physics, CS & Art

ID 90702

Andrew Latimer

Rails Developer, Foosball Handicap

ID 184054

Amir Elaguizy


Y Combinator Alum - Founder @cratejoy • Founded MarketZero, Inc - Sold to Zynga • Worked at @zynga • Studied at @university-of-iowa

ID 511636

Bart Robertson


Experienced angel, CTO, cloud and big data - consultant, coach, and mentor - 20 years @msft

ID 46651

Brandon Marker


Analyst @techstars. Previously @microventures-1.

ID 336158

Justin Schmidt


worked at Sidecar, Google Offers, Groupon, HomeAway, Dell

ID 95299

Ryan Deiss


Founder, @digitalmarketer-com

ID 121321

Benjamin Trotter

CEO Founder of @storefront-social. Creator of SushiGuru, @storefront-social, @spekkle and many more. Global Marketing, International experience, fluent Japanese.

ID 83898

Austin Hallock

Co-founder of @clay-io. Entrepreneur. Developer. Previously at @intensedebate and @vigil-games.

ID 137199

Adam Hilss

Founder at @apollo-vibes @soundtap. Machine learning and infrastructure at @google. BSE in CS at Michigan, MS in CS at Texas. NSF Graduate Research Fellow.

ID 377820

Christopher Bartz


Software Engineer. BS/MS in Computer Science. Investments in technology and p2p lending.

ID 441265

David Lowe

CEO/Founder of Uberpong. Strong international business background and well traveled. Dale Carnegie graduate.

ID 282287

Jan Ryan

Co-Founder @social-dynamx • Worked at @ibm, @lithium-technologies • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1, @baylor-university

ID 165794

Sol Garger

Web developer and product manager. Currently working as a software engineer in Austin and also on a project of my own.

ID 447926

Forrest Dukes

Project Management Intern @ Phunware

ID 74935

Brian Curliss

Entrepreneur. Cofounder of @maillift #500Strong (Batch 007) Once Solo-Bootstrapped to $20k/mo in 6mo Specializes in SEO, pricing, analytics, users, and growth.

ID 107905

Dusty Jones

Co-Founder TrueAbility. MS Technology Commercialization, BS Mechanical Engineering. Ruby programmer. Worked at Freescale, @rackspace, and @teamsnap

ID 722823

Alex Turkovic

L&D pro, formerly at Dell. Now at Bigcommerce. I build learning programs that stick and regularly speak about learning innovation.

ID 35521

Eric Goldreyer


Founder and former CEO of @bedandbreakfast-com. Sold to HomeAway in March of 2010.

ID 296750

Benjamin Papillon

Worked at @umbel, @capitalfactory • Studied at @university-of-georgia

ID 251783

David Kanel

Co-Founder/CEO BOXC • Cofounded Syntric, WhosIn • 1st bootstrapped startup during high school did $250K in revenue within a year. 2nd startup in college $1M revenue within 9 months. • 8 years international ecommerce experience.

ID 37201

Joshua Chodniewicz


Co-founded and served as CEO of @art-com, Inc., and currently serves on its Board of Directors.

ID 219700

Mark Warms


A co-founder of FX Alliance, taking the company from start-up to $620M IPO. Looking to help fledgling and medium size companies accelerate growth. Selectively investing where my experience will add value.

ID 109880

Alec Wilson

Director of Growth at Swiftype, Program Manager at 3 Day Startup. Previously Growth at; CampusExplorer, UCLA.

ID 244788

Josh Liss

Head of Product at Former Strategy consultant for fortune 50 then built a company of my own. Web and mobile background. University of Chicago grad.

ID 128590

Seth Page


Experienced tech entrepreneur, operator, investment banker & financier. Last 2 firms co-founded were both acquired Nov 2011. Just acquired mSpot for Samsung.

ID 1276

Tim Gasper

Product Manager at @infochimps, Founder at @keepstream. Customer Development, Product Management, Product Marketing, Biz Dev, Lean Startup.

ID 254630

Erik Josowitz


Vignette, SoloMio, Rocksteady, SocialText, Surgient, All Web Leads

ID 368201

Mike Smith


Full stack marketer. Lover of B2B SaaS. Intimately involved in hyper growth companies for 10+ years. Grew GetResponse, @bigcommerce , @firehost , @call-em-all.

ID 262587

David Orr


Software developer and entrepreneur, having developed and sold several internet and software start-ups.

ID 301934

John Charles Rodriguez (J-Ro)

Marketing, public and community relations strategy and execution, specializing in start up tech and entertainment.

ID 136844

Lyle Pratt

Software Developer, Entrepreneur, Founder of Better Voicemail. BS Economics, MBA, MS.

ID 154107

Cullen Wilson


Co-Founder & CTO at Lomaki. Previously co-founded Partnered & WPEngine. yCombinator S12.

ID 85058

Michael Pierce


Founder @equipboard • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1 @university-of-chicago

ID 405154

Keegan Jones

Product Designer. Previously Facebook & Gowalla.

ID 79212

Sarah Perez

Writes at TechCrunch. Email me! My favs: consumer web, social, e-/m-commerce, kids/family, mobile. Email: [email protected]/TestFlight: [email protected]

ID 402285

Chris McClelland

CEO at @brewbot. Technical director at @performa-sports. Almost finished a PhD in Computer Music at the Sonic Arts Research Centre.

ID 56426

Matthew Stephens

UX Designer & Founder of @mashboard, @deviantart-com • Worked at @onespot, @ateamo, @b-side-entertainment

ID 107943

Jonny Campbell

Design and co-founder of @brewbot. MA Multidisciplinary Design. Techstars Austin 2014.

ID 1851

John Paulos


Investor in @callspace, @open-labs, @quickfilter-technologies, @rfmicron.

ID 299440

Faraaz Ismail

Ruby and Rails developer, UT Austin Computer Science student, previous OtherInbox/Return Path intern,

ID 186087

Adrian Tavares

Designer, developer. Founder, developer at One Solstice. Worked at @zappos, @ness-computing Studied at @university-of-texas-austin

ID 7633

Hass Johnson

Acquisition Sales Executive @bigcommerce , McCombs MBA, Ex-Ford guy

ID 387567

Cynthia Balusek

Director, Client Experience at @bigcommerce Baylor EMBA Student. Worked at @outboundengine-1 , @convio, @motive, PeopleAdmin.

ID 436911

Kieran Graham

Architect and co-founder of @brewbot. Previously, CTO and co-founder of @airpos. Visual mind with immense desire for understanding. Techstars ATX initiate.

ID 148096

Austin Louden

Software Engineering Intern @pinterest. Formerly @stagebloc, @otherinbox.

ID 90918

Peter M. Elias

Founded successful web company in college. Founded Full stack engineer and polyglot with 12 years exp. Babson E-Tower Alumn ('08-'12)

ID 383435

Robin Thurston


Co-Founder & CEO of MapMyFitness, Inc.

ID 3751

John Sung Kim


Founder @five9 (NASDAQ: FIVN). Founder @doctorbase

ID 34841



Co-Founder @runcode @RCIT @Kyuda Ops and Finance @amazon @ge, @photobucket, @RebateNetworks. Angel Investor. Self-taught Engineer PhD in Finance, Uni. Mannheim

ID 416248

Kyle Mills Hall

Designer | Photographer | Entrepreneur | Music Lover | Human @phunware @sirtified-design

ID 67354

James Dickerson

Founder @ Crush Campaigns. Helping innovative co's acquire more customers. Previously founded Wellthy & @leap. Former associate at @lightbank.

ID 535950

Todd Plunk

Marketing Manager

ID 197194

Jon Loyens

Product Oriented Engineering Leader

ID 342554

Alex Sexton

ID 29008

Rajiv Bala


Investor in @phurnace-software, @digby, @sipera-systems, @libredigital, @invodo, @callvine. Team member of @s3-ventures.

ID 796262

Stacey Kohutek

Experienced professional in career transition looking for an opportunity to shine with a great company in a position that fits my drive and ambition.

ID 606179

Cody Valle

Studied at @university-of-north-texas

ID 362489

Bret Cox


Founder & CEO @hello, @evostor, @Radiant, @Micom • Product, Strategy, Culture, Design • 5x Founding CEO.

ID 3741

Donald Park


Investor in @mindjolt, @crimereports, @whaleshark-media, @dachis-group, @bbs-technologies, @powered, @famecast.

ID 61999

Faraaz Ismail

ID 444347

Steven Corcoran

Virginia Tech Alum, Founder @lawnstarter

ID 99876

Paul Janowitz


Founder @icanmakeitbetter, @sentient-services • Investor @greenling, @csidentity • Angel investing - tech, CPG, restaurants. Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 387758

Kenneth Murphy

Carnegie Mellon CS/HCI, Graduating 2014, Worked at Pinterest, Adobe. Front-end Engineer and Designer.

ID 54934

Jon Allen

Physicist specializing in distributed computation, scalability, graph processing, machine learning and PDE stability problems. Senior Data Scientist at @grockit.

ID 436677

Justin Litchfield

Founder Obsidian. Director of engineering at @ownlocal, studied at @stanford-university (PhD Chemistry)

ID 771384

Jay Perkins

Top sales professional with 7 years of experience in client communication and the implementation and execution of solutions to individuals and businesses.

ID 285633

Patrick Barrett

Founder & Head of UX, Greater Good Labs

ID 117651

Sam Onat Yilmaz


Managing Partner @dapps-fund-i Board Member @mastercoin-foundation ED @bitangels Triple Major('10) & MS Engineering ('12) @johns-hopkins-university

ID 152169

Cameron Hotchkies

Early employee at @tabbedout. Founding member of the TippingPoint Zero Day Initiative team. Pioneer in automated blind SQL exploitation.

ID 503651

Graeme Waitzkin

Founder @rock12-security-architecture • Worked at @frog-design, @monitor-group, @ideo

ID 57786

Lander Coronado-Garcia

CEO at @thread-1.

ID 68112

Michael McDaniel

Founder & CEO @reaction. Former Principal Designer @frog-design for clients like HP, Comcast, Honeywell, & Disney. Business strategist & frequent TED speaker.

ID 57433

Joel Fontenot


Trailblazer Capital Managing Partner. Micro VC focused in Texas. Startup founder of Metreos, sold to Cisco. Early stage entrepreneur and investor.

ID 228958

Alex Morse

Chief Technical Omnivore. Photographer, designer, philosopher-king. Fascinated by learning how things work, and making them work better... including people.

ID 271467

Becky Banasik

Leading teams that create & deliver data-driven strategies and solutions for some of the world's leading brands @circle-media @bazaarvoice @accenture .

ID 255496

Tim Liner

Ruby developer

ID 3616

Mason Arnold


Serial Entrepreneur, Sustainability & Organic nut, trying to change the world

ID 403940

Rachel Dawes

ID 109409

Bryan Shepard


CEO/Co-founder of @sweepio . Start-up Guy, three startups, two successful exits, one IPO. Dad of 2, husband of 1.

ID 490173

Sachin Wadhawan

Startup, acquisition, IPO experience, MBA, Technical and business skills, customer services excellence

ID 262377

Colin Anawaty

Cofounder of @FilamentLabs. Founded Plerts (acq'd 2010). EIR & Product Director at Rev Worldwide. Prototyped game platform used by Riot Games & id Software.

ID 31684

Anthony Broad-Crawford

CPO @giveforward , Formerly CTO @within3 , Executive Director @startupbus , Entreprise Product Architect @progressive-insurance

ID 168486

William Yarbrough

UX Designer; Worked at @dell, @demand-media • Passionate about user-centered design.

ID 31310

Derick Thompson

Founder of DailyDigital Agency,,, StartupRunner.

ID 79924

Conall Arora

@seer, @soros-hedge-fund @matlinpatterson @goldman-sachs, @columbia-university University

ID 410598

Allison Netzer

Creative. Calm. Confident. Worked @phunware @dell. Strong sales and marketing background. 15 years experience but every day is a school day.

ID 5859

Karen Bantuveris

Founder & CEO of @volunteerspot - the leading USEFUL real-world coordiantion tool on the web. > 4 Million users and growing! Former CEO, Radiance Learning.

ID 300034

Blake Borgeson


Co-founder @RecursionPharma: turning drug discovery into an information science. Co-bootstrapped to $50M+ 2013 revenue. Computational biologist.

ID 22445

JC Butler


Co-Founder @ Over 8 years grew from 2 to 200 in 11 markets before moving to board + partial exit. Believer in culture, talent, fun, and purpose.

ID 103119

Xin Chung

Founder & CEO of TrustCloud. Social media, games, 3D film, & China biz background. Worked at @microsoft & @sony. @santa-clara-university University

ID 522810

Kurt Wilkin


Founded The Controller Group (sold to Tatum), founded HireBetter to help high growth companies scale, angel investor, advisor, YPO officer and board member

ID 258859

Steve Sachs

CEO OneSpot, Founder/President Real Simple, Founder Maghound, TechStars NY mentor, Boards of NextIssue, Texas Tribune. Stanford GSB and Penn alum.

ID 806444

Goke Pelemo

Software support and operations expert; passionate about crafting unique customer experiences, leading teams and working with purpose driven startups.

ID 101899

John Curtis


CEO at @quotient-solutions-inc

ID 233318

Aamer Husain

•BS in Computer Science The University of Texas at Austin: Spring 2013 • Self-motivated software developer • Developer of several successful iPhone apps

ID 218545

Mark Davidson

CMO @octane-lending • High performance marketer & conversation optimizer • Co-founder @cheggin, @odigger and @captureseo • @boston-university Alum

ID 294919

Frankie Arvelo

Texas MBA, Product Management, Penn Law Attorney, Goldman Sachs, Value Adder looking for a Game Changing Company to Join

ID 96867

Josh Rickel

VP, Media & Entertainment, Spredfast (formerly Mass Relevance), adventurer, technophile, gear junkie, mass media glutton, photographer, and foodie

ID 61884

Justin Kvasnicka


Sr. Strategy Advisor, Dell, Inc. Formerly Fund Manager, BR Venture Fund; Senior Analyst, Capital Southwest Corporation; Analyst, JP Morgan Investment Bank.

ID 444475

Ryan Farley

Hokie Alum, currently Co-founder @lawnstarter.

ID 229426

Vik Vad


Founder @om-capital-management, @catalyst-communications

ID 212559

Evan Hammer

CEO at @smart-host • Sales Engineer at @autonomy • Computer Science at @brown-university

ID 169816

Marko Kruustuk

Founder @testlio. Hacker since 12. Founded 1st software startup out of high school.

ID 99614

Alan Schoenbaum


Sr. Vice President & General Counsel at @rackspace Hosting

ID 782

Matthew Wensing

Co-founder & CEO of @riskpulse. Previously Software Engineer @mcmaster-carr-supply-co. Studied at @university-of-chicago.

ID 162929

Patrick Madden

Worked at @hft-quant-hedge-fund, @ibm. Studied Physics at UT: Dallas. 1st startup in high school. Solid technical background.

ID 95117

John Cox


CEO and Founder Visible Health, @escalation-point • Worked at @trilogy, @coremetrics • Studied at @university-of-california-los-angeles, @university-of-southern-california, @university-of-texas-at-austin

ID 37281

John Engler

VP Sales at LiveIntent. Father, husband, entrepreneur, business consultant, catalyst, marketer, salesguy...

ID 60898

Andrea Besikof Kalmans


Tenaciously Delivering Results for Strategic Partnerships and New Business Development

ID 650072

Ricardo Vargas-Lugo

Founder @netero-inc . • International work experience at @microsoft, @apple , and @siemens • MBA @stanford-graduate-school-of-business

ID 6364

Emil Hajric

Founder of @helpjuice

ID 146327

Morgan Linton

CoFounder @fashion-metric, big data SaaS Fit Technology for apparel brands and retailers

ID 204997

Christina Trapolino

Director of Marketing at TravelShark. Advisor/consultant to various start-ups in Austin.

ID 11374

Noah Zandan

Founder @quantified-communications, @rockway-foundation • Worked at @brentwood Associates • Studied at @dartmouth-college, @kellogg-school-of-management

ID 97951

Nate McGuire

Founder @spokefly, @recipeas • Worked at @apple, @ernst-and-young , @the Site Slinger • Studied at @university-of-texas-austin

ID 96067

Alex Kilpatrick

Co-Founder & CTO at BeehiveID. PhD Computer Scientist, working in biometrics & machine learning

ID 554195

Jonas Weigert

VT:CS Grad, Founder at LawnStarter

ID 62259

Laurence Patrick Noonan


Senior Associate at @austin-ventures

ID 314412

Russ Krengel


Former CEO of Home Health Partners. VP of Lehman Brothers. MBA Finance. Swiss Army Knife of skills including Sales, Business Development, Finance & Leadership

ID 270359

Meghan Holzhauer

McCombs MBA Candidate, exploring the world of venture capital, entrepreneurship and tech startups

ID 39120

Brian Krpec

CEO & Founder of Big Data Elephants and Group Sergeant LLC, 15+ yrs in Start-ups to enterprise software space. Know a thing or two about Big Data. Austin, TX

ID 95715

Mary Haskett

CEO BeehiveID. Started two companies, built teams and grew them to profitability, sold one to a defense contractor. BS Applied Math U Texas Dallas, MS Texas A&M

ID 324506

Brian Coppola


Lawyer/ Trader

ID 518854

Wendy Smith


Healthcare executive focused on innovation and operational efficiencies in healthcare delivery

ID 285033

Jay Panchal

CEO @goodybag   Georgia Tech Systems Engineer

ID 396050

Don Craven Jr


Founded Flood Data Services, sold to First American Financial (NYSE: FAF), Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year, founder of Mortgage Data Services, founder CrimeCheck; documentary filmmaker; BBA University of Texas

ID 294503

Aseem Ali

CEO/Co-Founder of, Student at The University of Texas at Austin (Mechanical Engineering)

ID 96570

Srini Kadamati

UT Austin Math/CS, Developer & Product person, Love for AI & NLP, interested in Education, Energy, & Healthcare, huge Data nerd

ID 333675

Jordan Gadapee

Creative Director, @radius HQ'd in SF working in ATX.

ID 31025

Kevin Koym

Founder of the @techranch. Serial entrepreneur that supports early stage tech entrepreneurs get their businesses launched.

ID 172462

Dave Raring

Founder Visible Health, @escalation-point • Worked at @trilogy, @3m • Studied at @university-of-california-davis

ID 183993

Michael Walsh

Founder @cariloop and Health 2.0 Dallas, Personal Trainer, @purdue-university University alum, living in Dallas, TX.

ID 118529

Shion Deysarkar


CEO & Founder, Datafiniti. Board Member, PFP Technology.

ID 289722

Peter Li

CEO of @atlas-wearables. Fellow @techstars. BS and MS in Biomedical Engineering and Tissue Engineering at @johns-hopkins-university. Does things, gets smarter.

ID 36407

Marc Mapes

Director of Product Management of Electronic Insight & Product Owner at Founder of and @fotacts.

ID 26124

Mason Hale

Hands-on CTO, designer & builder of things. Previously CTO at @onespot, Chief Technologist at @frog-design. MS Engineering/Management UT Austin 2004.

ID 55235

Matthew Wolf

Product Manager,@sharethrough @wikia; Associate PM at @bump-technologies, Consultant, CGI Federal; IT Advisory Intern, @kpmg; B.B.A. Computer Information Systems, @james-madison-university.

ID 123445

Alexandra Anderson

Community Manager and Marketer at Making Friends App, Customer Support at Pocket (Formerly Read it Later), Social Media Creator at Fashatude

ID 564870

Zixiao Wang

iOS Developer with UX background, UT Austin master degree, love startup and iOS development

ID 199301

Kristel Viidik

CEO of Testlio; software tester; creates and breaks software.

ID 321695

Jose Dunia

MS in Digital Arts & Sciences at UF, Bachelor Computer Engineering at USB, Worked at Grooveshark and co-founder at Powerdot

ID 358281

Steve Guengerich

Co-founder & VP, Marketing, Appconomy. Managing Director, BroadBrush Ventures. Deeply experienced, start-up player-coach.

ID 271988

David Berger

VP Corporate Development for Loop & Tie. Product marketing and partnership development background. Worked at Google and Appconomy.

ID 48313

Joshua Bauder

Email Marketing Manager at Boundless Network. Serial Entrepreneur, Former Silicon Valley Executive, Appeared in Entrepreneur Magazine

ID 513004

Patrick Adiaheno

Head of Product @thread-1

ID 186834

Zachary Dell

Founder @thread-1, @camp-spark-1

ID 387524

Branndon Stewart

CEO and Founder of @outboundengine-1, VP Marketing @boundless-network ($60M Rev), Product Mktg @troux-technologies, Tech Mktg @motive

ID 112037

Isaac Silverman

Head of Product @ BloomNation. Founder @ Playtivity. Former PM @ Zynga (Launched 22MM MAU Game + Honors CS + Class President @ Columbia

ID 156285

Jeff Burke

Founder Block Trading. Inc Magazine feature story Jan 1997. Founder PAK Interests. BA Economics, UT Austin. Innovative disruptor and believer in transparency.

ID 160011

Jonathan Grimes

Worked at @ownlocal, @thesquarefoot • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 692382

Patrick H Perrine


Founded (acquired 2011), Founded R. Cooper, Founded Think Tank Enterprises, Invested in Misterbnb, Published Author x2

ID 4681

Jose G. Gonzalez

Internet Entrepreneur at Matrix2012 Ventures, Inc.

ID 239353

Rishi Shah

ID 275866

Suaad Sait


InConcert acq by Tibco; Dazel acq by HP; Founder/VP Ventix acq by Motive went public (MOTV); ; Founder/CEO/now Chairman ReachForce - VC frm Austin Ventures, Dell, ...

ID 297211

Tom Klein

Entrepreneur • Executive co-founder iM5 • President PhoneDog Media, Monthly metrics: 10mil pageviews, 2.5mil uniques, 4 million video views

ID 230232

Daniel Jurek

Released patches to billions and consulted for the big guys. Living and breathing web apps. Cofounder and CTO at @maillift. Worked at @microsoft, @browsium.

ID 665452

John Ramsey


Specialize in large scale distribution for consumer products and investor bundling for early stage companies.

ID 95665

Howard R

director of engineering at Mass Relevance

ID 76012

Sri Sonti

Freelance Front-end dev + Wizard. Taking a break from studying MIS @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-1. Co-founded @remark @500startups

ID 309501

Steve Berneman

Founder and CEO @overdog. Strong legal, tech, and sports background. Princeton BA, Vanderbilt JD/MBA.

ID 16541

Chris Belew

Co-founder and CEO @apptive. Co-founder and VP Product & Strategy at Fusion Mobile. Worked at Motive and Accenture. UT Austin MBA, Venture Fellow 2004.

ID 298386

James Dixson

ID 57414

Graham McFarland

A practicing entrepreneur, knee deep in his fifth start-up. Successfully built, funded and exited multiple companies ranging from $10K to over $10M in sales.

ID 681508

Dustin Blanchard

Marketing and communications strategist; Front-end developer; Brisket lover.

ID 183919

Jeff Gemperle


20 years in technology sales. Helped start enterprise sales team for Winternals (purchased by Microsoft); Alliance sales manager for Sonicwall/Dell leading to Dell's purchase of Sonicwall; investor in SubtleData

ID 296104

Adam Johnson

ID 50257

Eric Anderson

Founder of StackEngine, former CTO and founder of CopperEgg (acquired by Idera 2013). Technology focused with a sense of business and execution.

ID 451916

Becky Jewell

Support and Marketing champion with a Master's in English: Digital Studies. Impossibly cheery, yet technical. Visual artist. Opportunity is everywhere.

ID 339822

Taylor McCaslin

User Experience Designer & Front End Developer with a passion for creating digital solutions that captivate and delight.

ID 435412

Bill Hendricks

CEO and Co-Founder of @common-form Leader and product guy who loves getting stuff done as fast as humanly possible.

ID 43484

Jordan Thaeler

Founded @whatsbusy. I execute like the Spanish Inquisition. Passionate about value. Conservative business models.

ID 194422

Adam Weisberg


ID 382685

Allen Torng

Co-founder @Cryoocyte | Patent Attorney @Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner

ID 519273

Chris Errett

IT Leader and Mentor, Senior Technical Project Manager, Process Improvement Specialist. The Guy Who Can Get Things Done.

ID 399014

Phillip Mertz


Co-Founder & Partner at Damodaran & Mertz.

ID 194377

Nathan K Smith

Investor| Austin Office & Retail Space Guru excited about Startups, New Businesses, Workspace & Employee Productivity | Avid Triathlete

ID 516318

Alex Leeson-Brown

Lead Web Designer for @radius-4 hailing from Nottingham, UK.

ID 473217

Matt Sartor

Genuine leader with proven ability to build, grow, and refine highly driven, client facing teams known for driving success throughout every level of business.

ID 196373

Joe Curry

Louisiana native now exploring Austin and building relationships @spredfast

ID 330848

Nikki Rostollan

Math Nerd, COO & Co-founder  @maillift

ID 181786

Alex Smith


Founder & CEO, LanternCRM.

ID 319461

Om Panchal

Founder & Chief Product Officer at Goodybag, Inc.

ID 1281

Stuart Rench

Serial entrepreneur, currently CEO at @ihiji. @georgia-institute-of-technology graduate. Bootstrapped and sold first company.

ID 67346

Jason Stoddard

Entrepreneur, agent in uncertainty. Husband. Conscious about: Life, Philosophy, Austin, SMB, Marketing, Startup, Exchange Systems, Golf, Politics.

ID 51221

Dan DeFelippi

@spokefly cofounder, former freelance web developer, consultant, hacker. Entrepreneur since kindergarden.

ID 136215

Zac Maurais

Cofounder of @favor.

ID 80941

Daniel Senyard

CEO and Founder of @vivogig. Director of Product at @tripchamp. South African born Austin dwelling music and travel nut. Media, writing & marketing background.

ID 95597

Ted Fifelski

Building a better world through open, friendly and secure mobile payments.

ID 138073

Choo Kim-Isgitt

ID 73452

Adrian Rego

CTO at @riskpulse, Previously Developer & Analyst at @florida-power-light • Studied at @florida-international-university

ID 6107

Roj Niyogi

Founder/CEO at Founder/President at Jutera Labs. Co-founder, MdotM/Matrigistics. Early employee @socialmedia-com

ID 151744

Andy Fletcher

Founder @local-plant-source • Worked at @intel, @amd • Studied at @university-of-michigan

ID 309044

Rich Warwick

Chief Operating Officer at Plum 3-time Founder, Veteran Exec of 7 previous startups and a strong track record of successfully delivering Hardware, Software and System products.

ID 329450

Chad Pavliska

CTO @thread-1

ID 57952

Neeraj Bansal


Co Founder and President - Siminars. Founded and Operated several ventures.

ID 182063

David Weiser

Founder & COO @lanterncrm-1

ID 20836

Pascal Nicolas

@salesvu CEO. Previously managed $80M enterprise software division at Dell.

ID 131432

Manuel Rosso

Founder/CEO at

ID 151425

Laura Roeder


in love with small businesses using the web to take matters into their own hands. founder of Edgar

ID 598967

Claire Vo

Founder @experiment-engine • Led Online Experience at @electronic-arts and Product Management @buildasign-com • Worked @uship-com

ID 114284

Doug Yeager

Co-founder of @simplytapp Founded @tradewind-technologies in 2005 (NFC company) which was acquired by SIRIT (SI on TSX) in 2006

ID 33741

Sebastian Hassinger

COO @brewbot, shipping the robots that make the beer. MBA @columbia-university & @london-business-school School, Startup advisor, product strategist

ID 193785

Albert Smith

Detailed-oriented marketing and business development professional of ten years driving sales and corporate market presence with superior results.

ID 74740

Jesse Silkoff

President & Co-Founder at @mytennislessons

ID 142105

Ben Doherty

CEO & Co-Founder of @favor

ID 228068

Tushar Jain

Founder @epatientfinder. Background in healthcare IT, corporate operations and sales. Degree from NYU Stern.

ID 309456

David Altounian


Founded Motion Computing. Partner at Capital Factory. 30 years new product intro experience in tech. Assistant Professor of Entrep at St. Edward's University

ID 300041

Rachel English

Co-Founder at Frontleaf. Previously customer success leader at Convio, nonprofit director of development, start-up operations & biz dev, Vassar College.

ID 288781

Evan Phelps

Founder/CEO itzat. Colby College. Background in Development Economics. Passion, Vision and Energy.

ID 505012

Jake Benson

Founder @libra • Worked at @capgemini • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1, @bocconi-university

ID 43752

Kirtus Dixon

Co-founder @cospace and @groupcharger. 4th startup: 1 sold. Engineering and Business Development background.

ID 46849

Ariane Fisher

Chief Operating Officer @storymix-media. Mech. Engineering w/ Honors, Stevens Tech. @apple Certified FCP & Motion Graphics. Engine Design and Field Service Engineer @ford-motor

ID 648329



Worked at @dell-inc, @gtsi-now-unicom-federal-systems • Studied at @howard-university

ID 135006

Truong-An (Bi) Thai

Founder FitChimp. Developer, Fitness Hacker. Worked at @crossfader, @flocasts. CS @university-of-texas-austin

ID 5670

Evan Kastner

Partner at leading technology and emerging growth focused firm in Austin

ID 276614

Jonathan Placa

Co-founder ProtoExchange • Techstars Alum

ID 175093

Azarias Reda

Lead data engineering @GOP • Founded @meritful • PhD Comp Sci from @UMich • Previously at @linkedin, @microsoft

ID 271898

Martijn de Kuijper

Co-founder Fosbury and Yunoo (acquired by AFAS). Internet entrepreneur. Member of elite groups called marathon runners and triathletes.

ID 270889

Keith Ubben


Founder @group-builder • Investor @tapatalk-1

ID 189611

Marcus Turner


Founder @atomic-axis, @duality-principle-consulting • Worked at @hp • Investor @meetmetix, @red-carpet-tickets

ID 233554

Bradley Potterbaum

Founder @ginx • Studied design in London England. Strong creative background. Led UX development at @sears-holdings-corporation and CSD of Austin TX

ID 590914

Morgan Bickle

VP of Client Services and former CTO @kinvey. @techstars alumni.

ID 48199

Oliver Treadwell

Web Developer with Startup/Venture Capital Background Open to Junior Dev Opportunities & Apprenticeships

ID 75853

Sara Rodell

Founder @loop-and-tie, former institutional stock broker at @ubs. UVA grad w/ a B.A. in Economics & Anthropology minor. Austin native, outdoors enthusiast

ID 90668

Chris Porch


President/COO at, CEO BetweenMarkets, Founder & VP at @trilogy Software. @stanford-university alum, investor.

ID 6723

Scott Owens

Co-Founder/CEO Do512 & @dostuff-media. Other Stuff.

ID 115498

Brian Fryer

UI/UX designer/developer in Austin

ID 189094

Michael Misikoff


ID 326634

Andy Wolfe

CEO @roikoi; Sr. Product @Square-Root; Genius Grant @bazaarvoice; Extreme Blue @ibm; Speak 4 Languages; 1 Patent & 2 Pending; & BA in CS from Columbia

ID 48138

Isaac Barchas


Advisor to @hoot-me.

ID 118549

Marc Mattox


Multiple failures. One great exit. Tech Advisor & Opportunist

ID 328361

Jim Curtin

Serial Entrepreneur specializing in disruptive technologies in enterprise infrastructure but increasingly interested in cloud, mobile and social opportunities.

ID 2732

Michael Maniscalco

Passionate Entrepreneur. Co-founded and actively growing @ihiji. Previously co-founded & sold a high end home automation firm. @georgia-institute-of-technology Computer Science.

ID 92198

David Rench

Experienced entrepreneur, currently Vice-President at @ihiji. @southern-methodist-university MBA. Previously founded and sold consulting / service business.

ID 78320

Hollyann Wood

Currently doing HR & Culture at @continuum-analytics. Previously:  Office Manager @infochimps, grew with them through a pivot & later an acquisition. #Macgyver

ID 185113

Erine Gray

Founder at Aunt Bertha Software. 12 years consulting experience. Saved the State of Texas $5 million per year in operating expenses. (MPAff, PMP, Programmer)

ID 362978

Chris Putnam


Early engineer at Facebook; toys and gaming perfectionist

ID 620209

Jenny Bebout

Founder and CXO at @pivot-freight • Studied at @kansas-state-university

ID 186782

Annie Hsieh

Senior developer at Written, previously developer at Vivogig, BSEE from UT Austin

ID 730686

Carlos Urreta

ID 46238

Jake Moilanen


Founded and sold @crowd-ignite. Business and technical background (MBA McCombs, CS Michigan). Focused on product development with practical innovation.

ID 8260

Chris Treadaway


Founder at @polygraph-media

ID 225822

Todd Krumholz


Sports Attorney with an emphasis on Athlete Endorsements,Founder @jtk-talent-llc • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1, @marquette-university

ID 378453

Ulises Ramirez-Roche

Web Developer & Indie Entrepreneur. JS Enthusiast. Working on @estereobit. To quickly learn more about me I'm at

ID 82951

Dirk Buikema

Co-founder @Hyperwear LLC and President and GC of Hyperwear INC. Strong strategy, business development, law and entrepreneurial skills from 19 years @motorola

ID 220528

Elom Tsogbe

CTO of NUVE 1st software and hardware startup out of college. BS. EE 2010, UT Austin. Worked at Cisco

ID 269451

Naqi Syed

Platform Agnostic Mobile Engineer. Co-Founder / CTO of BaseJump, LLC A boutique app development company.

ID 130683

Mike Pav

VP of Engineering at @spanning Cloud Apps

ID 117297

Patrick Perlmutter

Head up product & marketing @infinit. Former EIR @lecamping. BA @college-of-william-and-mary. MBA @hec-paris. Experience working @apple.

ID 90039

Charlie Plauche


Sr. Associate S3 Ventures. McCombs MBA. Frmly Harbert PE. Cancer survivor advocate.

ID 541096

Carson Krieg

Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Pivot Freight | Techstars Austin 2014

ID 1701

Ebetuel (Beto) Pallares


Worked at @at-kearney • Investor @lead Investor in Edioma Inc., @lead Investor in Fiberio Technology Corp. • Studied at @brandeis-university (Econ), UTEP PhD Intl Business

ID 5270

Jeb Boyt


Investor in @watchparty.

ID 89774

Khayyam Wakil

Created Transformational Gaming platform for Coke & Olympics. Winning team of game gets to carry the torch at the London 2012 Olympic Games.

ID 128837

Blake Garrett

Founder Aceable • Worked at @ernst-young • Studied at @boston-college

ID 18217

John Thornton

Investor in @idera, @dazle, @build-forge, @acorn-systems.

ID 48105

David Isquick

Media Solutions @ Facebook. MBA from University of Texas-Austin. BSE Mechanical Engineering from University of Michigan-AnnArbor

ID 46842

Mike Fisher

CEO @storymix-media. Aerospace Eng Deg U of Mich; System Eng at @ford-motor: worldwide sales presentations, Options Trader in Chicago: 5+M trading profits

ID 112111

John Phan

Co-founder @qwiqq • Previously @fortuno-lending • @tech Wildcatters '12 • Worked at @rbc-capital-markets • Education: BS, MBA

ID 69485

Francisco Prat

Co-Founder at @secondmic. 3rd Startup. Developer. Formerly @McKinsey &Company, @ubs, @general-electric @columbia-business-school School MBA. Engineer.

ID 119029

Jason Baldridge

Assoc. Prof., Computational Linguistics, UT Austin. Senior Data Scientist, Converseon. OpenNLP developer. Scala, Java, R, and Python programmer.

ID 387553

Frank Livaudais

Marathon Addict (153+ and counting), VP Engineering @outboundengine / @promo_labs, Wine and Food Lover, Husband of @stuperb and Father

ID 341743

Bryon Jacob


Principal Architect at HomeAway

ID 33226

Chris Gillan


Serial entrepreneur, investor, consultant. Co-Founder & VP Business Development of Gazzang.

ID 207844

Leonid Kurza

Technology commercialization

ID 528170

John Banczak


Executive Chairman - TurnKey Vacation Rentals. Principal - The Rockcliff Group. President - (Sold to AWAY).

ID 85323

Lara Jeremko


Co-Founder re:3D Venture Capital Fund Investor Angel Investor & Startup Advisor

ID 95565

Gregory O. Welch


Partner, Ingk Labs

ID 26425

Aaron Brazell

Former Co-Founder WPEngine, Former Director of Technology @b5media, Persistent Entrepreneur

ID 36058

Ralston Clarke

Coder @square, making commerce easy.

ID 69911

Jonathan Wasserstrum

Co-Founder at @thesquarefoot, Columbia MBA. Formerly Jones Lang LaSalle International Capital Group

ID 337677

Chris Bakotic


Management consultant; investor.

ID 822111

Beau Atwell

SaaS Sales Professional

ID 341543

James Truty

SW Engineer at @trendkite, Worked at @amd; Problem Solver Extraordinaire; Strong Software Background; Homebrewer by night

ID 61099

Ravi Rao


Founder @axelo-1, @humanitv-media-tech-film , @slm • Worked at @TwistedSports @axelo-1, @Humani @Akros• Studied at @concordia-university

ID 22896

Kyle Christian Steele

SourceCodeB46 Co-founder | Constant Insight Co-founder | Dreamit Alum | Former Educator | BCU Biology BS

ID 137094

Mike Langford

CEO of finservMarketing. Created Tweetworks to bring conversations to Twitter. 20yrs in financial services. Passion for tech, social media and video.

ID 252805

Barath Shankar Subramanian

Worked at @accel-partners, @frost-sullivan • Studied at @carnegie-mellon-university, @birla-institute-of-technology-and-science

ID 131544

Matthew Hall

Product Manager at @granicus. Previously at @aunt-bertha-software, @neighborland, @CodeforAmerica, and @openplans.

ID 626472

Ross Skinner

Startup Technical Recruiter

ID 83061

Jerry Damon Chang

Also founder at @fanitics. Background as Line Producer (film) and PgM (tech). Worked at Rovi. Two previous start-ups.

ID 38628

Kirk Brown

Co-Founder @dostuff-media. Developer @mysql / SUN. Developer @god-games / Take 2.

ID 182774

Laura Mayes

Studied at @baylor-university

ID 87573

Michael Dellanoce

Software Developer at @able. @rackspace Hosting alumnus. Virginia Tech Computer Science 2005.

ID 211637

Sanjay Nasta


Founding Member @e-learning-council. Founded @atomic-axis, @microassist. Investor @local-plant-source, @atomic-axis, @microassist, @meridian-solar.

ID 559612

Taylor Wilson

Artist Relations/Marketing at venture-backed music tech startup. Studied at Wake Forest University BA 2012.

ID 297275

Lawrence Swol

ID 648406

Dave Erb


Built and sold auto repair business. Currently own one. Consult for the automotive industry.

ID 3278

Michael Breen


Founder @Xtreme Power, CEO Growing Energy Labs, Inc. GELI • Investor @k Power • Studied at @Notre Dame, MBA @UT Austin

ID 364486

Rick Lundbom


Founder/CEO IR top 300 ecommerce network,,,, @livingdirect

ID 86147

Eric Danziger

Biz dev, finance and marketing for @genability-1, Previously an oil & gas investment banker. University of Texas MBA and BBA

ID 849741

Marzio Ghezzi


General Manager

ID 43398

Jack Holt, Co-Founder of Mattr

On 2d startup. Bootstrapped first for 8 yrs, accts like NYSE, BoA, P&G, HP. Sold interest in 1/11 to fund @mattr-1. Product dev & marketing.

ID 137283

Dan Driscoll

Founder, @reqwip. Board Chair, @prepify. Worked at: @expedia; @universal-sports, @city-fc. Studied at: @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-1, @pomona-college.

ID 235558

Joseph Kopser

CEO and Co-Founder @ridescout. Aerospace Engineer at West Point, MPA at Harvard Kennedy School, White House Champion of Change Recipient

ID 403006

Taylor Benefield


Work at @trinet • Studied at @texas-tech-university VP @bsfund Investor @aceable

ID 211233


Attorney & Entrepreneur. Founder @capitalready, @RamLawFirm and @fundgreenhouse • Studied at @stanford-university & @StMarysU

ID 95183

Chris Jones

Cofounder/CEO @ID8Big, Principal @omnipresentmedia • Marketing @axion Capital Mangement, Analyst @axion Opportunity Fund, Founder @3dauto-com, @MyAutoMd

ID 47356

Tim Hayden


Founder @44doors, @gameplan • Worked at @edelman • Studied at @texas-state-university-san-marcos

ID 127079

Patrick Duncan


Vice President , Business & Market Development at Cognite

ID 422060

Matt Swezey

Technologist that enjoys creating innovative solutions with substantial experience in product, web, mobile and some hardware. Full Stack Rails, EmberJS, iOS.

ID 184127

Evan Alter

I like shinny objects

ID 7666

Nikhil Daftary

Product Strategy | Product Marketing | Digital Strategy | Product Management

ID 161427

Shawn Bose


Poppabear, Interweb Genius, Closet Academic, Rumpshaker Extraordinaire, Dimpled & Dangerous. Founding team uShip, Founder of Deily, Investor in ATX Seed Fund.

ID 111387

David Henderson

Social, Mobile, Media, Entrepreneur - co-founder of socialeyes and socialmedia, early executive at @doubleclick and @matchlogic.

ID 34445

Taylor Brooks

Born in Atlanta; live in Austin. Auburn grad.

ID 62461

Stephen Straus


ID 493300

Jeremy Kandah


Founder BitAngels DApps Fund • Founded Appcasher, LLC • Worked at @flurry • Studied at @purdue-university, @the-college-of-william-and-mary

ID 219955

Kyle Samani

Entrepreneur. Intellectual. Capitalist. Writer. Healthcare technology pundit. CoFounder, CEO @pristine-1

ID 39565

Abe Marciano


Product Development @ebay-enterprise; Investor @ecquire.

ID 182093

John Sheets

CTO & technical co-founder at vivogig. Indie developer of SkronkBar music statusbar for OS X and (retired) PhotoFlick iPad app. Strong history with OOP and TDD.

ID 452918

Matt Jared

Web Designer. Learn to code and taco enthusiast.

ID 98057

Christian Primozich

Founder and CTO at Togga, Inc. (

ID 95997

Kyle Robertson

Engineer / IP Attorney / Entrepreneur. Founder @narrativedx & @icare. Advisor @nastraq. Attorney for @apple & @amazon. C++ @national-instruments.

ID 423373

JD Weinstein


@capitalfactory , Previously @UTHorizonFund

ID 510177

Sam Goodner


Founded Catapult Systems, Inquisite, Mobile Alchemy, and Slingrock.

ID 413993

Scott E. Pettit, CPA


Seed investor in ClearBlade.

ID 555587

Rayyan Islam

Entreprenuer | President @airocorp | VC Fellow @406-ventures | Former VC @wasabi-ventures | Business/Finance @deloitte @lazard @ubs | Sales. Marketing. PR.

ID 556288

Rajat Datta

Founder @britestream-networks • Worked at @skipstone-inc, @ibm-watson-research • Studied at @new-york-university

ID 458859

Jeremy Strauser

Advisor @toochill-games • Founder @bee-cave-games • Worked at @zynga, @electronic-arts • Studied at @george-washington-university

ID 95528

Brian Kurth

Founder of Pivot Planet, Inc.; Founder of VocationVacations; and former director at Telenisus & Ameritech.

ID 42337

Jered Kenna


Former Marine, Tradehill Founder, Owner of 20mission and investor.

ID 418107

Dorian Johnson

Worked at @heap, @eduvant • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 42202

Noam Reininger

Director - Dell Solution Centers Responsible for technical engagement centers across the US. Solutions include cloud, storage, VDI and unified fabrics.

ID 83127

Tarzan Sharif


I live to serve & support leaders. Creator of the category Innovation Commerce™, Father of Purpose Economics™, and Co-Head of State @viral-industries

ID 44702

Evan Hamamcy

Work @google (Motorola Mobility), Worked @motorola, @nasa, @Center for Space Research (CSR), @dell, @zimmer, @Applied Materials

ID 68125

Jonathan Dobbertin

Founder @callgrader, @cityvoice, and @bluematch. @dreamit-ventures alum. Beer lover, beard grower, bean counter.

ID 7821

Satish Kodukula

Co-Founder of Groupcharger, @nabthedeal and TheLunchDeal.Strong product development, technical strategy,operations and business development.2 startups sold.

ID 414260

Brian Hall


Experience building technologies and teams. Schooled in CS with subsequent sales and operational experience. MS CS Depaul, BS CS Vanderbilt

ID 300797

Shawn Ullman

Founder Feel Rich

ID 32002

Rob Neville


Founder @evity (sold to BMC software) $100M funded with one angel round

ID 263999

Justin Pope

Senior Engineer @boxc, Founder @phlybuy, Co-Founder @socialmd, Attended @university-of-texas-austin

ID 72926

Nicole Dimetman

Founder @embarkly; JD @university-of-texas-austin; Worked @akin-gump

ID 424876

Hamza A.

International marketing and communications professional. Worked at @microsoft @four-seasons-hotels-resorts @motionpoint

ID 243492

Brian Goldberg


Angel investor in CPG, energy, tech

ID 411639

Chris Aniszczyk


Head of Open Source at Twitter. Pragmatist. Avid Runner. Bourbon.

ID 311040

Patrick Kolencherry

Founder and CTO @pristine-1; Background in data visualisation, programming, and statistics.

ID 183710

John Mao

Worked at @calxeda, @netqos • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 345594

Hollis Tibbetts


High profile and well-known software executive - marketing, strategy, social media and technology expert.

ID 253719

Craig Hancock

ID 141026

Shayan Mohanty

Founder & CEO of FounderSchool, Lead Engineer @talksession. Former Lead Engineer @swrmit-inc

ID 377320

Dustin Wells


CEO, @headspring / Past-President, Entrepreneurs Organization (@EntrepreneurOrg), Austin, TX

ID 534057

David Bremer


I own a commercial real estate firm in Austin; We specialize in helping companies secure office space. Want to invest in local startups. Love the excitement.

ID 43447

Adam Alexander Salamon

Founder & COO at Founder & CRO of Jutera Labs, an idea to product incubator and holding company of @gush-2 and Sales guy #2 at @bazaarvoice.

ID 27611

James Weddle


@cospace. 8th startup, 3 sold. @arizona-state-university. Work: @digital-equipment-corporation @lockheed-martin @sandia-national-laboratory @jpmorgan-chase @sierra-health-services

ID 13161

Dean Cruse

Startup CMO in Austin, leading sales & marketing for Union Metrics. 4th-generation Texan, aspiring woodworker, lover of perfect tacos. Also, string.

ID 223780

Shaun Pendergast

Visual Designer / UI Superhero / Illustrator

ID 250808

Todd LeBaron


Founder OpenSymmetry, initial investor H.Bloom, initial investor Word Iz Bond, BOD Imotiva

ID 237841

Johan Borge


Founder @the-techmap, @texas-capital-real-estate-llc • Worked at @dell Computer, @dell • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1, @austin-college

ID 235150

Jay Hotaling

Founder @fastfig Inventor of @Touch-Not

ID 445317

Manish Patel


President & CIO of Woodbolt International. My interests include real estate development, startup financing, scaling companies from genesis to enterprise.

ID 99157

Will Johnson


ID 19671

Walt Roloson


Active Investor and Advisor. Currently leading Operations for Impossible Ventures. Previously at LinkedIn and Tiger Global.

ID 281803

Annie Chang

Developer @chasm-io. Hacker @doglog. Fellow @Hackbright Academy. Founder/CEO @Best_Chuck. Project manager @wikia, @Smalltown. Studied @UCI B.A. Psychology & Social Behavior

ID 665033

Max Pike

MBA candidate at McCombs. Operations & Strategy @haven. Former Class 1 Railroad consultant, biz dev at car2go, and operations at CAI.

ID 25872

Michael Witbrock

Founder @nz-com, Curious Cat Company. Worked at Cycorp, Lycos. AI and Natural Language background. Carnegie Mellon CS PhD.

ID 528000

Ted Nitka

Co-Founder EventSlice • Worked at @rackspace, @spiceworks • Studied at @university-of-colorado-boulder, @darden-graduate-school-of-business-administration

ID 345433


CEO/cofounder of Localeur, Emerging Business Leader of the Year by CapCity Chamber, co-author of Real Role Models, three-time finalist for Austin Under 40 Award

ID 462194

Matt Silk

Entrepreneur, investor and advisor to technology startups. CMO and Founder, Waterfall Mobile • Worked @xircom, @e-trade-financial • Studied @university-of-pennsylvania

ID 93263

Jaakko Piipponen

CEO & Founder at @remote-garage , previously founded Kiitos. • Worked at @credit-suisse • Studied at @university-of-southern-california, @helsinki-school-of-economics-and-business-administration

ID 182382

Chris Slaughter

Founder @lynx-laboratories • Worked at @university-of-texas-at-austin • Studied at @university-of-texas-austin

ID 27999

Jeffrey Fry


Investor in @videodisgo, @myturf, @cards-over-the-world, @hudesk, @vivian-s-muse, @trailer-food-diaries, @coax-corp.

ID 660981

Thomas M.

Co-Founder @shipster *Biz Dev & Partnerships* | Entrepreneur, hustler, team member. Love building businesses from the ground up. See you soon!

ID 142760

Brett Relander

Digital Marketing professional with specialties in social media, mobile, SEO, gamification, and lead generation. It's about results, nothing else.

ID 163451

Ajit Verghese

ID 156078

Praneeth Patlola

Founder @jobhuk @airwala-com @tata-consulting-services-tcs @accenture @at&t

ID 182163

Jeffrey Mahler

Founder @lynx-laboratories • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 11936

Colin Osburn

Enterprise IT, Mobile - • Founder of Etuvian • Worked at @trilogy, @Time Warner Cable • CIO for national automotive ecommerce brand •Studied at @carnegie-mellon-university

ID 514066

Zach Obront

Co-Founder of @book-in-a-box

ID 199771

Gabriel Shepherd

Tech Startup Entrepreneur- Biz Dev @wedgies, Community Liaison @sxsw @sxswv2v, Host of @dontsweattech podcast -Drinks @chopinvodka

ID 135997

Andrew Saunders

Integrated Marketing & Content Solutions Executive at CAA (@creative-artists-agency). Featured in Wired, Fast Company and Banff Media Festival.

ID 104403

Patrick McGuinness


CEO / founder at EduTech startup VeritasU. Entrepreneur and SW professional. Prior: CTO @ Engine, EDA mgr @ Freescale, Moto, CS PhD @ UIUC.

ID 31511

John Wolpert

At IBM, looking for interesting companies in API / Mobile. Founded Flywheel, spun it out of Best Buy, raised two rounds of funding, hired growth team.

ID 50313

Taylor Pechacek

Product Manager @maxwell-health • Studied at @university-of-north-texas • Behavior Design • User Experience • Strategic Thinker • Game Theory Enthusiast

ID 149970

Daniel Heron

Worked at @greenling • Studied at @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-mccombs-graduate-school-of-business

ID 243342

Jimmy Stewart


Co-Founder of Do512 in 2006. Specializing in brand marketing.

ID 389210

Aasim Saeed

Founder @TeleCog, Inc. • Worked at @McKinsey & Company • Medical Doctor • Studied at @duke (MD), @harvard (MPA) @rice (BA)

ID 302417

Toni Lane Casserly

CEO / Editor in Chief: CoinTelegraph. Advisor, ChangeTip. ENTJ. Strong background in creative business. UT/SCAD.

ID 8906

Nicholas Long

Technical Lead at Dreamworks Animation Co-Founder and CTO of glmps Co-Founder and CEO of Mixtape

ID 517426

Sam Gaddis


Cofounded Mutual Mobile

ID 381285

Taleeb Noormohamed


Seasoned, strategic tech entrepreneur and investor; strong experience working with startups to multibillion $ market cap companies. @princeton, @oxford.

ID 50309

Michael Olaya

Founder @pictrition • Studied Physics @university-of-north-texas

ID 366464

Melissa Wingard-Phillips

Growth hacker. Builder of products, markets, and communities in startups, NGOs, and corporations (Trilogy, BroadJump/Motive, Dell)

ID 6792

Daniel Keelan

Investor in @zynga, @accuwater.

ID 110543

James Vinson

Founder @vchain-solutions, @institute-for-supply-chain-innovation • Worked at @sony-music-entertainment, @motorola-solutions • Studied at @university-of-west-georgia

ID 471241

Venu Shamapant


Founder @liveoak-venture-partners • Worked at @mckinsey-company, @austin-ventures • Studied at @harvard-business-school, @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 84758

Paul Walhus

Founder, built the Spring, one of the first online communities along with the WELL. Manager of Computer Support at Sematech.

ID 161929

Marc Bhargava

Founder @petparent • Worked at @mckinsey-company, @Castanea Partners • Studied at @harvard-university

ID 524063

Daniel Kim

Looking for a full-time developer position starting on January of 2015!

ID 587191

Jeffery Garza

Sales Director at @local-plant-source • Worked at @yodle & @im5 • Studied at @united-states-naval-academy

ID 108177

Jason Randell

I was a banker until I realized that I was sitting on the wrong side of the table.

ID 51385

Jack McGary

Team member of @speakermix.

ID 344604

John Ellis

Industry veteran with a 20 year background in embedded device development and enterprise data center management. Member of the Linux Foundation's JTAC.

ID 172697

Anthony Morales

Rails-friendly UI Designer, map fiend, @thankthanknotes writer. Has never seen America's Next Top Model. And doesn't want to.

ID 10721

Kyle Bunch

Group Director, Mobile & Social Platforms at @r-ga. Co-Founder of @blogs-with-balls, @seointelligence and @blogebrity.

ID 187977

Sanjay Lall


ID 566524

Melissa Skevington

Worked at @prophecy-sciences

ID 66207

Max Loukianov

CTO at @gimme-3; worked at @ichat, Cisco, @openwave, @broadvision. @carnegie-mellon-university / Pittsburg Supercomputer Center. Rocket scientist turned software engineer.

ID 206817

Waytao Shing

COO at @remark • Studied Neurobiology @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 51961

Jesse Dyer

Founder&CEO MeetMePay, Inc, operator of We are the only social network for tickets , featuring patent pending P2P fraud proof sales technology.

ID 403866

Heather S Miller

Marketing Director @able Strong B2C background. Past clients: @car2go, @AT&T. Worked @gsd-m-advertising, @enviromedia Masters in Mktg @texas-a-m-university.

ID 331576

Trey Halbert


Trey Halbert represents more than 18 years of solid expertise in the employee benefits industry. Trey specializes in plan design, implementation, risk and financial management focused on reducing employee turnover while controlling plan costs. Mr. Halbert

ID 61753

David Brubaker

Founder at @dabl Intern Undergrad Sr. Analyst at Dell Intern Undergrad at @hewlett-packard

ID 88899

Josh Alexander, CFA

Co-Founder & CEO of @toopher. Delivering Disruptive Innovation Entrepreneur. Professor. Executive. Advisor. Investor. <@wharton-school, @stanford-university, UT Austin>

ID 74084

Gary Glass


Technophile. Founder @CapitalCityVentures. Mentor @longhornstartup @capitalfactory . Worked @xensource @citrix @objectrocket @rackspace

ID 61050

Bob Bridge


CEO at InView Technology Corporation

ID 27943

Jeffrey Fry

Marketing / Sales Guru, Multiple Start Ups to his credit

ID 102834

Andy Ambrose


ID 874414

Carlos Rivera

ID 221695

Julie Rachui

Founder/Investor @sp3-group • Worked at @wayport, @quickarrow, @deja-com • Startup/Growth Expert in areas of Ops, HR, Finance, Facilities, IT • Studied at TAMU

ID 216732

Sonya Eick

Currently Python Developer @cisco; Hardware Hacker & Maker; Studied Architecture at NMU.

ID 595811

David Godwin


Experienced technology entrepreneur and investor. Sectors of expertise include Interactive, Marketing, Healthcare, Emergency Management, and Gaming sectors. Current goal includes driving Alert Media into a leadership position in the emergency notificatio

ID 27839

Barry Thornton

Serial entrepreneur-Founder of @clearcube, is about critical thinking and innovation in the post-industrial age where applied anthropology is your 6-gun

ID 75850


Founder @pragma, Secret Laboratory • Worked at @microsoft, @adaptive-path

ID 163001

April Downing

Co-founder Skyence; C-Level Exec @dachis-group @alterpoint @motive. Specialize in M&A, high-growth tech companies, finance & operations

ID 1596

Bill Clark


ID 192226

Damian Thompson


Sales Freak. Marketing Nerd. Biz Dev Dork. Leadership Geek. Founder of @demand-genesis VP North America @ground-labs

ID 14662

Jason Seiden

Co-founder & CEO of @brand-amper, a social media training company with a scalable, 1:1 training model. Background in both training & web technologies.

ID 507389

Ray Ho

Making magic at Twitter. Made magic at Cover (acquired by Twitter) and Path. Once a cubicle at Cisco. Hook'em.

ID 506069

Jake Koten

Front-End Developer; with Full Stack Exp.

ID 82258

Chad Sakonchick

Founder @restlessnapkin, @posima • Worked at @dell, @pervasive-software • Studied at @university-of-texas-austin

ID 721196

Brooke McKinsey Henckel

ID 86916

Chad Huston


lawyer at Daffer McDaniel; multiple start-ups

ID 185903

Dennis Tracey


ID 131639

Remington Robertson

Product guru; design enthusiast; gentleman scoundrel. Founded two former startups with just under 1M in private angel investment.

ID 613012

William Morgan


Baylor MBA 2011, Helps run a Family Office with diverse investments, Involved with Baylor Angel Network since 2012

ID 55567

Samir Patodia

Investor Relations @equinix, Sales @bazaarvoice, Product Management @tangoe, Comp Sci Undergrad/MBA at UPenn/Wharton

ID 47723

AJ Archibald

Principal at Startup Culture. Been involved intimately with Social and Mobile Games for the last 5 years. Strong Biz Dev relationships built over the last 15yrs

ID 578757

Craig Lawrence


VP Marketing @solarbridge-technologies. Cleantech entreprenuer, exec. Ph.D. Engineering, product design, investing, marketing @ideo @accel-partners

ID 84127

Jonathan Kanarek

Currently at @cloudamize • Worked at @vast , @tenduit-software , @hewlett-packard, @compaq @b2e-solutions-llc

ID 2235

Shaun Sims


2X Entrepreneur (1 Exit); Mobile Product Manager @ XO Group (The Knot)

ID 140210

Blaine Nielsen


Co-Founder & President at @dropship-1. Experience: CEO of @doba, @dell, @ernst-young. 12+ years experience in the drop ship vertical.

ID 646378

Armando Vera III

UT-Austin BA/BS Grad; Strong international background (US, Mexico, Peru, Singapore, France); 'People Person'; Worked at Equipboard, Tocquigny, ACLU and UT.

ID 14072

Justin Yarmark


Founder|COO @fair-document; Investor|CSO @TheCottages; Founder @coach-explore @eziba-inc Worked @numesh-inc @annuity-systems-inc Studied @williams-college; US Ski Team

ID 57128

Tim McGee

Managing Director at Tolarus Partners

ID 73562

Son Hong

Chief of Staff @ HVF, LLC Strategy and Operations Associate and Program Manager at @liveops, Inc.

ID 153443

Ryan T Garner


Co-Founder at Clearhead; Former digital executive at Warner Music; Former product manager at JetBlue.

ID 54759

Damon Clinkscales


ID 19737

Steve Blackmon

Cofounder, Ravel

ID 28980

Eric Strait

Founder of @crowdflair @tech-hustlers-2 & Startupdelight(acquired in 2011). Lover of #comedy #socialmedia #entrepreneurship #tech #internetstartups #mobile #SXSW

ID 77035

Seth Black

Lead Developer @atlas-wearables Formerly CTO of @moniker-guitars, DBA at @rackspace and @at-t.

ID 114861

Osvaldo Ayala

Passionate about startup communities, supporting Startup Weekend and H/F, Growth strategist at Icalia Labs.

ID 131298

Ryan Cush


VP of Business Development, Food on the Table

ID 554938

Ben Munoz

Founder @ben-s-friends, @nadine-west • Worked at eToys • Studied at Stanford & Kellogg

ID 189585

Shawn Freeman

CMO of @subtledata. Senior Marketing Executive. Previously Dell (NASDAQ:DELL), Sony (NYSE:SNE), Critical Mass- Omnicom (NYSE:OMC), EuroRSCG-Havas (NYSE:HVA.PA)

ID 28826

Scott Leese

SVP Sales - OutboundEngine, VP Sales Main Street Hub, Reply! Inc., DotNext, Democrasoft, @arizona-state-university, Dominican Univ.

ID 90312

Joshua Pierce

Founder at @socratic-ventures-llc, Early team member @UniversityNow and @Synergis Education, Founder @Student Loan Benefits

ID 363201

Jonathan Simmons

Sr. UX designer, with years of experience building apps for enterprise customers. Process: idea, sketch, validate with customers, repeat. Use a bootstrap.

ID 69790

Jonathan Huang Van

Marketing at UTMcCombs - Frontier Ventures - Interact ATX - Rose Vacation Rentals - Fitness Adventures

ID 260605

Mario Facusse

Founder and CEO of Xyber Technologies

ID 116698

Brooks Morgan


• CEO @ GetAccepted • Venture Partner @ Learn Capital • COO @ Uversity - VCs: Founders Fund, Gates Fdn • VP Sales @ Infegy - Bootstrapped. First employee. 

ID 37566

Candice Roma

CEO, Co-founder, & Copywriter at EMuse Creative. BA @dartmouth-college College. MFA University of Notre Dame.

ID 37936

Jon Kolko

Design-Led Product Management & Innovation

ID 547392

Ernie Aguilar

An Embedded Systems Generalist with an extensive background in firmware, I enjoy building stuff, playing with sensors, and chewing on all sorts of puzzles.

ID 172821

Kylie Jack

Founder @front-gate-tickets, @source-spring • Worked at @sapient, @human-code • Studied at @alfred-university @saint-edward-s-university

ID 72308

Andy Keil

Product Strategy at @visage. Founder of @fu-weekend and Pop 'stache.

ID 295982

Nea North

Marketing - Operations; Diverse business career; Previous start up experience; B.S. in Marketing & Finance; M.A. in Advertising

ID 18798

Harvey Ring


Investor Small Companies

ID 7924

Steve Rafferty

Founder and CEO of ActiveProspect.

ID 57896

Michael D. Moffitt

PhD, 2007; MSE, 2006; MSE, 2005; BSE, 2003 (all University of Michigan, Ann Arbor). Winner of IBM Josef Raviv Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship. Really nice guy.

ID 25675

Chris Porch

Advisor @recyclematch, Founder and VP @trilogy Software, CEO BetweenMarkets, President & COO Zag/TrueCar, @stanford-university undergrad

ID 261112

Tim Kern

CEO of @getpromotd, Over a decade of experience in online marketing and sales.

ID 401496

Kim Love

Founder/CEO LoveLife. Food science/wellness thought leader. B of Sci in Nutrition @texas-christian-university.

ID 592244

Chris Gee

ID 75605

Jason Gill


Consultant/Angel/Advisor. Marketing/sales/bizdev/strategy for early stage start-up's. @polycom, @sonicwall, @sun, @Vocera. 2X Entrepreneur, MBA from IU/BA U.Va.

ID 575051

Poff Poffenberger

Front-end Dev. I've beaten Bop-It Extreme.

ID 750443

Alexandria Overton


ID 363863

Kevin Safford

Master's Thesis in Statistical Physics. Data Scientist specializing in predictive modeling, big data analytics, machine learning and time series forecasting.

ID 404517

Erin Mulligan Nelson


Global operating executive with focus on brandbuilding and innovation. CMO of Dell ($60B) & Bazaarvoice (led through IPO). Led global $16B business.

ID 32030

Private Leverage


Malcolm Sykes is investing in the Peer 2 Peer lending space.

ID 43838

Kristian Russell

User Experience maven. Founder @candyshop. Awards: Clio, Webby and TED Grant nom.

ID 31450

Mitch Jacobson

Co-Director, Clean Energy Incubator The University of Texas @ Austin, IC2 Institute

ID 518832

Antonio Buehler

Founder of @abrome, @peaceful-streets-project. Experience: education, social entrepreneurship, search fund, financial restructuring, military. Stanford MBA.

ID 143683

Michael Meehan

Serial entrepreneur and advisor to investors and startups. Founder/CEO Carbonetworks, iVeridis, TCR Innovations.

ID 461045

Joe Ross


Joe Ross is President and Co-Founder of CSID, with more than 15 years of experience in managing and directing corporate operations on an international level. Ross is responsible for all aspects of global operations, sales, marketing and client services fo

ID 237900

Sungho Yoo

Sales and Marketing Consultant. Always on the lookout for fun, life changing products, that want to grow big and tall :)

ID 107157

Tony Frey

CEO of @skyence. Product ownership for $50MM product lines. Broad background in SysMan, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, Information Governance and eDiscovery.

ID 17903


Building web brands since last century.

ID 57994

Moneet Singh

Founder, CEO at Siminars

ID 38436

Brand Winnie

Re-inventing Magazines @

ID 180906

Sandeep Parikh

Worked at @apple, @10gen-2 • Studied at @university-of-michigan, @university-of-texas-austin

ID 151294

Dave Jenkins

VP Marketing, Fluent Japanese, founder @mediabang-com • Worked @backcountry-com, @red-hat

ID 53114

Juan Rodriguez

http://[email protected]/in/juanrodriguez

ID 1605

John Michael Davis

Founder @kambit • CPA • Worked at @ernst-young • Studied at @university-of-arkansas • Masters of Accountancy • BSBA Accounting and Finance

ID 208895

Denise Court

VP of Marketing - Actively involved in bringing 6 early-stage companies to market, 2 IPO's and 2 acquisition exits.

ID 490007

Ramon E. Gonzalez IV

B2B Sales Rep with 10 years experience.

ID 142392

John Kestner

Founder @supermechanical

ID 7015

Dan Loewenherz

Founder @lionheart-software. Previously at @elm-city-labs. Applied Math @yale-university.

ID 98528

Prabhakar Gopalan

VP Products, Founder Whole Product Manager building behavior changing SaaS & Mobile Apps. Product Design, UX, Customer Development.

ID 285356

Christopher Fung 方令中

Accompanying ventures @AngelVestGroup. Empowering Chinese health consumers @JianshenHealth. Silicon Valley-born and China-bound. Distribute the future.

ID 305428

Hunter Monk

Bootstrapped MSPACES. Started outsource consulting and freelance SEM in high school.

ID 836327

Eric Fernandez

Eric Fernandez is a developer at AppSumo and SumoMe. Previously: Software engineer at General Dynamics. Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from MIT.

ID 629330

Eric W. Goh

Studied at @tufts-university

ID 12617

Chris Murphy

Co-founder Founder - @Locogno. Business and tech background with @accenture and @motive. Exits with @motive (IPO) & @reliant-data-systems (sale).

ID 399779

Chris Cowden

Passionate entrepeneur. Motivated, hard-working generalist.

ID 61806

Pranav Desai

Engineer @solspot-systems, Inc. BSEE UT Austin 2012. Dell Intern 2011. Raytheon Intern 2010.

ID 565054

Jason Ford


Founder @feedmagnet

ID 51994

Chris McKinzie

Passionate entrepreneur with strong product and business development skills.

ID 27789

Jeffrey Fry

I am considered an expert in marketing, sales, total quality management and continuous quality improvement.

ID 9654

Michele Skelding

ID 139572

Aidan Augustin

Co-Founder and CEO of @feathr. Kaizen practitioner with a passion for human interaction and an irrepressible drive to change the world.

ID 10141

Morgan Warstler

Co-Founder / CEO, GOVWHIZ. Storied start-up guy since mid 1990's, now doing Mobile Local Government.

ID 320760

Joe Stephens

Head of Business Development @remark (500 Startups, Batch 8), Lawyer, Published Writer, 11-time Ironman triathlete, dual citizen of Australia and the US.

ID 127592

Perry Nelson

Founder @nicely-noted . Passionate about stationery, design & the interwebs. Formerly @dell, @Wmag and @dwell online land. UT MBA 2010.

ID 123776

Dave Perry


Worked at @avocent, @TI, @tenduit-software • Investor @tenduit-software • Studied at @harvard-business-school, @hardin-simmons-university Teacher @ActonMBA

ID 79494

Philips Johnson

Founder Admosphere, Inc. • Worked at @thinktiv • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 91017

A. Pierre Yurow

Founder Blogcash | Founder Fitstarter Founder Ridehop | Founder Tesla Digital Founder, Spectrum Mobile Omnichannel, Multiscreen Innovation Serial Entrepreneur

ID 27125

Peter Fleckenstein

Founder Lifestr • Worked at @achieveglobal, @gartner-meta-group

ID 138812

Michael Braithwaite


CSO@ClearOne Exe@Smart acquired @GE 02 Founder@ADG acquired @Aurant 04 Founder@NetStreams acquired @clearone 09 Acquired@Magicbox 11 Acquired@VCON 12 Acquired@Spontainia 14

ID 344968

Alex Birkett

Marketing @lawnstarter & Arctica Race, Writer @ &, Educated @ University of Wisconsin

ID 10285

Jae Lee

Founder and CEO @movable-ads-llc

ID 254753

Jake Bailey

Co-Founder of @recommenu, and @emerson-accelerator, Formerly at @ditto and @wefunder

ID 105187

Aaron Sanchez

Electrical Engineering/Public Relations Senior @UTAustin , President of Technology Entrepreneurship Society: @TESatUT

ID 442927

Tim Sams

ID 77031

Felix Menard

Product guy. Founded @weroll @exitlist. Well-travelled, designed-focussed, art-lover, dedicated coder, bicycle rider.

ID 105482

Kevin Kenyon

Computer Science/Pure Mathematics - University of Texas at Austin Team member of @uthinktank

ID 260749

Marc Philobos

Head of Strategic Partnerships at Parking Panda and opened MetLife Stadium as an employee of the New York Jets. Former StubHub employee. Passion for Startups.

ID 496385

Adam Green


20+ years of experience in investment banking, venture capital, corporate strategy and global business development. Specialty areas include mobility, semiconductors, consumer products, consumer electronics and communications infrastructure.

ID 456252

Tim Steckler

Specializing in taking ideas to manufacturable hardware designs.

ID 193697

Adrian Arnet

Worked at @nuhabitat

ID 90411

Austin Lyons

engineer @riskpulse. previous: engineer at @intel, co-founder of @oso-technologies, MSEE @university-of-illinois-urbana-champaign BSEE @iowa-state-university

ID 357926

Thomas Brady

Hardware and software prototyper, interaction designer, systems thinker and humane design champion

ID 784815

Key DeVaughn

ID 24685

Hector Ruiz-Cardenas

Fmr Chmn/CEO AMD, Trustee Rand Corp and Rice U, Presidents Council of Advisors in Sci/Tech

ID 224171

Manoj Saxena


MD, The Entrepreneur's Fund. Former GM, @ibm Watson ; Founder & CEO @webify (Acquired by IBM) @Exterprise (Acquired by Commerce One). Board Member @ Various

ID 72988

Andy Sernovitz


Author: NYT Bestseller "Word of Mouth Marketing", Founder/CEO: &

ID 196521

Gregory S Fitzgerald

Founder @displaypoints, Incentto • Worked at @3com, @fortinet • Studied at @university-of-colorado-boulder, @emory-university

ID 69944

Chris Lamprecht


Founder of @searchify, employee #1 at

ID 220159

Joel Garcia Galan

CEO of Wirewatt, Inc. Previously App Engineer @schneider-electric . Electrical Engineer @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 713887

Niraj Patel

University of Texas at Austin Computer Science, Graduating Spring 2015, Interned at HomeAway

ID 32870

Lamar Romero

Worked at @ownlocal @dell, @fleet-physics - Sales systems driven marketer and promoter of products I believe in. Currently CEO Dragon Spirits Marketing

ID 78270

Daniel Garcia

Founder at

ID 50417

Gayathri Radhakrishnan

Corporate Development & Strategy for Dell Commercial business unit. Former VC & current Kauffman Fellow [email protected]/in/gradhakrishnan

ID 229301

Jeffrey Biles

Founder of Math Monsters. Versatile developer with deep knowledge of Ruby on Rails and Ember.js. Rapidly learning student of business and marketing. Educator.

ID 271276

Scott J. Beaudreau

Founder, CTO of @circleci Media. Previously Principal Dev/PM at Microsoft in Bing Semantic Index, Search Incubation, and Search UX. Deep technology+data science.

ID 61512

Sam Gosling

Co-founder of @spotsi; Professor at UT Austin; Author of "Snoop: What your stuff says about you"; Expert in the psychology of social media.

ID 200810

Alvaro Jimenez


Cofounder of Bandplify (Madrid) & more recently Notorious (NYC). Academic background: bachelors in Law & BA, masters in Int' Business Mgmnt, 5 languages.

ID 179956

Tony Aguilar

Co-Founder and Head of Product & Sales at Student Loan Benefits

ID 456293

Ricardo Soza

Software Architect and developer for products in a multitude of disciplines, everything from microcontroller firmware to enterprise level web applications..

ID 60908

Christopher Harman

CEO & Founder, Rail Yard, Inc. Founder of HCP Advisors, telecommunication and commercial real estate domain expertise.

ID 70684

Jose Rubio

Co-founder & CTO of Mineful a data driven email marketing software for e-commerce.

ID 264252

Sam Hyatt

Founder @locata-co. Previous founder @biicast.

ID 325734

Michael Scheschuk

Worked at Bricktrends, Dell,, Lucent Technologies, Merrill Lynch. MBA from Stanford in 2000.

ID 513585

Zal Bhathena

Worked at @escalation-point, @visible-health

ID 233154

Eris Stassi

Founder Ingredient 1. Previously UX @apple, VP of UX at @morgan-stanley and consultant to startups making positive change.

ID 383864

Drew Giovannoli

Worked at @fosbury • Studied at @kelley-school-of-business-indiana-university

ID 207803

Brandon Coleman III

Dynamic and forward-thinking leader with experience driving brand value and strategically positioning companies for profitable growth.

ID 59217

Brian Simmons

Founder of @eventslice. Taking the pain out of event planning! Worked @spiceworks @eds @realtytrac

ID 190866

Felix Orwa

Biz Dev Man @mind The Bridge. Valedictorian grad BSC Aviation Technology & Management CFII, MEI. Professional Pilot 1340 Hrs. Pilot of yr 2011 (1st yr on job).

ID 237789

Andrew Szatan

Full stack marketer raised on direct response, hooked on marketing tech. Helped edu startup grow to $100M+. NYU grad. The answer is usually "test it."

ID 283641

Kuba Kostecki

Enterprise Tech. Founder @globeshifts @compassionatefare others. Studied at @fordham-university & @warsaw-school-of-economics @built-in-colorado-2 @denver

ID 415311

Joss Scholten

Founder at @yonomi, @sentient-labs. Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1. I focus on the Internet of Things, Quantified Self, and Home Automation.

ID 241556

Christian B.

Founder @briefcase • Worked at @tubemogul, @adknowledge, @lightbridge-inc-2 @electronic-arts  @pandora Avid poker player & loving Dad

ID 457994

Eric Olszewski

UT Software Engineer, very versatile skillset, started an HR company and looking for something new.

ID 195543

Natasia Malaihollo

2-time startup founder; Chief Innovator @wyzerr. Former trademark and copyright agent to corporations, patent specialist to tech giants (Samsung, IBM).

ID 191924

Will Goldberg

ID 14841

Jef Sewell

Founder/CEO @Amplifier, Founder @despair-inc

ID 629142

Scott Francis


Co-founder and CTO of BP3, a business process company Interested in Tech, Apple, Startups, Austin, good food.

ID 99568

Michael Lubker

Game Project Manager and Designer

ID 213528

Albert Swantner

Founder @bohemian-innovation, CTO @reqwip, CTO @charity-miles. BS & MS Mechanical Engineering from @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 295838

Joe Edgar


Joe is an experienced entrepreneur and investor. He is actively involved with start-ups in Oregon, New York and Texas and has been an angel investor since 2004

ID 434081

Tyler Gray


CCO @microventures-1, @charles-schwab-and-company • Studied at @michigan-state-university, @saint-edward-s-university

ID 339790

Niraj Patel

University of Texas at Austin, Programmer, Graphic Designer, Internship Experience

ID 270343

Greg Porter


Angel Investor, Commercial RE Investor/Developer, Business Development for Hedge Fund, previously two start-ups including Wheelgroup acquired by Cisco Systems

ID 394513

Zach Kuzmic

Experienced UX/UI Designer with a passion for designing products that make a difference. Skilled in delivering highly-detailed annotated wireframes/mockups.

ID 456237

Nestor Hernandez

Broad range of software development experience and deep expertise of embedded systems.

ID 228473

Grishma Govani

Full stack marketer: Content, social media marketing, email marketing, copywriting and SEO

ID 248745

Devin Naquin

ID 572790

Sidhant Srikumar

Co-founder of @noki, CS student at UT, Interned at Amazon Web Services

ID 32872

Raul Trevino

Founder @participame-1. Former investment banker. Columbia and UT Austin.

ID 358163

David Loia


A 'growth guy'. Sales, marketing, business dev. Founder @wicked-cool-apps • Worked at @oracle-corporation, @siebel-systems • Engineer @stanford-university, MBA @harvard-business-school

ID 50987

Devin Fee

Founder of TeamWell. Built / sold / delivered in Healthcare Tech. Computer Engineering from Notre Dame. President of non-profit. Proven, experienced leader.

ID 86332

Tim Juravich

Technology and Product Focused Entrepreneur. 9 years experience as a product, program, and technology leader. I lead projects that scale, in every way.

ID 500457

Avery Walker

Marketing Consultant at Imagine If Inc.; Advertising and PR Background

ID 433866

Brian McGowan


Founder @peracon, @capital-properties

ID 73954

Taylor West

CEO @cheffedup. Built several startups, including a leader in physical media sales & buyback. Worked at WP Engine. Studied @san-diego-state-university

ID 68646

Trey Philips

Software engineer focused on web UI. Worked at @stubhub. Created Extended Info, first Facebook app to be acquired. Co-creator of Tweeting Too Hard.

ID 41096

Cam Houser

Founder/CEO of 3 Day Startup • Worked at @amplifier • Studied at @university-of-texas-austin, @davidson-college

ID 430246

Wes Kay

UT-Austin, B.S, CSM/CSPO Agile Professional Currently: Agile Coach at

ID 227597

James Moore

Bachelor's in CS; Full stack experience; rapid development in products

ID 3779

Caleb Gandara

Founder @degreecast. In the past, I worked on consumer-facing travel, dining, and job search products that many of us use today.

ID 91125

Christian Hunter


Founded a dozen co's, created 50,000+ jobs, & garnered 20 years as a tech-centric CEO developing & selling startups.

ID 31617

Mark Castleman


EIR @ Bell Labs

ID 90880

James Norris

Entrepreneur since 6. Focused on social and behavioral change. Co-built 6 startups. 4 secured/earned $100K+. Co-built 15 organizations. 3 majors/4 minors.

ID 64915

Lance Vaughn

Ruby on Rails evangelist and entrepreneur in Austin, TX. Owner of @cabforward and Co-founder of @lean-tail-labs.

ID 483399

Wes Little

MBA student skilled in marketing and business development, with a passion for assisting technology companies target and develop promising market opportunities.

ID 721644

Amanda Strickler

Data analysis, machine learning, software engineering, python enthusiast, University of Maryland CS.

ID 36203

Sree Nagarajan

Founder/CEO @colligent, Product Marketing at Talisma (Enterprise CRM)

ID 135118

Jonathan Rosenberg

Developing meaningful solutions for mobile devices.

ID 57343

Ricardo D. Sanchez


Worked at @homeaway, @bedandbreakfast-com

ID 174877

Michael Wei

Technical co-founder of halfpastnow. Passion for consumer web. Strong tech background and business interest. UT Austin Engineering/Business 2008

ID 250873

Mike Svatek

Chief Strategy Officer at @bazaarvoice

ID 170064

José Ancer

Tech & VC Lawyer, CTO @ MEMN - JD @harvard-law-school

ID 500651

Fernando Avalos

Works at @local-plant-source • Studied at @universidad-autonoma-de-queretaro

ID 628971

Chris Loughlin


CEO Travelzoo Inc. • Studied at @columbia-business-school, @university-of-california-berkeley

ID 13991

Court Rye

Worked at @google, @accenture • Studied at @university-of-colorado-boulder, @stanford-university

ID 535110

Ryan Crumley

Software Developer, Java, Python, Eclipse.

ID 501440

Zachery Jiwa

EiR at HHS, 2 Startups, Passionate about improving healthcare through technology. Curiosity and problem solving drive me. CS at OKState, Marketing at Kellogg

ID 225583

Andrew Le

Web developer at @libratax. Formerly @zeroblock.

ID 467722

Amanda Jones

MBA at UT McCombs 2014. Strong strategy consulting and analytics background (Deloitte) Focus on entrepreneurship with start-up experience and MBA roles

ID 27827

Gladys S. Fry

Career Executive in the US Dept of State

ID 439808

Kristin Floyd

Looking for career opportunity at an energetic Austin startup. Studied at WSU and a world traveler who loves engaging with people!

ID 294112

Preston Pham

Developer at Goodybag. Previously ConocoPhillips, The Home Depot. University of Texas at Austin C.S.

ID 123067

Gregory O. Odum

Founder Odum Capital LLC, Sinfra Resources • Worked at @wells-fargo, @t-mobile • Studied at @babson-college

ID 470233

Charlie Kolb

Founder @chiron-health • Worked at @maxymiser, @indeed-com • Studied at @middlebury-college, @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-mccombs-graduate-school-of-business

ID 54496

R. C Benkendorf


Investor in @savara Pharmaceuticals, @voxpath, @agile-planet, @loyalty3, @facilities-technology-group, @wavemax, @alliance-tech, @open-scan.

ID 228704

Michael Lobel

Product Development at @mytennislessons • Studied American Culture and Digital Games at @northwestern-university

ID 188341

Beto Juarez III

Experienced Product Builder • Co-Founder @spokeswap • @stanford-university '07, @MITSloan '13

ID 313609

Brandon Thomas

Product, business operations specialist. I like digging ditches a mile wide and a mile deep with a spoon, and/or navigating new terrain without a map...

ID 14528

Rich Winley

Founder @no-chains as my 4th company. With over 15 years experience in sales and marketing.

ID 232687

Jex Musa

Writer, connector, science nerd

ID 464890

Aaron Geiser

Works at @local-plant-source • Founded Pulsar Web Works • Studied at @columbus-college-of-art-design

ID 123342

Danny Tamez

Design Entrepreneur

ID 3481

Vamsi Mohun

Director of Strategic Alliances - Transcend Computing, Momentum Software; Founder - @entreave; MBA - Texas McCombs; Author - Wiley's Mastering Enterprise SOA

ID 135356

Paul DeVay

Design Lead & Meticulous Refiner of Good Ideas

ID 580440

Samuel Forman

university of Arizona CS/IS im all about the data and making it work for you.

ID 119224

Dillon Scott

Growth Hacker @fanswell Founder of @swappel, problem solver, entrepreneur, I love building things that are addicting.

ID 495766

Kaleb Fulgham

Engineering Lead at @favor. Focus on Front-end JavaScript. Love God. Love People. Love Coffee.

ID 763073

Jason Schklar

Game & Digital Media UX Consultant, UX Director @disney @zynga

ID 52355

Steve Green

CEO of @3-frogs-studios, Inc. Founded 4 Austin Startups, plus @trilogy and Austin Ventures backed @smart-technologies.

ID 85661

Gregory Jacobson MD

CEO and co-founder of @kainexus. Emergency Medicine physician.

ID 331923

Brad Becker

UX Strategy and Leadership. Chief Design Officer for @ibm Watson. Formerly: Chief Experience Officer at @buuteeq. Director of Product at @microsoft; Product Designer at @adobe; Dev lead. BS CompSci.

ID 226108

Dan Buzaid

Founding Member at @mytennislessons. Front End Developer and Instructor Onboarding.

ID 1612

Darren Trumeter


Founder & CEO of 1glance. Founded Infoware (sold to Question), founded myDials (sold to Adaptive Insights). COO of public company Citect (sold for 7x multiple).

ID 837741

J Major Ellis


Venture Intern at Capital Factory in Austin, Texas.

ID 329219

Liz Deering

Co-Founder @121giving. Interactive strategist with deep expertise in consumer engagement for retail and non-profit. Designer by trade, entrepreneur at heart.

ID 21697

Levi Lalla

Founder of piq Chocolates. Jack of all trades with Mechanical Engineering degree from MIT 2006.

ID 129565

Patrick Hitchins

Co-Founder of FitChimp. Sales Hustler...and distiller of value. Previously VP of Sales at Flocasts....and owner of "Coffee is for Closers" Trademark.

ID 271946

Paul Rafalowski


~20 year software veteran with strong executive, sales, marketing and technical background

ID 115196

Wade Floyd

Founder at, People Builder, Problem Solver

ID 27769

Joe McCann

Serial entrepreneur, designer, technologist, investor, musician and DJ. Obsessed with data, mobile and design. Technical background with biz dev brain.

ID 384752

David McCann

CTO CLEAResult, Co-Founder/CTO Bloomfire Inc. Former VP Service LifeSize. 17 years of software, hardware and services experience in start-ups/growth companies.

ID 305321

Jennifer Mansfield

Currently on my 3rd startup while running a Design & Media Agency. Seeking funding, Co-founder, COO and Intern help for a bootstrapped start-up, Happybelly Box.

ID 410364

Kathy Tran

Community Director of Switch • Worked on award winning games and now dedicated to empowering others though accessible education.

ID 62641

Mike Kuryak


The Leadership at K4 Group

ID 483243

Michael Brogioli, Ph.D.



ID 56229

Allen Weiner

It's a dry heat

ID 843230

Casey Marshall (Harold Marshall Jr.)

Experienced investor, operator and strategy consultant with 20 years of experience in energy and cleantech.

ID 115589

Parnell Springmeyer

Serial entrepreneur, polyglot engineer and journeyman, Techstars alum.

ID 665308

Jonny Kot

Start-up guru with four exits under my belt, looking for my next opportunity to work with a remarkable team on a remarkable problem that needs to be solved

ID 299233

Cary Prewitt

Founder Guns & Oil Brewing & Black Star Hospitality. Eo Member and board member.

ID 73051

Michael May

ID 316029

Rob Hanna


I guide social entrepreneurs and investors in blended value start-ups, meaning investing in businesses with ROI and net positive externalities for society.

ID 380986

Rich Fueller

Founder @cheffedup • Worked as a chef at fine dining restaurants Olivia, and Lambert's in Austin, TX.

ID 270796

Gordon Walton


Worked at @Electronic Arts, @sony, @Bioware Corp • I build and manage teams that build great interactive entertainment

ID 79286

The Interactive Resource

PR & Communications for startups. Business development. Event planning. Marketing.

ID 118237

Dai Truong


Associate in the Venture Capital practice at Austin Ventures ("AV") focused on Enterprise IT and Internet / Digital Media.

ID 568203

Shahzil Shaz Amin


Founder @blue-track-media, @plugged-inc • Managing Partner at @karlani-capital

ID 7122

Hoyt Prisock


Serial technology entrepreneur. Master of blending product skills, business model development and market vision.

ID 565865

Dagan Martinez-Vargas

Founder Peepsqueeze Inc. • Launched new programs for global clients • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 277216

Rushton McGarr

President & COO of and Founder @market-force-information • Worked at @dell • Studied at @university-of-north-carolina-chapel-hill

ID 71317

Jeff Dyck

Working on projects for community, world, and kingdom impact.

ID 294813

Bill Cox


Worked at @schlumberger, @tektronix

ID 90610

Ari Franklin

CMO at Uberpong • Founder of OurPangea • Founder of FundFit Collective • Years of experience in brand account management and interactive production experience

ID 543357

Kate Dailey

Founder @reqwip • Worked at @traiana, @codestreet • Studied at @bucknell-university

ID 385522

Trung Nguyen, PT

Founder FitChimp. Doctor of Physical Therapy; Fitness Expert

ID 282383

Mark Drosos

Founder Lodestone Social Media

ID 482592

Cree Crawford

Business & Product Development Artist . Monetization Specialist • Studied at @georgetown-university. Entertainment, Travel Tourism, Sports Marketing - Extensive Network

ID 435763

Krish Sailam

Senior Digital Media Startup Leader - strong ethics, focus on analytics and a long term relationship builder - Babson and Stockholm School of Economics graduate

ID 360807

Michael Pfister

Co-Founder @noki; iOS Development @retailmenot-inc Student at University of Texas Computer Science; Mobile Application Development; Web Development

ID 502622

Erik Cardenas

Founder & CEO at NavAssist • 12 years of experience in the health care and information systems field.

ID 81174

Chris Carter

ID 120473

Jeff SKI Kinsey

Entrepreneur. Rainmaker. Author. Journalist. Publisher. Speaker. Educator. Marketing Mad Man. Mobile App and Biz Dev for iOS/Droid/Kindle/Nook.

ID 187248

Deb Gabor


Brand Dominatrix and Investor Pitch Whisperer in Austin, TX. Investor and advisor in early stage digital media, software, hardware and services companies. Founded Sol Marketing -- brand strategy, market research and marketing services firms dedicated to b

ID 73042

Mohit Taneja

Computer Engineering @ut-austin, Passions: Energy Efficiency, Embedded Systems, Computer Architecture, Networking, Robotics and Food

ID 66214

Brandon Knicely

Entrepreneur, principal @wigwag, Co-founded @cor Advisors, CTO @onsite-access, VP @Harris/Caprock, Think big, use leverage, add value, listen well.

ID 242394

Venture Scholar

Mentoring leaders from top graduate schools across the country via access and review of Start-ups.

ID 227093

Matt Schultz

i like code

ID 525636

Anthony Blatner

ID 140088

David Cooper

President at @keyport • Senior operating roles in bus dev, finance, project management, IT and strategy in both public and private sectors • BSBA from @georgetown-university

ID 111061

Andrew Sanderson


@viral-industries • @pawnmystartup • Worked at @yodle, @innography • Studied at @university-of-north-texas, @southeastern-oklahoma-state-university

ID 68032

Dan Eyman

Adviser and Service Provider

ID 225630

Michael Roberts

Entrepreneur-Software Engineer/Architect

ID 400

Michael Rosenfelt


ID 507341

Wallace Smith


Partner, Smith Robertson Elliott & Douglas, LLP

ID 154211

Reid Calhoon

Founder @runtitle • Worked at @ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, @Arapahoe Resources • Studied at @furman-university

ID 116425

Yuen Yung

CEO of how do you roll?; Member of EO Austin; Board Member of the Austin Children's Museum; Certified Financial Planner; BBA from UT of Austin in Finance.

ID 135195

Mike McNeil

Creator of Sails.js. Founder of @balderdash. Startup hipster programming since childhood, hustling ever since.

ID 454918

Bar Bruhis

Founded West Campus Green Initiative, Graduated UT Austin, Founded VChain Solutions

ID 127488

Richard Dude

CEO & Co-Founder of QuantAdvisor

ID 325218

Ross Johnson

Texas MBA '13, Dartmouth BA, Lund U (Sweden) MSc in Sustainable Business Leadership, experience in SaaS product management/consulting/clean tech

ID 692024

Bradley Coburn

Founder Denko Coburn Lauff LLP • Studied at @wharton-school, @university-of-texas-school-of-law

ID 143544

Trac Stephenson

Founder & CEO BidStage, Inc SaaS

ID 107307

Elliott Counts

CEO of @roommatch • Director of Product at @neighborcity • Web Design & Product Enthusiast

ID 13265

PJ Brunet

Freelance Web Developer, Linux System Administrator, MySQL DBA, WordPress Programmer, Graphic Designer

ID 207935

Wolfgang Merkt

Serial Entrepreneur, Full-Stack Developer, Startup Coach., - Web, Desktop & App Consultant - Studied at UT Austin & Uni of Edinburgh

ID 124316

Anthony Erickson

CEO, Vision Quest Executive at @eye-in-the-sky-collective; lifelong musician, promoter, artist manager and booking agent; Voting Member of the Recording Academy

ID 250854

Alexandra Hill

Marketing Director at Fashion background in wholesale, retail, and ecommerce. Strong graphic design skills.

ID 739408

Caden Burross

ID 192942

Johnny Lee Clarke

Founder @maximum-balance-foundation-llc • Worked at @citysearch, @looksmart • Studied at @university-of-texas-san-antonio

ID 95268

Eric Yang

Operations GM for photography software startup @topaz-labs. Previously grew from zero to ~3M annual revenue in two years. Also co-founded @photowhoa.

ID 293143

Ed Rivadavia

ID 410542

Sarah Yu

MBA Candidate, Teach for America Alum, Worked at GSD&M, and

ID 884384

Tucker Gumber

Founder of FestEvo. Worlds first music festival critic. Strong sales background. Burner. 

ID 519503

Steve Beuerlein


President and founder of Burlington Ventures, Inc., a real estate investment and development company in Austin, Texas since 1988.

ID 200205

Justin Newlin

Co-Founder at Previsio. Entrepreneur, connector, dream big and act, believer in community.

ID 256334

Jay Moran


VP/Distinguished Engineer. Startup mentor/advisor. End-to-end system architecture and tech infrastructure. Tech finance planning & analysis. AOL, Perot, Tenet.

ID 185124

Shea Sulkin

Designer with six years experience working for large brands. Focus on UX/Visual Design and Product Management.

ID 5315

Mark Scolaro

Founder at @ucampus

ID 110101

Juan Montemayor

An exceptional problem solver with over 12 years experience working for high growth startups. MIT Bachelor of Science in Management Science.

ID 420644

Harsh Patel

Founder @makersquare, @portfoliyo, • Worked at @teach-for-america • Studied at @saint-louis-university.

ID 492843

Emily Gudeman

Serial business builder reputed to contribute knowledge to take your company to the next level through marketing, supporting sales efforts and client retention

ID 443295

Dan Benjamin

Founder of 5by5.

ID 117702

Corie Johnson

Founder Gifttt • Worked at @social-stock-3, @simple-indsutry • Studied at University of Arizona

ID 542562

Veronica Pike

Founder Med 2 You • Studied at @texas-tech-university, @samford-university, Nurse Practitioner

ID 37211

Saranyan Vigraham

Director of Product @bigcommerce (Developer ecosystem and Labs). Previously @ebay /@PayPal , @qualcomm. Comp Sci PhD.

ID 238902

Akash Bansal


Interested in early -stage startups (seed to pre-series A)

ID 483931

Jean Anne Booth

CEO of LifeAssist. Founded Luminary Micro (sold to TI, 2009). General Manager at TI. Founder Intrinsity (sold to Apple, 2010). BSEE UT-Austin, MSCompEng NTU.

ID 420238

Aaron Robb

Project manager, technology analyst, defense consultant

ID 61355

Lorin Rivers

Product Management & Marketing Professional

ID 462676

Husayn Alvarez-Gomariz

Founder @global-communication-leader-inc, @value-optimized-solutions-inc • Worked at @micron-technology • Studied at @northeastern-university, @saint-louis-university

ID 441568

Jennifer L. Wojcik [LION 2500+ Connections]

Marketer with HEAVY sales and lead gen background. B2B is ideal. At home in heavy analytics. Can drive sales/users. I "get" ROI. Strong, Experienced, Driven

ID 125444

Scott Thomas

President of Intelechy Group an Austin-based Marketing Firm with 16+ Years of Experience in the Tech Industry

ID 182510

Francisco Alvarado

Founder Servuss • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 35581

Michael Koetting

Product Manager at Civitas Learning and co-creator of Hoot.Me.

ID 5104

Paul Huggins

Partner at KHRG

ID 3499

Jeffrey Chambers

Founder of @vacationrentalsforsale-com. Investor in @mommymixer-com, @shared-earth. Team member of @property-maps, @homeaway, @vrbo.

ID 3490

Bob Wesson


Dr. Bob Wesson is a skilled executive, visionary entrepreneur, and adroit troubleshooter and turnaround expert. He has founded and sold 7 profitable tech companies.

ID 425296

Roy Sosa


Co-Founder: MPOWER Ventures, NetSpend (NTSP), REV Worldwide. Advisor, CGAP. Chairman, MPOWER Foundation. Co-Founder, Empowerment Lab @ Harvard. CGI Member.

ID 295227

Cherise Whitmen


In progress

ID 2884

Patrick Drew

Investor in @challenge-games.

ID 313153

Justin Perkins

ID 170308

Melissa Tyree

Founder @itography • Worked at @deloitte-consulting, @city-of-round-rock • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1 @texas A&M

ID 865605

Clyde Seepersad


Experienced software and education executive. BCG alum and former Rhodes Scholar

ID 454809

Ali Mavrakis

Co-Founder & CFO at Basedrive, Finance & CS student at UT, previously worked in banking, corporate FP&A, and startups.

ID 213437

Steven Lauver

Founder Nodify

ID 188856

Ivelin Ivanov


Founder @telestax-inc, @ringful-health • Worked at @red-hat, @bmc-software • Studied at @sofia-university-st-kliment-ohridski

ID 50550

Kevin Tang

Co-founder at @photowhoa. Started first startup in High School. Student at University of Texas Austin. Independent Filmmaker.

ID 394615

Richie Gordon


Studied at @university-of-southern-california

ID 52086

Shuja Rahman

Founder @Mzines Digital. Worked at @amazon • Studied at @chicago booth.

ID 356112

Sarah Murphy


ID 300948

Peter Mantas

President & CEO ► Problem Solver ► Tech Evangelist ► Mentor/Advisor

ID 682376

Thomas Fredell


Founded CTV, sold to IntraLinks. Grew IntraLinks to acquisition and later IPO (NYSE:IL). UVA undergrad, Wharton MBA.

ID 143716

Carolyn Harrold

SXSW Eco Startup Programming Producer @sxsw

ID 61065

Stephen Vogelpohl

Founder, CEO at Social Good TV

ID 144436

Benjamin Shank

Founder @Stret¢h, @xollage • Worked at @aol, @bae-systems • Studied at @WWU, @UW @columbia-university

ID 271140

Adam Masonbrink


VP of Sales at StatusLabs • Worked at @google • Studied at @university-of-kansas

ID 481653

Mateo Clarke

Full-stack developer, Makersquare & UT grad

ID 417347

Kimberlie Dykeman

Insightful Marketing Maven, Producer & Corporate Spokesperson specializing in StartUps & Product Launches. Armed and ready to knock things out of the park!

ID 131862

Jarett Rodriguez

Chief Innovation Officer - Bizzuka, Inc. Consultant for Innovation & Entrepreneurship Former, Associate Director LSU's Stephenson Entrepreneurship Institute;

ID 39903

Andrew Zimbroff


ID 393973

Howard Schechter

Extensive experience in Start-ups; building revenue and sales teams

ID 233682

Paul Swartzendruber

Founder @eclipse-led • Worked at @boxer, @homeaway • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 135216

Josh Huck

CEO/Co-founder of Heyride. Former creative consultant, journalist and co-founder of @gladpost-llc. Double BA from UT Austin w/highest honors.

ID 102393

Judy Wu

Co-Founder/CEO of beautybagg. Business background: The Boston Consulting Group, Strategy/Business Dev. at Neiman Marcus. MBA from The @wharton-school School.

ID 351656

Darren Amundson

I am looking to help an early stage startup with sales, marketing, business development, and raising money.

ID 90989


Former VP at Dell. EVP/CSO at McCann Worldgroup. EVP at Grey Global Group. Radically successful at agency innovation, strategy development and new-biz.

ID 323169

Ravi Jay Jhaveri, MD

Practicing Physician with over 20 years of involvement in the Healthcare Field. Interested in leveraging emerging technologies to enhance and simplify EMR usage.

ID 693840

Aisha Shaikh

ID 34127

Terry Peng


ID 208336

Dave Blake

Established Director of Product with founder and startup experience. Multiple sectors including education, government, finance and sports advertising.

ID 582524

Will Mitchell

Founder @homenity-1, Entrepreneur and Home Remodeler, Studied @McCombs and @virginia

ID 348728

Mark Troutfetter

Worked at @pristine-1, @national-instruments

ID 525221

Jimmy Song

Bitcoin Software Developer Extraordinaire.

ID 117574

Sara Mitran

RampCorp Entrepreneur program for Women. Regional Director for @cleantech-open. 3 corporate entrepreneurship ventures. UT-Austin MBA. @ibm, AMD and @microsoft.

ID 231879

Kimberly Kuettel

Founder and COO of SudoSearch (

ID 629558

John Federico

Worked at @sitespecific, @organic • Studied at @boston-university

ID 238435

Tyler Davis

Obj C debugger @howmuch; workforce data analyst @USAirForce; Studied Applied Mathematics and Computer Science @FloridaStateUniversity;

ID 212883

Lucas Schlager

Pragmatic, autodidactic, hyperflexible individual contributor. Let's build some products.

ID 307426

Benjamin Taylor

Co-founder, Creative at @weaver-labs & @mechamagizmo | prev. Engineer at @electronic-arts' @maxis on SimCity, @nexon | @carnegie-mellon-university alum

ID 22981

Richard Spiegel

Co-Founder and CEO 15 years experience in digital media marketing and project mgmt

ID 87600

Justin Kresge

Back in Austin looking to work in another startup - Lead Generation, Sales, Business Development

ID 49469

Michael Gualano

Founder @zipinion, @apartmentdeal • Worked at @homeaway, @rent101-com

ID 272189

Liangjun Jiang

Software Engineer

ID 569080

Mathan Parasuram

ID 606360

Eleanor Yang Lin

PhD student in Computational and Mathematical Engineering; MIT undergrad, double majored in Math and Aero/Astro; Worked at Apple

ID 394500

Aaron Alaniz

Developer for Pristine. Background in Software Engineering. Worked at Intel.

ID 105864

Yigit Yigiter

Director of Marketing & Gamification at e-learning company. Worked at @dell, @unilever, @sk-telecom. Studied at @harvard-business-school School

ID 710777

Temitope Abereoje

ID 296707

Learie Hercules

Founder @octavia-technologies • Worked at @nortel-networks, @ericsson • Studied at @university-of-the-west-indies, @university-of-california-berkeley

ID 419276

Chris Bauserman

Marketing and product leader: B2B SaaS + mobile. MIT Sloan MBA & Michigan engineer. Experience spans from 5 person startup to leading 100+ people at Tivoli.

ID 226237

Robert Hoskins

Founder @front-page-pr, @broadband-wireless-exchange-magazine • Worked at @mci-worldcom, @sprint-broadband-wireless-group • Studied at @texas-tech-university

ID 135046

Dustin Donnell


President at Gladiator Energy Services LLC

ID 186959

Robert Syvarth

Dev & NumberNerd @duxter. Created social group app with ~1M users in HS. EE @ UT

ID 267730

Michael Montaño

Lawyer, entrepreneur, and designer. Founder of Educated at @stanford and Yale.

ID 501332

Derrick Hinkle

Backend Software Engineer @pristine-1 , Philosophy degree from @university-of-maryland-college-park, Former consultant for Digital Flux

ID 563041

Le Tran

Worked at @corsa-ventures • Studied at @stanford-university, @yale-law-school

ID 219959

Arik Yaacob

"Talpiot" graduate, very experienced software developer. I can do everything by self learning and minimal mentoring

ID 551169

Adnan A. Raja, MSPM, PMP

Experienced Project Manager with Operations & Technical skills

ID 474474

Vijayan Shanmugam

Founder @global-communication-leader-inc, @value-optimized-solutions-inc • Worked at @micron-technology • Studied at @kongu-engineering-college-perundurai-erode

ID 173291

Jess Pendleton

Founder Something Local • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 447289

Eli Goldberg

Founder @Aware Engineering • Worked at @Golder Associates, @weston Solutions • Studied at @madison, @eth Zurich

ID 287373

Joey Grassia

Founder @kutoa-1 • Help build Global Marketing Solutions and Strategic Client Services at @facebook. Strategy for Red Bull, Revlon, Monster Energy, P&G, other CPG

ID 293533

Josh Bohls

Founder of @inkscreen - enterprise mobility. Previously Sunburst Digital, TippingPoint,and Seilevel.

ID 329115

Jon Hanks

Product Manager - Former: Game and Web Developer, Web Marketer, Data Scientist - Studied: MBA @university-of-texas-at-austin-1 Comp. Sci and Math @virginia-tech

ID 63680

Anthony Richardson

Author of "FULL-SCALE: How to Grow Any Startup Without a Plan or a Clue". Growth marketer, founder, board member, advisor etc.,

ID 253364

Robb Beal

Innovative digital product exec with start-up DNA. Worked for Laszlo Systems (General Catalyst Partners) and LucidEra (Benchmark) and have an exit to Sun (Karelia).

ID 30911

James Walsh

Founder @Cutting Edge Gamer. MBA from The University of Texas at Austin. BSE from Duke University.

ID 82669

Jeffrey Schwartz

UT Austin, Finance. CoFounder @loop-and-tie. Strong business background: @jefferies, New York (IB) / Sony Pictures, LA (Bus Dev). BOD Texas 4000 for Cancer.

ID 453378

Travis Oliphant

Founder @continuum-analytics • Worked at @brigham-young-university-1 • Studied at @brigham-young-university, @mayo-clinic-college-of-medicine-graduate-school

ID 882042

Olivia Herron

VP Brand Strategy

ID 19037

Phil Pompa

Vice President, Articulate Labs. Experienced serial entreprenur. Ex - Public Company CEO and Chairman of Board, EDCO Ventures. @stanford-university BSEE & MBA.

ID 514262

Tyler M. Fields

Demand gen expert, experienced developing and marketing SaaS solutions and acquiring and converting new customers. Worked at @ibm, @autodesk and @evault.

ID 6618

Wesley Tansey

CS PhD student at UT Austin; Machine learning for health; Worked at Google; Co-founded 2 startups.

ID 300414

Steven Snapp

Over 20 years experience in the computer security industry at both small and large companies developing state of the art intrusion detection and application whitelisting technologies.

ID 374489

Amy Laverentz

Founder Amy Laverentz, Culture Architect • Cut teeth at local startups, FundsXpress and @bancvue. 25+ years of progressive, real-world business experience.

ID 111230

Peggy Dold

Founder, Navigation Partners LLC; Global Marketing Strategist & Entertainment Consultant

ID 84731

Jeff Muchnik

MCP, MBA, CMA Coursework as a Controller, Accountant, Internal Auditor, Financial Analyst, Business Developer, Project Manager, and Business Strategy Consultant

ID 456403

Richard Penshorn

Founder Basedrive • Worked at @qualcomm, @praetorian • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 298411

Theresa Garritano

UX/UI Designer

ID 433278

Malik Deyaf

Founder @phox-charge, @speedtech-lights • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 258869

Philip Flesher

Led engineering and product at multiple startups. Excellent management, engineering, product, and UX/UI skills,. Love to wear lots of hats.

ID 593154

Randy Streu

Accomplished software executive passionate about building and driving market leading solutions through strategic product management and business development. I lead by example and inspire teams to perform with a focus on driving revenue through innovative

ID 69671

Taylor McKnight Founder & Festival/Conference Obsesser Past: @the-hype-machine & @gawker-media

ID 153337

Kyle Schumacher

Making the customer the focus at @impossible-ventures-1. ex-@Google, MBA @university-of-texas-at-austin-1, @university-of-central-florida.

ID 270148

Alex Pritchett

COO & Co-Founder of @upswing. Passionate about bridging the gap between technology and education.

ID 167629

Aaron Bollinger

Love to evangelize innovative technologies. Helped take @kickapps from early days to profitable acquisition directly contributing $5M+ in sales.

ID 429335

Forrest Kitlas

Talent Acquisition at Kabam, HR Professional, Family Man, Lover of wine and great food, writer

ID 156150

Donald Hackett

Strategy Advisor at Round2 Inc.; CEO at Mirixa Corporation; GM at Revolution Health Group; CEO at; CEO at 1-800-Doctors; CEO at, Inc.

ID 522663

Tommy Fad

Founder @gritness, @fad-consulting-llc • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1 Over 15 years Tech experience with technical development and consulting.

ID 337649

Kristen Heaney

Architect, entrepreneur, Ambassador of Joy.

ID 138937

Eric Cassady

Founder @pipcoin • Worked at @socialware, @messageone • Studied at @university-of-colorado-boulder

ID 138954

Brian Maloney

Founder @pipcoin • Worked at @socialware, @demand-media • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 441554

Samuel Chang

Business Development @secondmic • Former engineer at @intel • @stanford-university student-athlete alum

ID 199227

Zaitrarrio Collier

Founder @Cubus Corporation, @cloudee • Worked at @autodesk, @lsi Logic • Studied at @Cornell

ID 116989

Charles Zhang


Cofounder at we help non profits get more donations.

ID 347003

Gen Agustin

Graduate student at McCombs School of Business in UT Austin; worked as Business Planning Analyst at San Miguel Brewery, Philippines

ID 224154

Mark Couvillion

Usability specialist, User Experience shaman, multiple projects from concept to launch including 2 mobile apps for Hoover's

ID 414391

Chris Ladouceur

CEO of Neon Mobile. Creating the next generation of mobile websites for small businesses everywhere.

ID 121515

Annette Krausse

Marketing pro for technology startups, reflecting the versatility and dedication required to enhance awareness of an organization, its products and services.

ID 66226

Will Roman

Good old-fashioned hustle. | Product Manager, User Experience, Brand

ID 304252

Jordan Sterling

Biz Dev @datafiniti BS/Entrep, Launched 1st startup at age of 20, social media champ, community builder, sales, born leader. Can't. Seem. To. Stop. Working!

ID 404248

Joe Milam

Former resident of 3000 Sand Hill Rd, Band of Angels founded in my office. Member of Ebay Angels/Sac Angels. Recognized money manager. Started Angel Legacy. Psychology of wealth, tax laws and private equity, philanthropy expert.

ID 392698

Victor Vu

Full Stack Software Engineer

ID 182457

Nick Shelton

Works at @lynx-laboratories. Worked at @university-of-texas-at-austin @artificial-intelligence and @robotics lab & @facebook front-end engineering.

ID 122477

Adam Best

ID 64142

Jon Weisblatt

Founder & CEO of @upgradeusa. 20+ years in tech in Austin, San Francisco, and Washington DC. Results-oriented, resourceful business leader.

ID 493486

Jordan Joseph Ramirez

ID 134041

Ryan Jones


Design & Ops. Data nut. Startup consultant. @duke-university

ID 181608

Q Manning

CEO of Rocksauce Studios & Co-Founder of ProductionCliq. A wonderful blend of filmmaker, designer & developer with 17 years experience in tech leadership.

ID 232542

Jason Ervin

Founder of Stat, worked at Spiceworks, HP, Solarwinds, Envision, and DIAB SMU BA MIS/Marketing

ID 183416

Pat Scherer

Founder @the-detail-person-llc, @boa-worldwide • Worked at @cybersource, @ibm • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1, @university-of-north-texas

ID 183685

Chikezie Ohayia

Worked at @MerrillLynch, @doostang • Studied at @columbia, @Fuqua

ID 233532

Ryan Smith

Co-Founder of Good Market. PhD Mass Media and Communication Studies. TS/SCI Security Clearance.

ID 186795

Matt Tankersley

CEO & Co-Founder HumaniTV • Studied at @oklahoma-state-university

ID 217532

Tim Scott

Full stack developer. Technical leader. Lean startup practitioner with high business IQ.

ID 407429

Jamie Oliver

Jamie is a dynamic, data-driven digital strategist who is recognized for her ability to establish relationships and grow significant new channels of revenue.

ID 533476

Luther Birdzell

OAG Analytics provides a revolutionary new approach to pre-drill predictions and sub-surface insights.

ID 512263

Charley Moore

ID 87256

Jay Prince

iOS Developer • Two 5-Star Apps • Backend Engineer, Distributed Systems & Scalability Expert

ID 426121

Jason Gonzales

COO & Founder Phox Charge • Studied at @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 440337

Thomas Sweeney

Founder @vchain-solutions • Worked at @ge, @cardinal-logistics • Studied at @kennesaw-state-university, @georgia-southern-university

ID 620295

Alexandra Lee

Operations for @unseen-1

ID 191590

Kate Ronkainen

Mobile Product Manager @ridescout. Masters in Advertising, focus: consumer research & user experience. Product development, sales and marketing background.

ID 40461

Taylor Hawes


SVP Marketing, Customer Acquisition - Endurance International Group (EIGI). Chief Marketing Officer at

ID 173115

Brandon Hudgeons

Founder ATsoft. COO & VP Tech at Schoox. CTO at Curb, SPARXlife. Founded Internal Machine. VP Tech, Enspire Learning. Worked at @gunderson-dettmer , @motive. CS & Creative Writing from @Dartmouth; JD, MBA and MSCEE from UT Austin

ID 501439

Brett Hogan

Client Success at @pristine-1 Ex-Strategy Manager at @accenture

ID 362212

Jean-Louis Carrara

ID 80195

Alex Badalyan

Founder and Hustler at @demand-food. Entrepreneur and designer. Previously founded @thoughtback and @sharpup

ID 835560

Cameron Peek

Sales, Marketing and Business Development for early stage technology companies

ID 286250

Brian Moeskau

Cofounded @sencha and @level-seven. Experience ranges from startup to enterprise. Software architect with practical business experience.

ID 128427

Andrew Dubinsky

Founder @encomia • Studied at @university-of-texas-arlington

ID 412603

Brad Dixon

Sucessful Search Marketing Professional - helping scale SEO across industries. I rank.

ID 557747

Sidney Williams

Founder @nadine-west • Studied at @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 540972

Jeff Koke

Highly experienced graphic and UX designer. Web app, mobile, prototyping.

ID 385342

Mary Firme

Digital marketing expert, combined metrics rigor plus creative smarts - 10 years of impressive results.

ID 215152

Park Silkenson

Ex-lawyer learning to program. I studied at Dev Bootcamp in San Francisco in the Spring of 2013, and I'm continuing self-study now that I'm back in Austin.

ID 323932

Fred Schmidt


30-year veteran of the creative industries, both lifestyle and high-growth. Past partner in MicroProse Software (ipo), Origin Systems / Electronic Arts (m&a), Portalarium (VC & Kickstarter funded).

ID 156637

Steve Burt

Co-Founder @vobi • Managing Director at @9gauge-partners • Worked at @pwc-1 • Studied at The University Of Texas At Austin

ID 716757

Shaun Dubuque

Product minded full stack developer. Equally comfortable building high polish consumer applications and deeply technical solutions.

ID 111489

brian piercy

Product craftsman. Midnight hacker (Rails/JS). Skeptical, data driven industry vet. Have seen great & terrible leadership practices, & learned from both.

ID 248564

Jeetu Melwani

Founder of @slashview-com, ready to take the indian E-commerce market by storm. World-class business, technology and consulting background.

ID 2449

Brian Land

Sales leader at OSSCube.   Strong solution selling background for various enterprise software leaders.  Early Siebel, Ariba, Endeca successes.

ID 543612

Madison Wickham


CEO of Grandex Inc | Grandex On Twitter: @TotalFratMove, @TotalSratMove, @RowdyGentleman, @PostGradProblem, @GRANDEXinc

ID 684015

Lemuel Anaejionu

Entrepreneur at heart. Big Law trained, but not tamed.

ID 346614

Mike McIntyre

Facebook/Instagram Operations. Student athlete at Gtown. Driven to change the way the world interacts with Gov. Skilled in PR, entrepreneurship, politics, traveling, and sports.

ID 205348

Daniel Ehevich

VP of Biz Dev @taptica, Founded @peach, @wibubble • Worked at @ebay, @marimedia-ltd • MBA at @McCombs •

ID 268202

Erwin Mazariegos

iOS App Architecture, Development, and Deployment Complete products from initial high-level vision, or ad-hoc help to meet deadlines. Remote or Austin local.

ID 630876

Vivian Lee

CEO of Synocure+Partners. Looking for finance positions. UT Austin (M.S. Finance), Northwestern (M.S. Marketing), MIT (B.S. Economics & Management).

ID 467368

Craig McKinney

ID 133354

Jason Gindele

Experienced business operator with diversified background in web-based ventures for small to medium-sized companies.

ID 341526

Joel Lucas

Founder SubjectWell

ID 243872

Kara Kriegshauser

The future inspires us. Umbel gives online content publishers the power to deeply understand the value of their audience.

ID 318513

Start-UP Blaster, Inc.

Craig W Rider, CEO of Start-UP Blaster, Inc. a company which helps start-ups that produce innovative consumer related products reach global emerging markets.

ID 125458

Ivor Clarke

Founder SubjectWell, @brightfire-llc • Worked at @microsoft, @datran-media

ID 658491

David Endler

ID 208919

Madeline Vu

ID 376250

Alyssa Bernstein

Data driven product manager obsessed with building products that people love

ID 120048

Andrew Cockerham

Business Development at Health Nest Incubator

ID 223741


The SXSW Fast Pitch will be a combination of peer voting and VC judge selection. Sign up here and promote your company/idea to get votes from the community.

ID 100834

Chris Orem

Experienced business developer. Passionate about IT, finance, and project development. Entrepreneur. Founded @engine , @Aquatic Energy.

ID 13910

Timur Eligulashvili

VP of Commercial Products @uShip. Previously Founder at Loadio, and Director of Product Management at Echo (IPO 2009), from 20 to 900 employees

ID 154606

Geoff Sakala

Founder @clickspring, @metro-media • Worked at @us-army, @locable • Studied at @california-state-unversity-sacramento

ID 219012

Patrick Poljan


ID 124487

Coleman Stevenson

CTO of Eye In The Sky. 14 years of experience with the full web stack. I specialize in design & development team management.

ID 351369

Robert Loomis-Norris

Cofounder & CMO @futon, @pinebox, SVP of Accounts @stardition Inc.

ID 330449

Mark Courtney

Servant leadership focused innovator and passionate problem solver; Detailed, polished, technical and vision oriented CEO. A socially minded disrupter with a background in big 5 Consulting, Enterprise Architecture, Sales, Interactive Marketing, Technolog

ID 456337

Roger Edgar

Executive with multiple product launches, start-ups, pivots, and turn-arounds. Open as a team member, consultant, or advisor -- Duke MBA, Babson undergrad.

ID 61313

Stephanie Wonderlin

Dir, Account Services @44Doors, Host & Producer for Tweetheart TV, self-proclaimed social media junkie, total geekette, believes a smile is your best accessory.

ID 417970

Vaughan Stanford


Early team member that started Metreos (sold to Cisco). Core team lead for Cisco HCS-Collaboration Cloud Service built from $0-$200M+ revenue in under 3 years

ID 249171

Atif Bhanjee

Former corporate climber in Strategy, Finance, and Operations; now a startup co-founder. I am results-oriented and versatile. Able to see trends and find solutions.

ID 19181

Ron Wikso

Co-Founder of Bitvibe. Entrepreneur & Techie (sort of). Musician - played with Foreigner, Cher, Richie Sambora, David Lee Roth & more.

ID 459641

Claire England

Entrepreneur Advocate @tech-ranch | @rise-global | @sxsw | @startup-america-partnership

ID 349533

Tara Lameijavan

Experience and Interaction Designer

ID 646807

Michael Kolb

Professional Program Manager and Problem Solver | Engineering Enthusiast | Supply Chain Champion

ID 305892

Naveen Valeti


Founded and managing VRN JOBS LLC, a technology & management consulting firm based in Portland Oregon. I bring around 9 years of tech & mgmt consulting experience.

ID 166248

Faiz Khan

Web and Systems development. NodeJs, C, Python. Linux and Server Administration. Developed for @pensi-studios, 1st startup in high school. B.S. 2011.

ID 320325

Scott Van Valkenburgh

Product Management, Product Marketing and Strategy Leader

ID 210220

Forrest Clark

Founder Zilker Brewing Company • Worked at @ibm • Studied at @university-of-texas-austin

ID 48156

David Ryan

Co-founder and CTO

ID 48035

Misty Gibbs

Founder of @empower-lounge. Strong background in digital advertising sales, account management, content strategy, strategic partnerships and community building with 4 startups, 2 went public.

ID 42728

Cl. Alex. Chien

Inventor, "Med-Surg Onshoring" (pat. pend.). Project leader $50MM ILEC COs. Leading Wall St. analyst Cable-Modem 1.0. MBA, UNC-Chapel Hill. U-Mich. award.

ID 78636

Matt Starolis

Investor, Salesman, Engineer, Entrepreneur

ID 109904

Liz Hall

Founder of Pain Sufferers Speak; Advocate; Author; Blogger x3; Mom x2; Wifey for 21yrs; practices unconditional love & respects ALL

ID 108399

Omar Hakim


Managing Director of @aggie-angel-network

ID 182338

Camille Fetter

ID 693817

Joe Kendall

Situating solutions with technology, sustainability, and design

ID 525749

Amado Guloy

CEO and Founder @rex • Product Development and Intellectual Property Strategist • Studied at @northwestern-university, @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 573179

Satchi Mishra

Product Line Management & Pricing Strategy @dell; Studied @indian Institute of Technology, @university of Chicago Booth School Of Business

ID 320152

Nicole Forbes

Founder @violet-crown-consulting • Worked at @razorfish, @mutual-mobile • Studied at @texas-state-university-san-marcos

ID 426141

Lauren Martin

Founder @phox-charge • Entrepreneurship major at @st-edwards-university-of-austin Former bartender. Current start-up ceo, blogger & artist.

ID 60249

Nelson Wells

Tech startup advisor, mentor,investor @fourathens CEO @TeamClermont: PR for indie music clients: Merge Records, Domino, Asthmatic Kitty, WB, #SXSW, Wilco & M83

ID 97197

Walt Johnson

Austin-based "Business MacGyver", "Idea Fuser", Entrepreneurial Visionary, Fin/IT/Ops Leader, Senior Executive, & Product Designer|Developer|Licensor.

ID 436582

Nathan Gustafson

Business Development- currently working for Basho Technologies, makers of Riak, open-source NoSQL distributed database.

ID 495749

Brian Cheung

Worked at @independent-digital-marketing-ecommerce-consultant, @cheap-caribbean @buzztala

ID 524403

Sam Pilling

Experienced Operations and Finance Exec focused on growth and risk management. Multi-lingual with degrees from Yale (BA) and HEC Paris/Columbia (MBA).

ID 219187

Marco Rodriguez

Founder Zilker Brewing Company • Worked at @internal-revenue-service • Studied at @university-of-texas-austin

ID 540376

Adam Walker

Founder @futon • Studied at @the-university-of-texas-at-san-antonio

ID 248148

Stephanie Ray

Editor-in-Chief at @nota-reader, @crave-travel

ID 262591

Tommy Goode

Startup tech pro. Generalist who is comfortable managing servers, writing iOS apps, and everything in between.

ID 101428

Levi Smith

I help companies and teams pursue the right strategy, develop engaging culture and invite all the stakeholders into a more compelling story.

ID 784989

Wayne Stribling

Seasoned client services executive, software startup veteran, recently sold agency business, ready for a new, exciting challenge!

ID 449043

Harshal Patel

Sales and Marketing Executive with extensive experience in building and growing profitable businesses. Highly analytical, pragmatic and creative.

ID 212118

Mario Barrett

Founder @peach-6 @sockwork @deloitte-consulting, @us-army • @united-states-military-academy, @McCombs School Of Business

ID 118073

C. Enrique Ortiz

Founder @kloc, @mobile-monday-austin • Studied at @university-of-puerto-rico-bayamon

ID 360879

Paul Jauregui

Head of Marketing at @praetorian, Designer, Coder, MBA,  Fanboy, and a Rare Austin Native

ID 148091

Brice Kelly

Youngest ever in role@Dell,SocMedPlnfellow@GSD&M Adv BizDev/Dealflow @ G51 Wes DubMaj: IntRel+PolSci; strtups in HS; VPfraternity @Wesleyan. bball holds 5recrds

ID 384800

Marissa Christoffel

Marketing leader with track record of bulding cross-channel programs for financial services, fashion, ecomm, & tech companies with budgets from $100K to $100M

ID 146142

Jack Kern

ID 248339

J.C. Adams


1st startup in college & 4 more since in tech, marketing, real estate & health care. I'm a Lean Startup Driver & Social Entrepreneur. "Do well by doing good"!

ID 729075

Brian Lukoff

Educator, technology designer, and engineer. Former co-founder and CEO of Learning Catalytics, acquired by Pearson. Stanford PhD (education) & MS (statistics).

ID 456301

adam dahlgren

Head of Product @runtitle | Former Product Lead @livingsocial (International & B2B Teams) | Studied @american-university-1 | Foolish @buffalo-bills fan

ID 276749

Robin Rahe

ID 432531

Kevin Farley

Director of E-Services at United Heritage Credit Union, Techy Marketing Traveler, Always on the way to a beach, Anguilla sounds good about now.

ID 117001

Scott Henderson

CEO/Founder M. Ed. Texas A & M - Commerce

ID 227666

Gabe Hernandez

Digital Marketing Associate at uShip - Former Facebook Global Marketing Solutions - Product Marketing and Support Expert

ID 255532

Deepti Ghadiyaram

1st year PhD student at UT Austin's Lab for Image and Video Engg (LIVE), Worked at Symphony Commerce and LinkedIn, Starting Bloc Fellow. Loves to code.

ID 571810

Joanne Pham

ID 476484

Lori Barry

Technical Recruiting - Hardware & Software PinPoint Recruiting Solutions

ID 331922

George Bonelli

Seasoned, entrepreneurial executive looking to contribute full breadth of skills in the start up community.

ID 661470

Alistair Cooper

Ex-GS banker, built outsourcing business @loftbpo from scratch to $1.6m rev in 3 years. Now establishing Nerd Patrol US HQ in Austin. UNC '03 Morehead Scholar

ID 156382

Mike Holp

Mobile Developer Extraordinaire

ID 51277

Joshua Garza

Full-time graphic design at Integral Care in Austin,TX, before this I made my rounds around the news industry.

ID 828640

Timea Domokos

ID 37629

Ben Calder

Co-founder @shiftt | Software Engineer | Gearhead

ID 14585

Craig Steinfeld

Founded The Purity Source. Health Entrepreneur. MPH. Food Advocate.

ID 203827

Charles Winson

Director @cmonetinteractive, @bellamosaics • Worked at @galaxy, @background-america • Studied at @vanderbilt-university

ID 213855

Brennan Collins

Strong technology consulting experience mixed with Product Management enthusiasm. Deloitte, Accenture. Mech Engr for solution design, but business mindset.

ID 173201

Kevin Tully

Founder @moniker-guitars

ID 59376

Ameen Hashimi

Founder @

ID 439801

David Moon

Founder @pync • Marketing Manager @dell • Sr.Account Planner/Manager@Cheil Worldwide Inc • MBA @university Of Michigan, BA @yonsei-university

ID 440770

Munis Rashid

UT Austin BBA Finance/BS Radio-Television-Film

ID 694974

Adebayo Ojuri

Master of Technology Commercialization student at UT Austin. Experienced in Software Sales

ID 546631

Punit Duggal

Sr. Product Marketing and Management professional with expertise in GTM strategy, product messaging, competitive intelligence, pricing and business analytics

ID 589948

Joshua DeFord

Founder DeFord Logistics

ID 202318

Rahm McDaniel

Founder of @agilebid, @Ideagility • Worked at @hewlett-packard, 14 years of sales, Product Marketing, Strategy and Business Development

ID 270565

Fred Nazary

Graduated top of the class in Finance @smu • Placed 1st Nationally #GSB2012 • Addicted to Analytics, Analysis, Finance, and Models (all types)!

ID 348258

Marian Nodine

Ph.D. Computer Scientist with broad research experience in multiple areas including big data, machine learning, agent systems, and knowledge management.

ID 91016

James Evans

Top-in-class Strategy & Operations Analyst at Goldman Sachs. Founder & Pres of @evans-strategic-solutions. Previously involved in mult start-ups

ID 847486

Jacob Kouhana

Bad ass sales rep who has been successful at numerous start up looking the the right fit to settle down and build an empire

ID 522193

Jason Whitson

Founder @gritness 1st website to serve as a fitness activity search engine. 13+ years of IT/IS management experience.

ID 373550

Kevin Marshburn

Global Business Operations and large budgets

ID 79882

Jesse Atwell

Vice President, Digital Marketing & Tour Marketing at Triple 8 Management

ID 473229

Brian Meissner

Founder of Oportunidade Enterprises in Brazil, El Diablo Tranquilo Boutique Hostel and Bar in Uruguay and now focused on SA Trails in Austin, Tx

ID 641974

Daniel Ruiz

Data scientist with a background in stats, behavioral economics and comp sci to harness large and disparate data sets that lead to effective business insights.

ID 329709

Carol O'Brien

CEO/Chief Marketing Officer, @Cleanicity. MBA in Entrepreneurship & Marketing. Grew retail sales by 1431%, revenues by 567% w/ ecommerce & distribution strategy

ID 449270

April Riggs

Formerly of @SweetLeafApril fame, experienced engager for small brands, experienced social listener for Fortune 500/1000s, and happy to consult on both!

ID 602362

Dylan J. Collins

Worked at @cheggin, @tripeezy • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 212745

Ryan Melody

Love building great teams at F500's and Startups.

ID 468371

Eric Brunker

ID 326455

Mark A. Hughes

Advisor to StoryPress. Biz dev guy at four Austin software startups: Good Capital LLC, Vignette, Smart Technologies, DAZEL Corp. B.S. Computer Science, USC.

ID 19664

Nam Tran


ID 193689

Fred Philipson

Services professional with decades of experience implementing IT infrastructure and unique software projects. Degree from Rice, grad courses at Stanford

ID 528488

Nathan Martinez

VP Sales Consultant at LIFFFT. Worked at Credit Suisse, PitchBook Data and ran my own quantitative trading search firm for 3 years.

ID 472774

Bryan Young

CTO @JobJybe. Expert in Mobile Health. Studied @yale and @JohnsHopkins. Partner at @SailTime Group and principal @intertwine. Founding bassoonist Poulenc Trio.

ID 322169

Steven Cutbirth

Baylor BBA, Eastern MBA, Product Management lead at Inc. 500 Health Tech StartUp

ID 55113

Titus Gaboury


Chief Operating Officer of @listener-approved

ID 70126

Barry Kahn

Founder and CEO of Qcue. Top 40 under 40 (Sports Business Journal). Ph.D. Economics UT 2007.

ID 164463

Joseph M. Voss, CPA

Founder @xanapath • Worked at @eclipse-aviation, @lynntech-inc • Studied at @baylor-university

ID 3625

Todd Hansen

Lead Conference Programmer @sxsw Interactive

ID 81836

Josh Babetski

Experienced Web and Mobile Professional Creating Engaging Products; Developer Who Knows How To Build Them

ID 467454

Fehzan Ali


Founder Adscend Media , @macrobucks

ID 133646

Eric Clymer


Leading Mobile at Rocket.

ID 544443

Doak Embrey

Enterprise solutions consultant focused on driving revenue through the sale of enterprise software, hardware, and service platforms.

ID 299404

Nick Hermandorfer

Business Development manager at tech start-ups including uShip and Professional background in finance (Lehman Brothers) and real estate.

ID 393406

Caleb A. Smith

Sales and Marketing Pro: I have recruited, trained and managed 200+ Salespeople MS Engineering and Technology Management, BS Marketing Champion presenter/coach

ID 358791

Vikas Chaudhary

MBA, Country Manager with Indeed, Expert international business advisor, International Sales Expert, Consultant for over 6 years

ID 53985

Justin Eddy

Work at @ Google • Founded Tribute • Studied @ BYU

ID 80063

Richard Swanson

CEO @Resumoto Track record with over $500MM in sales and two successful exits. Former CEO @wopodo @OnLineStaffing

ID 485729

Matthew Astrella

Experienced digital advertising professional with strengths in problem solving, creative brainstorming, relationship building and campaign execution.

ID 120597

Adam Thompson

Career game developer. BS in CompSci (2005). Worked in mobile games (Javaground, 2006) and educational games (Alelo, 2009). Self-funded @first-earth development.

ID 162242

Tina Schweiger


Co-founder @muzie, founder at Yellowfin Design, co-founder at 97 Degrees West, BFA UT Austin.

ID 210154

Patrick Clark

Founder Ziilker Brewing Company • Worked at @first-american-corelogic • Studied at @saint-edward-s-university

ID 586889

Chad Whitaker

Founder and Product Designer at @demand-food. Frontend dev and backend hacker. Former Senior Product Designer at @hp and @benzinga

ID 155314

Justin Crites

Co-founder & product developer of @guava-2. Co-Founder and Product Development at @crowdrx. Interested in fin-tech and the future of value. 

ID 249514

Dustin Kirkland

Dustin Kirkland is the CTO at Gazzang, delivering security and encryption for cloud and big data, and an active maintainer of 25+ open source projects.

ID 134145

Shannon Swenson

Entrepreneur. Senior-level digital strategist & producer for national brands. Husband. Dad.

ID 229413

Bill Kaigler

Founder SmackTalk, LeaseSquareFeet, Affiniscape • Work at Dell, Worked UT Austin, OAG Texas • Degrees: BA UT Austin, MBA Texas State University

ID 114467

Christian Reyes

Experienced Product Manager of consumer web/mobile applications, and e-commerce platforms. MBA. Partner engagement manager. Systems integrator. New father.

ID 271649

Brent Elyea

Former Officer and veteran in USMC, worked with multiple start-ups in Ann Arbor over past couple years. Focus on entrepreneurship, venture capital, and private equity finance. Experience with strategy development, pitch preparation, customer discover, a

ID 378170

Kirk R Cameron

Founder @psymily, @subtext-semantics-1 • Worked at @aspect-ratio • Studied at @baylor-university

ID 208235

David Norton


Founder of Titan Drive, @ladder-up-media • Worked at @nbc-universal, @shine-america • MBA from @pepperdine-university, BA @hope-international-university

ID 137520

Donovan Crowley

CEO of @repetual. Strong business, engineering, consulting and energy background. BS in Engineering from @purdue-university University, MBA from the University of Texas.

ID 246136

Mark Davies

Bootstrapped Founder of S3 • Worked at @trilogy, Employee #4 at Beansprout • BS CS @massachusetts-institute-of-technology 2000

ID 28324

Matt Hawkins

Co-Founder of @wetique

ID 516241

Jason Camps

Studied at @university-of-pennsylvania and @university-of-florida Law

ID 305638

Zachary Cook

Owner @TexasCA_Austin, and studying @UTexasMcCombs. Love team roping and on the college rodeo team! Let's change the world. Hook 'em!

ID 53354

Eric Knittel

Associate Creative Director at GSD&M and entrepreneur. Currently developing a new mobile payment system, a local advertising medium and mobile games.

ID 68173

Milan Vasic

Lead front end developer and Co-partner on @twingz, holder of M Sc in Computer science, Worked on several international projects, entrepreneur and mentor.

ID 191558

Andrei Faji

Relationship builder, listener, communicator/words-smith; marketing, business development, project mgmt. Six years of experience working with startups.

ID 372778

Elisa Sepulveda

Energetic, creative, big company marketer looking to break into the startup world. Works at IBM, MBA from Cornell.

ID 276273

Richard Triska

On a C-level field as a CEO/COO, intensive strategic planning to companies that I have been associated with in my career, coupled with operations and corporate finance related activities. Regarding venture capital and private transactions, have long es

ID 522283

Luke Padwick


Luke Padwick, MD, MS Founder: TAFEC Board of Directors -- GRCooling Board of Directors -- Ambry Genetics Board of Directors (2004-2011)

ID 91928

Perry Belcher



ID 222357


Director of Finance of Bazaarvoice, Inc. Member of 2012 IPO team, with strong financial background (Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley 1996 and PwC Alum).

ID 79221

Charlie Jackson

CEO / PM - Technology Projects

ID 71344

Michael McConnell

Founder at @aerovoodoo LLC; President at @raisbeck-engineering; President & GM at @eclipse-aviation; @dell Corp;

ID 557978

Bob Quillin

Founder/CEO of StackEngine, former CEO of CopperEgg. Austin-based. Previously CMO/VPM at Hyper9, nLayers, Packeteer. Acquired by VMware, SolarWinds, & EMC.

ID 514050

Xihan Liu

McCombs, Business Analytics, Data science, decision science, Economics, quantitative, enterpeneur

ID 303859

Uday Adhikari

Co-founder and lead developer @roommatch. Provided technical directions to 2 other start ups. Over 15 years of software development experience.

ID 581712

Aaron Terwey

startup attorney; ambassador @the-dallas-entrepreneur-center

ID 103947

Robert Knorr


Founder, Principal at Cogent Reimbursement Strategies, Inc.

ID 39026

Mendel Kurland

Founder of @apps-over-easy Corp and @world-life-networks LLC

ID 259882

Adrian Salas

I like to build things that change the world.

ID 7677

Matt Beaman

Managing and marketing top-tier technology and entertainment brands.

ID 35893

Ryan Young

Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Grandex Inc.

ID 163149

Garrett Boone

Recent Dev Bootcamp grad, Texas Tech grad. Looking to join up with a good team to contribute to and learn from.

ID 181319

Niran Babalola

Founder of METROREAD • Built and ran the tech team at @the-texas-tribune • Studied at @stanford-university

ID 274806

Raúl Calvoz

VP Travelocity Europe, Exec Committee Member 3M. Founding Partner at @napkinventure. JD. MBA.

ID 277657

James Wyman


Raise capital for private companies. Extensive investor relationships, biz dev expertise, and transaction execution experience. 5yrs @morgan-stanley

ID 167496

Alexandra Cox-Cuzzi

Customer/Community Relations: Create & Implement CRM Strategy. Build Community Outreach. IP Coordinator: Project Manage all Trademark, Patent, and Copyright.

ID 99621

Justin Tallant

Highly self-motivated and persistent. Coding is my favorite activity. I am well versed in the front end but enjoy back end the most.

ID 225048

Matt Hiser

Texas MBA, UCLA undergrad (finance). Founded a tutoring company. Worked at Shell as an energy trader. Triathlons, Bruins, Travel.

ID 360796

Eliot Jarrett

Summa cum laude graduate from Wharton; non-traditional (Hollywood) strategy and marketing background; data curious; full-stack marketer; INTP

ID 484932

Andrew Foo

CTO and Founder at Previously founded KeySEO. Code and big data geek.

ID 796229

Yuan Cao

ID 541885

Akshat Vaidya

Management Consultant • Studied at @wharton-school-of-business at UPenn

ID 177872

Peter Donovan

ID 515446

Felicia Golden

Social media management. Master's in Journalism. Strong copywriting and editing background. Worked at Wild Bunch Media, Kingston Courier, and AEG, Inc.

ID 61699

Andy Cary

Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder @model-launcher • MSE Candidate @UTAustin, Studied at @university-of-north-carolina-chapel-hill

ID 175801

Kenny Coleman

ID 561832

George Koutitas

CEO & CoFounder of @gridmates-1 Inc. PhD in Computer Science and Post Doc in Smart Grids. My vision? To mobilize electricity through transacting units of energy

ID 509197

Jeremy Bergeron

Leading operations for a Google Indoor Maps Initiative based in Austin, TX. 

ID 620326

Vernon Weiss

Extensive knowledge and experience managing products through their full product life cycles, including ROI responsibilit

ID 491890

Piyush Mehta

Full lifecycle database geek, founder of 2 startups, product design and development

ID 289094

Morry Belkin

Technology Leader; Front-End Developer; 15+ years of developing Enterprise-level web applications and SaaS applications

ID 393054

Brendan Moore

Product Owner for consumer web products

ID 283192

Sarah Boyd

Marketing Strategy. Product Marketing. Product Management. BizDev. Data Driven Marketing. UT McCombs MBA. Start-ups to Fortune 500.

ID 528806

Mark Watson

Software architect. Technical co-founder. Full stack developer. Shipped iOS and Android apps with over 1.5 million downloads.

ID 195411

Jacqui Cruz

Co-founder of Limerick Design; Co-founder of Foodforks; 1 year experience in product management; 4 years experience in UX Design; Worked at Dell as a UX Designer.

ID 605299

Michael Streu

Studied at @university-of-wisconsin-milwaukee

ID 755403

Brad Gold

Entrepreneurial Corporate Counsel; Opened & operated fashion design, heavy industry manufacturing, and marketing companies across North America & UK

ID 177060

Rahul Desai

Founder of Zutsvi a B2B collaborative commerce platform. 15 yrs. of experience in IT, marketing, strategy and pricing. MIS @carnegie-mellon-university

ID 394046

Shen Ge

Co-founded health informatics company (, nonprofit (, organized 2 int'l conferences, worked at two startups.

ID 592869

Josh Bolinger


Internet wizard. Startup investor.

ID 110241

Allie Danziger

Founder and President of IntegratePR, social media PR agency.

ID 90023

Jeff Linwood

Trail runner, ultramarathoner, founder of Green Ninja Active City Guides, trying to visit every national park, mobile apps and software developer

ID 78443

Orin Flask

manager and consultant

ID 43433

Hector Torres

Founder @pragmatec-mexico, Onko Solutions • Worked at @johnson-controls • Studied at @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-mccombs-graduate-school-of-business

ID 4142

chris dunn

ID 67447

Robert Gilbreath

VP of Marketing @shipstation

ID 210539

Audrey Lecker

Project Coordinator. Entertainment background. Skilled at building teams, anticipating needs, and implementing new technologies into existing workflow.

ID 44447

Greg Latson

A dynamic, results-oriented, executive with years of experience building and managing top-performing organizations at innovative and profit-oriented business

ID 312857

Juan Carlos Jimenez

Lead Developer @able. Worked at @apple, @skype and @evernote.

ID 219121

John McLellan

ID 69571

Chris Luther

Founder MiGide • Worked at @apple, @motive • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1, @university-of-texas-arlington

ID 660319

Link Clark

Jumped into multiple roles with Prepify (ed/tech start up) to expand users and create new partnerships for a product created to decrease the opportunity gap.

ID 46638

Tom Kieley

Co-Founder, Supply Chain Vendor Management. Founder of Simplifying gift giving for any occasion.

ID 388043

Steve Merrill

Enterprise B2B Software Sales (SaaS), worked in startups, finance & technology background, MBA from University of Texas

ID 78432


CEO of Started college at the age of 12. Endlessly amused and intrigued by the world around me.

ID 521869

Beth Jenkins Stubbings

Founded Titurel Corporation. Director of Development at Habitat for Humanity. Educational grant writer for public school systems in Texas.

ID 494525

Keith Sibson

Founder @contractor-view • Worked at @sparefoot, @netspend • Studied at @university-of-st-andrews, @university-of-glasgow

ID 246714

Michael Richtberg

New product commercialization with a unique combination of business and contemporary technology skills. I lead successful new concept to market commercialization programs with extensive computer industry experience in marketing and product management. Res

ID 596579

Roy Shamir

Technological leader of high performing software teams.

ID 310105

Stefan Smagula

Entrepreneur and software product designer. Google alumnus, and graduate of Yale. Experienced with seed-stage startups.

ID 595356

Varshal Dave

VP Sales/Mktg Lab7 Systems. Dir. Genomics @molecular-devices. Bus. Dev. @singulex. Strat. Mktg & Sales in Life Sciences & Genomics. @duke-university

ID 221156

Yeeland Chen

Full-Stack Developer

ID 678609

Curtis Forbes

Founder of LiveShed & Forbes Music Company. Member of GRAMMYs. Passionate entrepreneur with exceptionally diverse skill set and talent for effective leadership.

ID 123987

Ted J Harries

General Counsel

ID 190916

Nate Jaffee

Marketer and MBA with a love for the start-up hustle and things that connect passionate people.

ID 119553

Joshua Butner

Owner+Partner at Vulk | Owner at shpshft | Practitioner of Pixel-Whispery + Developer. Musician, Husbeast, Proud Dad, Master Beard-Wizard.

ID 193506

Abhijeet Pradhan

Currently co-founder itexico, & previously co-founded & sold @classof1-com • Studied at @iit-bombay, @texas-a-m-university

ID 97399

David Eagan


Founder @dwindeal • Worked at @dell • Studied at @purdue-university

ID 85753

Michael Mayrath, Ph.D.

Worked at @harvard University on simulation-based assessments. Co-founded Austin-based tech companies, including @trademark-media.

ID 54997

John Dorsey


Attorney at Strasburger & Price, LLP

ID 205291

Sameer Jagtap


ID 243406

Laura E. Nelson

Strategic Marketing Leader / MBA with creative background

ID 106391

Frank Edwards

IT Strategy (PepsiCo), MBA (@wharton-school), Computer Science (@baylor-university)

ID 503993

Belinda Bennett

Senior Data Analyst at; Data Enthusiast

ID 91005

Guilherme Junqueira

COO at @abstartups, speaker at @tedx, curator of entrepreneurship at @campusparty, mentor and judge at several startup events.

ID 591617

Jai Mehta


Serial Entrepreneur and Angel investor in Healthcare, Oil & Gas, and Technology; Chicago Booth MBA, Practicing Anesthesiologist, Acute Pain Medicine Specialist

ID 535307

Regina Pair

Stanford BA, Loyola Marymount MA, Teach For America; painfully organized and self-proclaimed expert in culture building

ID 720350

Chase Moody

Web/Mobile application developer with an entrepreneurial spirit. JS? Given. Hybrid? Yep. Node.js? Is JS single threaded? Yes

ID 106350

Scott Sullivan

Proud Geek. Founder/CEO of iMonitron. Co-founder, original product architect, and VP of Research at Ziften Technologies, Inc.

ID 341645

John Wethington

Founder XODIS • Worked at @microsoft, @binarytree Strong business and product management background.

ID 449158

Arvin Poole

Founder of 4 start-ups. Tech professional; Founder -> Day With Daddy, an online platform to connect fathers things with cool and fun things to do w/ their kids.

ID 138490

Anil Gupta

Broad system engineering, professional services and product marketing experience in data storage industry • Worked at @quantum, @Dow • Studied @indian-institute-of-technology-delhi, @university-of-washington

ID 173289

Ryan Salmons

ID 164521

Shreenath Regunathan

ID 528856

Scott Jensen


Co-founder/CEO: Rhythm Superfoods, Co-founder: Stubb's Bar-B-Q Sauce Company, Stubb's Bar-B-Q Restaurant & Live Music Venue, Cocktails Rx, Daily Juice Cafes...

ID 138091

Steve Kiel

President of @arquitos-capital-management

ID 373300

Galit Ronen

ID 752278

Tim Howard

Founder @ir-smartt - Former ABC Journalist from Sydney, Australia. 10 yrs experience in Online Media and Consulting.

ID 22932

Ben Biddle

Berkeley MBA and experienced intrapreneur particularly adept at combining creative problem solving with data driven analysis to realize value

ID 556150

Trevor Francis

Founder 46 Labs LLC

ID 44421

PJ Christie

I get early sales for small tech consultancies. Contact me if you need contract UI, UX, Rails, E-Commerce, Training, SEO, or pretty much anything. 512-577-4059.

ID 142960

Clarke Rahrig

Founder @book512 & @bedj • ECE undergrad @university-of-texas-at-austin-1 • Student Entrepreneur • Passion for learning, building and technology

ID 522945

R. D. Childers

If you were dropped out of a plane anywhere in the world. I am the sort of person you would want with you.

ID 335530

Tamilla Mir

Marketing Specialist, Mobile Marketing

ID 37798

Scott Miller

Co-Founder at @better-than-the-van

ID 340775

Jack Sivak

Programs robots by day, programs everything else by night.

ID 164765

Julie Laugh

Worked at @apple, @dell • Studied Marketing & Management at @texas-tech-university

ID 389063

Chris Meeks

Founder of Sort. Lead Designer of SAIL, acquired by CapitalOne. Led design team at Gallup.

ID 446683

Clare Glinka

MakerSquare grad. Strong analytical background.

ID 544794

Lynette Perkins

Founder @tinker12 @DayOf Current: @CharityMiles @reqwip Past: @homeaway @tastemade @accenture BS in Compter Science from @UTAustin

ID 447266

Phil Coffman

VP of Design at SpaceCraft, Co-Founder of web/mobile studio Element Creative, and Founder of publication Method and Craft.

ID 57707

Abhi Dobhal


ID 637205

Jason Westigard

Worked at @stanford-university University • Studied at @stanford-university

ID 146620

Douglas Hanna


Founder and CEO at Previously Brand CEO and SVP at Endurance International Group (NASDQ: EIGI). Before that, co-owner/CEO at A Small Orange.

ID 750456

Don Ellis


BBA in IS from Texas Tech, MBA from SMU. Founder of Ellis & Adams Consulting Firm. Managed large hospital IT projects for past 15 years.

ID 185691

C. J. Barker

Husband, father, software craftsman, musician who is passionate about solving problems and using the right tool for the job.

ID 459694

Alex Athey

10 years operating as a scientific-startup with idea generation, proof of concept demonstration, funding identification, team building, and project execution.

ID 159675

Lloyd Taylor

Founder @health-information-associates • Worked at @northstar-healthcare, • MBA @university-of-texas-at-austin-1,Genetics @georgia-institute-of-technology

ID 66745

Matthew Foster

CEO of PLNND @monash-university Uni, @purdue-university Uni, Sam Houston State Uni, Computer Science, from Australia, currently living in texas.

ID 241954

Sean Welleck

Penn CS Master's student; Interested in AI, Machine Learning, Functional Programming; Interned at IBM and Citi.

ID 873538

Ilia Semenov

Carnegie Mellon - Master of Information Systems Management. Focused on Data Analytics and Business Intelligence, love to turn the data into actionable insights.

ID 222084

Abby Martin

Founder @zeit9, Studied @university-of-california-berkeley, @columbia-university

ID 682745

Terell Moore

Early Employee @wp-engine, Experienced Support Operations Engineer

ID 584875

Tyson Ferguson

Co-Founder @clyp • Worked at @uship-com and @myedu • Studied at @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 188163

Satyen Sarhad

Founder, Earthling Technology • MS, BS Computer Science @university-of-texas-dallas

ID 478924

Noel Geren


Founder/CTO @zoomrank - @sprinkl-io - Founding member @hrlogix (acq by @first-advantage) - Software Developer - Hardware Hacker - Extraordinaire

ID 130328

Geraldine Smythe

Founder @culturebooster, @culturebooster • Worked at @abrakadoodle • Studied at @new-york-university, @university-of-vermont

ID 243595

Bobby DeVoight

Programmer. Apps. Yeah. Studied at @stanford-university

ID 87896

Scott Spann

BS, Kinesiology/m, Psychology. Studied Math: University of Michigan. 2008 US Olympic Finalist. Captain/NCAA Champion at Texas.

ID 219466

Jack Halpern

Results-focused Alliance Manager for innovative, growth-oriented tech companies

ID 271166

Amir Talakoub

VP Engineering at Advanced Radiation Therapy. Led development to over 3k breast cancer patients treated. Manage Manf, Customer Service and Clinical Training.

ID 675710

Thomas Miller

Business strategy and growth specialist with finance, operations, and investment focus.

ID 484005

Dax Patton

Marketing/Sales/Biz-Dev at Digital Touch Systems • Studied at @texas-tech-university • President of AD2ATX • Austin Ad Fed Board Member

ID 620424

Austin Carey

ID 585120

Emily Wilson

William & Mary Graduate who has Extensive Marketing, Communications and Development Experience with Brands Both Big and Small

ID 155755

Megan Durden

Project / Relationship / Information Manager. M.S. Information Studies from UT Austin. CAPM.

ID 274885

Donovan Miller

PRODUCT STRATEGY & COMMERCIALIZATION SPECIALIST An established global business development and product strategist with proven success working within Fortune 500 organizations, as well as with demonstrated success in early stage startup companies.

ID 488450

Krystyna KLovell

Fluent in 4.5 Languages WITHOUT Rosetta Stone

ID 340887

William Vu Huynh

CEO of @intermedia. Investor @muafast Worked @societe-generale @jpmorgan-chase @ibm @bearingpoint @halliburton

ID 337383


Principal Engineer at frog, Author of HTML5 Hacks on O'Reilly Media

ID 486499

Derek Wohlfahrt

Worked at @cisco, @xo-group • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 363532

Jamie Nissen


Intern for S3 Ventures 2012 - Present, previously worked in investment banking and growth equity

ID 189201

John McGuire

Worked at @hewlett-packard, @dell-computer 8 Years Experiences in Enterprise Search Management, Product ownership, and relevancy and search enhancements. Lead and Trained Search Quality Teams.

ID 247405

Kyle Bedore

Worked at @ispace-inc, @scalehouse • Studied at @university-of-southern-california

ID 461683

Alex Consalvo

Co-founder @recess • NCAA Soccer Coach & Natl' Champion @middlebury-college • Sports nut passionate about building a new way to play.

ID 571304

Joseph Tingsanchali

Worked at @heliovolt, @samsung-electronics • Studied at @university-of-california-berkeley, @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 434006

Ahmed Raza

Founder @carefully-crafted • Worked at @jp-morgan, @the-nielsen-company • Studied at @london-school-of-economics, @imperial-college-london-1

ID 110795

Bryan Bishop

Application engineer w/ >10 mobile apps and >15 web apps of experience, all built from scratch.

ID 790707

Luke Steidl

Vanderbilt BA. Diverse Professional Background. Bright. Driven. Emotionally Intelligent. Competitive. Resilient. Analytic. Young Professional.

ID 59646

Andrew Cahoon

Agile/Innovation Tech Leader

ID 34585

Roger Castillo

Founder/CTO @alterpoint (sold to Versata) additional startup experience includes KD1 (sold to @net-perceptions) and @spyglass (sold to OpenTV).

ID 576130

Ben Brown

VP Software @noki; SDE Intern at Microsoft; Student at University of Texas Computer Science; Machine Learning; .Net and Java development

ID 884799

LD Narasimha Reddy

ID 703162

Steven Marple

ID 652141

Kate Abbott

Two Time Stanford Grad, Customer Consultant, Technology Specialist, Prose Engineer

ID 857852

Andy Rondon

Strategic Sales Leader with over 10 years enterprise software sales.

ID 230139

David Bailey

Founder @one2one-group, @decisionlinks • Worked at @toyota, @experian • Studied at @university-of-cincinnati, @xavier-university

ID 789106

Chris Jones

Creative Problem Solver Seeks New Challenge

ID 78964

Drew Bridges


Deep network in hotels. Two online investments to-date. Looking for hotel related software investments.

ID 247945

Stefan Brunner


I founded TheTechMap to learn more about the new wave of startups and a way to directly help promote entrepreneurship. My focus is on the US and Germany.

ID 151665

Ruth Kaufman

ID 198012

Scott Collins

Senior executive,14 years proven leadership, entrepreneur, IT, Life Sciences, 3d imaging/printing, bioprinting, company formation/exit. Seeking next challenge.

ID 697024

David Pitt

Stanford grad, many doors open, unconventional thinker, self-starter, rookie.

ID 164250

Nathan Peck

Enjoys creating cloud based Node.js web services. Software Architect at @storydesk

ID 374926

Raul Ramirez


Raul brings years of experience in assisting new technology ventures and internet startups in the areas of business development, technology assessment, market analysis and validation, commercialization, marketing and finance.

ID 818287

Zo Asmail

University of Texas CS, Full stack. Graduate this fall and looking for full time position. Last internship at

ID 234355

Erik Stark

MA in Art Direction from UT Austin, Senior UX designer and Jr. AD at technology company, previously co-founded mobile social sports startup GameUp

ID 596549

John Eargle

Software engineer at Lab7. Computational biophysicist now developing software tools for Next Generation Sequencing.

ID 55919

Jeremy Kimball

Founder of @hatch-d ( Background in energy (MA from UT Austin, 2006) and law (JD from @new-york-university, 2009).

ID 227981

Andrew Stevens

EE turned CS, emphasizing back-end to clean front-end integration, developing Ruby, HTML, and CSS skills. Love working with people, can talk geek and walk with the big wigs.

ID 578378

Eric Senn

ID 837528

Michael Saldivar

ID 184252

Sheena Allen

Founder @sheena-allen-apps • Studied at @university-of-southern-mississippi

ID 419158

Kyle Sale


Management team member - Launch Lab Capital

ID 457641

Patrick Kennedy

McCombs M.S. Technology Commercialization, Columbia M.A. Experimental Psychology - focus on motivation --- providing clarity with a smile to companies in need

ID 273400

Adam Mukaty

CEO of @basanty

ID 210214

lesley sarkesian

ID 576390

Neha Madhusoodanan

Recent grad from Tufts (May 2014), journalism and research experience, International Relations/Economics double major

ID 436045

Jason Shoemaker

Love creating awesome products. Created functional beverage company. Managed creation of iPhone to do list app. Experienced consultant @accenture and @ey.

ID 190451

Andrew Hunt

I love customer acquisition. Work in DR @facebook, worked in SMB acquisition @google

ID 484941

John Leeman

Experienced sales professional, Business Strategy, Sales Strategy & Management, Business Operations, Sales and Marketing, Strategic Partnerships

ID 540700

Daniel Mateer

ID 214978

Joe Pinaire


ID 174598

Michael Dohlen

Product Manager • Web & Mobile Startups • Built startups w/ @nova-founders and @hanse-ventures before

ID 62540

Christine Lee

Experienced market development, exec team recruiter, demand gen, marketing, sales. Bay Area, SoCal, Austin + BS + MBA + JD + 6 startups + 3 public cos + 1 IPO

ID 641517

Dave Prout

Advisor for Cloudee. Call of Duty. Dreamworks. Halo. Electronic Arts. Medal of Honor. World Creation & Realtime Graphics.

ID 352481

Lane Musgrave

Founder @launch-society • Worked at @wieden-kennedy, @nike • Studied at @syracuse-university

ID 620467

Archel Desir

Worked at @caxton-associates, @reservoir-capital, @oakhill-equity, @carnegie-mellon-university • Studied at @carnegie-mellon-university, @boston-university

ID 531006

Jian(Jonathan) Yang

Branding Brand: 2014 Carnegie Mellon University: 2013 Silver Spring Networks: 2013

ID 344334

Jim Nelson


Seasoned exec and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience in international banking and commercial finance, including co-founding the UK B2B, Simply Business.

ID 393555

Drew Zerdecki

IP attorney with business development and startup experience

ID 106478

Irene Mwathi

CEO of @start-up-katalyst and founder of Spaces2Host startup. Strong Product Lifecycle management skills and business background. @georgetown-university University 2006

ID 81581

Gregory T Becker

BS, MS, 30 year engineer. Spectacular communication and marketinig skills. I have always provided leadership and added benefits to the team.

ID 132241

Eric Pearson

Tech, media & telecom analyst at Barclays

ID 449669

Richard Magness

Austin-based UI/UX designer, technologist, and attorney. I specialize in special products for the web and mobile.

ID 158063

Derek Victory

10+ yrs Software Design and Development; Rails enthusiast. CTO Solid business foundation (Vanderbilt Comp. Eng, UT MBA)

ID 328511

Ashley Greenstein

As the office manager of a startup marketing group, I hired a staff of 12 to produce the inaugural year of a 2-day music, culinary, art, and learning festival known as Life is Beautiful.

ID 277711

Andrew Martin

Sales Director at Invodo

ID 399220

Randy Barning

12+ years of data analysis experience. Expert at coming up with ideas to drive revenue growth.

ID 670313

Randy Tolentino

Recent MakerSquare graduate with a strong interest in front-end web development and UI design , looking for a junior UI Developer position

ID 366411

Erin Waddington

Lead Fortune 50 B2B Digital Creative Teams, Numerous Campaign, Program and Product launches. 15 years of technology branding and user experience design.

ID 516794

Tony Kung

Finance and Accounting professional; MBA graduate

ID 229428

Nishant Kapoor

Founder Smacktalk • Work at Dell • MS from Florida • Published for Attributes and Ranking of Query Results

ID 441147

James Jackson Leach

CEO of CopyRightNow, Partner at Lucky's Puccias & Pizzeria, Executive Producer, Serial Entrepreneur.

ID 595384

Christopher Mueller

Founder Lab7 Systems • Worked at Life Technologies, Array BioPharma, Research Systems • Studied at Notre Dame, IU B'ton

ID 421843

Joshua Scanish

Junior Rails developer ready to put training into practice.

ID 150603

Stephen Johnston

Worked at @trilogy, @morningstar • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 203655

Barry Boes

Incredibly adaptable, well-rounded product development engineer/manager. Never miss a deadline or blow a budget. Expert in designing digital/analog integration.

ID 233985

Geet Khosla

Founded GVK Internships (sold in 2012). I have worked in Fashion, Healthcare, Marketing/PR, Consulting and Tech.

ID 173476

Khoa Le

Worked at @petparent • Studied at @texas-a-m-university, @university-of-texas-dallas

ID 245842

Jaladhi Pujara

Design Director @spredfast. Working with amazingly talented people @spredfast and @massrelevance. UX, Product Design.

ID 480844

Jerry Sousares, PMP

Engineering Director, worked at Dell and IBM leading Software, Storage, and Server development projects; Managed 7 teams, 41 people on NAS Solution Development

ID 239055

Cayla Johnston, MBA

McNeese MBA, Excel Ninja, Problem Solver, Worked at Biotech Startup Aquatic Energy, in Healthcare, Financial Services and Energy.

ID 501427

Grant Meek

SMU MBA serving on the Strategy and Go-To-Market Transformation Team at Dell. Former experience in Investment Banking and Private Equity.

ID 56218

Bruce Callen


I bootstrapped Teres Solutions from 1 employee to 75 employees while growing customers and revenue. I led Teres as its president and CFO until selling Teres to an international credit bureau. I am a software development and finance professional. I ha

ID 571049

Erica Boynton

Creative lead/ triple threat with 8+ years of digital experience. Worked at MRY, HUGE, LBi.

ID 154420

Dan Huber

Worked at @apple, @dell • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 81890

Justin DeLaCruz

Business Development Manager for @sprint for the Central Texas Market VP of Residential Sales for @stratford-property-group Managing Partner at @method-and-craft

ID 101067

David Lackey

Founded PearHaven

ID 867067

Joey Anthony

UT Austin, researching hydrothermal liquefaciton of biomass to crude oil. Small scale hydroelectric systems in rural Rwanda. Designed plasma torch device. 

ID 14531

Dan Scellen

Founder of @stereocast. @university-of-texas-at-austin MBA,  @cornell-university Engineer. Product & BizDev guy. Worked @business-insider, @associated-press

ID 395809

Philip R Berber


Former tech entrepreneur in financial markets - now a philantropist, social entrpereneru and impact investor. Multiple tech start ups - leading to CyBerCorp, a internet brokerage for day traders that was sold to Schwab in 200 for "internet dollars". Chair

ID 173325

Tanuja Deo

Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1, @university-of-massachusetts-lowell

ID 221759

Shannon Palmer

ID 164625

Robert Zinda

ID 372393

Dimple Patel

Social Media Marketing professional with a love for learning new technologies.

ID 563708

Zack W. Handley

ID 453174

Bryan Shaw

Global Marketing Operations Manager at Dell | Inbound Marketing Advocate | Data Driven Decision Maker

ID 670082

Bobby Smith

Former entrepreneur turned full stack web developer and iOS developer.

ID 445837

Jordache E. Johnson

Thinker,Solver,Strategist @UnboundConsulting | Gov't -> CorpAmer -> Non-Profit -> Start-up journeyman | Univ of TX - McCombs MSTC | Strong business background

ID 469950

Barron Roth

CompEng @boston-university • Founder @downtyme • Product Engineer @amd • Designer • Photographer

ID 315916

Badri Lakkur

Product Engineer and Manager. Successfully introduced many new products and improved existing features resulting in better user experience.

ID 824611

Miriam Grobman

Versatile business professional, used to working in challenging, constantly changing environments, leading multifunctional teams. No fancy slides.

ID 8025

Chris Doelle

Chris Doelle is ☆ Marketing Thought Leader ☆ who makes marketing fun ☆

ID 632254

Kevin Woo

Founder Loopfirst • Studied at @university-of-nevada-las-vegas, @college-of-southern-nevada

ID 90627

Jennifer Graf

Managing Partner & Creative Director at Theresa Neil Strategy & Design; previously worked at frog design and projekt202.

ID 85306

Ryan Brown


EE, FPGA/Hardware designer at Oculus, maker; Started @ATXHW;

ID 295928

Michael Saenz

7 years hardware/software experience in the semiconductor industry. iOS hobbyist developer. UT-Austin BSEE 2007. Pursuing MS in CS at CMU starting Fall 2014.

ID 144447

Charles Wilson

Worked at @dell, @metrowerks • Studied at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

ID 637641

Leon Solimani

ID 209150

Quentin Hart

ID 129574

Jonathan Osborne

ID 167301

Dr. Celeste Sheppard

Texas-based Hill Country Maternal Fetal Medicine, ob-gyn and perinatologist Dr. Celeste Sheppard holds oversight for a maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) practice

ID 449228

Cawley Thompson

Founder and CEO at Handpicked. Experience in technology and consulting. Worked at @samsung-electronics, @infosys. Studied at @McCombs @esade @Tulane

ID 635622

Lashan Dias

Founder & CEO @loopfirst, I do product management & user experience design.

ID 181168

Rick Westervelt


Founder SubjectWell

ID 434107

William D. Muscato

Product Management Customer Activist Marketing Guru EE w/MBA, global launches @dell @hp @rochester-institute-of-technology @the-ohio-state-university-1

ID 540537

David Welty

Business Development executive recognized for creating successful global alliances, developing business channels and working passionately to achieve results.

ID 831650

Nathan Fehler

Experienced digital marketing professional with an even balance of strategic and tactical know how.

ID 153427

Marissa Limsiaco

Co-Founder @splynx, @the-phoundry • Patriot TechStars '12 • Studied at @united-states-military-academy, @texas-christian-university MBA

ID 551831

Alok Marwaha

MBA student @ UT, engineering undergrad, 5 years as tech/strategy consultant across various industries @ Deloitte Consulting

ID 569667

Lona Dallessandro

Worked at @motive, @northpoint-communications • Studied at @pennsylvania-state-university

ID 326417

Travis Wright

Marketing professional. Entrepreneur.

ID 703155

Ted Yntema

Marketer with a passion for new technology and disruptive ideation. 

ID 410948

Daniel Sincavage

Leader, Entrepreneur, Innovator, Self-Starter, Team-Builder, Workhorse, Cold Caller, Closer: Launched a successful venture; Self-taught web developer

ID 272671

Jeff Friedman

Dynamic, motivating senior-level executive with extensive experience leading sales / business development operations and generating millions of dollars in growth for small / medium size start-ups to Fortune 500 firms.

ID 75756

Randy Nasson

Sself-motivated Product Owner with a background in mobile, SaaS, enterprise social, knowledge management, e-commerce, portals, and more.

ID 226878

Jose Azares

Full Stack Generalist with Global 200, and Startup professional experience. Greatly Motivated!

ID 275132

Nathan Donnellan

Founder Autism Labs • Worked at @esolar • Studied engineering at @california-institute-of-technology - If I don't know it, I'll learn it.

ID 407523

Andrew Hicks

ID 76114

Dan Lussier

PhD candidate at University of @oxford-university in Mechanical Engineering as Rhodes Scholar. Teacher and strong generalist engineer who can code.

ID 285177

Jeff Tietz

Award-winning feature writer and two-time finalist for the National Magazine Award, Jeff Tietz has penned articles for a wide range of established periodicals.

ID 502804

Andrew Krueger

Just finished MakerSquare and am now pursuing full-stack web development with an eye towards data science and geographic data/analysis.

ID 509210

Shakeel Rashed


Founder of 2 startups, invest time and money in interesting founders and their startups

ID 413347

Benson Wally Tran

Duke EE & CS Class of 2015

ID 77205

Siddhartha Sharma

Entrepreneur, Programmer, Founder @detangl, worked at Dell, MessageOne, IITK Alum, Equities trader

ID 9823

Shawn Scott

CEO at Gradeness. Experienced web/mobile developer. Worked at @apple, @texas-instruments • Studied at @devry-university, @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 638050

Brady Bryan

MakerSquare 12 week boot-camp graduate. JavaScript and Ruby on Rails enthusiast. Fast learning hard worker.

ID 396931

Meredith Scheff-King

Design for hardware and visual. Hardware design for Nonchalance, creators of the Jejune Institute. Production manager for Pop-Mech and Radio Shack. Logistics manager for BurningMan's centerpiece. Design clients include Facebook, PopularMechanics, and Bur

ID 407201

Paras Shah

Currently working with data and product @runtitle . Passion for product, data, and building really cool things. Graduated from LSU.

ID 210552

Bill M

3 startup/early-stage companies, 10 yrs with Oracle. Developed/managed over 20 successful enterprise products. Recent product/eng'g management. MIT CompSci.

ID 720063

Weston Norton

Telly Award-Winning Tech Marketing Pro, Acton MBA, 7 yrs film/television industry, National Instruments, nascent roboticist, and brilliant conversationalist.

ID 180902

Kelly Wrinkle

Worked at @kin-valley in QA testing the product and reporting bugs to Dev. Team and giving updates to managment on how bugs will affect the release schedule.

ID 416444

Gina Helfrich

10+ years exp. in communications, project management, and operations. PhD in Philosophy. Customer Experience Analyst at EvoSure working on product and content.

ID 299769

James Davison

Berkeley EECS, MBA, focused on the enterprise and building software people use every day.

ID 162885

Michelle Rawicz

Worked at @Electronic Arts, @cisco Systems • Studied at University of San Francisco, BS Information Systems Mgmt

ID 406967

Heather Schuck

Experienced Entrepreneur, Strategic Manager, and Innovation Specialist

ID 506005

Leslie Lynch

ID 268468

Ryan Dunagan

Co-Founder at Stoodify, Product and Marketing background

ID 528980

Shakir Mohammad

ID 129696

David A. Bryan

Entrepreneur and Technologist. Currently at Polycom. Previously Founder/CEO at SIPeerior, Co-Founder/CTO at @jasomi. Ph.D. William and Mary. Advisor.

ID 112718

Peter Strople

ID 222083

Skylar Buffington

Product Data Application Admin at Dell; aspiring project manager; passionate about operations and business process improvement/design; Purdue Krannert grad;

ID 236496

Charles Haggas

Founder Space Chimp Media • Studied at @rollins-college

ID 98094

Arnoldus Ellis

Strategy Consultant at Accenture. 1st software startup out of college. Strong business and finance background (Accenture and IB) Quantitative Fin/Acct OSU '09

ID 724837

Zeina Kronfol

Advertising account management and project manager with strong retail and marketing experience. Northwestern MS, 2011

ID 649988

Katie Matlack

ID 718804

Leesa Grills

Very Loyal Energetic Eternal Optimist Seeking an Office or Team to join and help make everything run smoothly.

ID 40348

Parag Beeraka

MBA from Chicago Booth, Helped launch a hardware product in a Software company, Working at Intel

ID 211024

Miró Cassetta

marketing nerd, passionate creative, lifestyle blogger

ID 467490

Hillary Ryan

ID 83879

Kyle P. May, MS PhD

20+ yrs exp operating multi-million dollar portfolios including Perot Systems, CSC & DynCorp. PhD in Internet regulation. 40 Under 40 Leadership Award 2011

ID 381019

Jessica Fuselier

Artistic web developer, looking to create content that catches the eye of millions

ID 97469

Ariam Macias

Staff and web designer. Graduating with three degrees. Goal: be genius and spread the wonders of knowledge.

ID 426935

Meredith Murray

Business Operations and Project Management Professional (MBA)

ID 599289

Laura Goldman

Communications and event marketing pro-fresh looking for her next big adventure.

ID 161477

Zoe Cordes Selbin

Marketing/Girl Friday at Heyride. 7+ years of marketing, journalism, production experience in the music industry. Avid record collector.

ID 881626

Eric Strow

MBA Student at UT-Austin

ID 317449

Samantha Needham

Ideas flying out of my head

ID 530335

Eric Gonzalez

Co-Founder Local Lens • Studied ASE @university-of-texas-at-austin-1 and M.Sc. Computational Engineering @TU-Munich

ID 568263

Anne Camden

ID 419913

Jessica Ives

Production Manager at The Bakery Interactive. Past was a Project Manager at Chaotic Moon and Art/Content Producer Zynga.

ID 192798

Brett Berman

Co-Founder of UMeTime. Entrepreneur. Adventurer.

ID 207727

Michu Benaim S.

Marketing + Communications Strategist, Founder @In-House International, @gophermagazine • Worked at @unolink, @platanoverde • Studied at @UTexas-Austin, @UNC-Chapel-Hill

ID 277388

Jerome Choo

Founded Startup Exchange, 100+ member startup collective at Georgia Tech. Engineer & Web Developer turned Experience Designer.

ID 659971

Patrick McElroy

Work at a small tech start up in Austin. I'm extremely interested in Bitcoin and I am active in the Bitcoin community in Austin.

ID 585931

Allison Herrera

Dynamic career in Linux\Windows\Android mobile devices. Product Manger with experience in full software development cycle. Worked at IMG Tech, Dell, Motorola.

ID 87009

Eric Voss

Collaborative Founder. College at U. of Illinois. Customer Discovery Fan. Advocate of $1B+ Technology Product Development thru Customer Search/Validation

ID 511945

Sasha Hay

Account Planner, Brand Strategist, Marketing Whiz

ID 224315

Keith Bailly


ID 690824

Emily Fiocco

Project Manager, Trainer, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, Curriculum Developer

ID 182821

Vincent Cacace

BI & Data Analytics at General Motors Austin. Previous: Deloitte (Audit Intern) , Siemens (Finance Intern) & a "Ramen Profitable" company in college

ID 322277

Chris Wicker

Motivated, performance-focused leader, committed to building high performing and highly dedicated teams.

ID 288911

Patrick McElroy

Successfully commanded 120 personnel for over two years, made daily decisions regarding promotions, awards, placement, job reviews, company operations, planning, and

ID 170063

Dennis Carpenter

Enterprise SaaS expert. Entreprenuer. Executing go to market plans for venture backed technology start ups.

ID 59981

Victor Trac

CTO • Previously @bazaarvoice, @spawar • Studied at @clemson-university

ID 764867

Justin Stringer

Java Batch Processing Expert

ID 556559

Kathleen Irwin

Content writer and strategist for the healthcare market with a record of producing articles and reports widely shared across news media.

ID 567802

Brandi Young

Founder ActiveAlly • Texas Evening MBA student @university-of-texas-at-austin-1, B.A. in Mass Comm/PR @louisiana-state-university, Marketing Manager for UT MSTC Program

ID 372557

Jenna Christine Cooper

Degree in Psychology; Passionate writer and editor; Excellence in communication; Certificate of Completion from the prestigious Joanne Baron D.W. Brown Studio; Fierce, creative, outgoing, genuine; Lover of people and life.

ID 696503

Monica Ortiz

Start-up protege ready for your next pain point.

ID 701078

Paul Hedrick

Austin-based entrepreneur in ideation stage, former @mckinsey-company BA and @catterton-partners Associate, @harvard-college grad

ID 292761

Graham Goucher

3rd Party Logistics PM. Onboard 3PL's, manage 3PL Relationships, and program managed 3rd Party-related programs. Sees big picture. Dual-degrees; Spanish and MIS

ID 145799

Adrian Bretado, MBA

Worked at @demand-media, @booz-allen-hamilton • Studied at @saint-edward-s-university, @saint-mary-s-university

ID 398933

Barret Hudson

Game Designer and entreprenuer looking for startup opportunities in the gaming industry.

ID 433509

Scott McElroy

Social Entrepreneur. Leader @ehco. Bus dev. Creative Strategy. @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 289291

Dave Szabo

Technical product development leader. Coded and lead development of the worlds first digital textbook. Master of Engineering Mangement, Northwestern University.

ID 149071

Julian Lilly

I graduated from Texas @texas-a-m-university University with a degree in computer science, and I have been working in web development for about four years.

ID 602429

Christina Edwards

Experienced and well-rounded marketing professional with proven background in acquisition and retention for both B2B and B2C markets.

ID 274271

Michael J. Harper

Solving revenue challenges of limited customers, markets, and resources. Expert at designing world class sales operations, building strategic alliances, and developing business cultures of accountability and open communication

ID 188264

Michael DeBonis


Angel investor • passionate technologist • student of business and life.

ID 46040

Scott Moore

Founder of Snapleaf, 1st startup venture. Worked at @jp-morgan, @xerox • Studied at @georgia-institute-of-technology

ID 629377

James Dunavant

Current Equity Analyst specializing in Financial Services at a global hedge fund with $15bn in AUM; as investment banker, supported multiple fintech co. sales

ID 201242

Rachel Rost

Founder FLAVORgate. Experienced Business Development Executive including work with an Inc. 5000 recognized company.

ID 612336

Andrew Meyer

Worked at @bank-of-america-merrill-lynch, @navigant-consulting • Studied at @georgetown-university, @usc-marshall-school-of-business

ID 240724

Cole Glass

Founder Under 100 • Worked at @spacex, @nasa • Studied at @georgetown-university

ID 97032

Jessica Meyer

Web developer in training @makersquare (C10) & front-end dev alum, Gluten-free food blogger. Past: nutritionist & startup founder (Locate Special Diet, Careio).

ID 802016

Kerry Michaels

Notre Dame MBA, Strong business background in Strategy and Marketing, Worked for retail and consulting companies

ID 93215

Shlok Vaidya

Product manager, writer. Former defense consultant, terrorism analyst.

ID 522270

Mark Cunningham


Founder of an IT staffing firm in 1999 focusing on the IT startup industry in Austin, Texas.

ID 592673

kathryn ward

Online Product and UX expert (15 yrs). Worked at HomeAway; was first Product Director at RetailMeNot; driving Agile implementation at Dell.

ID 96300

Justin Britten

ID 249559


With over 10 years of experience in the design industry Stacy has grown into her role as a creative lead to shape products, services, and systems for Fortune 500 companies and other niche industry leaders. Stacy specializes in strategy, design research,

ID 80886

Brandon Gottesman

Founder/CEO of @perfectlynot.

ID 623889

William Conway

Built go to market for Rax public cloud, enterprise cloud, private cloud (openstack). Currently GM @ Mailgun running sales, BD, opps, marketing, support. 

ID 476897

John Adolph

Founder @GetParqer | Attorney @BGLLP

ID 65428

J.J. Guy

Executive Director at ManTech

ID 725313

Bryon Boyer

General Counsel for ReferMe, former tax and deal counsel for Hewlett-Packard and ExxonMobil. Private Equity and Hedge Fund creation, taxation and operation.

ID 15544

Kevin Brady

Entrepreneur & President, @physicians-angels, Inc.

ID 593569

Daniel Braun

Attorney skilled in customer relationships and technology.

ID 491712

Kathleen Richmond

UCSD and UT McCombs School of Business, Focus on Entrepreneurship, Communications in Tech

ID 137989

Dennis Carpenter


ID 107318

Stephen M Bassett

CEO of @BizPortalz. Strong marketing and business development background. Worked at at&t, Aerotech, Inc., and PPG.

ID 867431

Kristen Cetin, P.E., LEED AP

PhD engineering student at UT Austin, Texas Venture Labs Associate, building data analytics research, NSF IGERT Fellow; 

ID 403497

Sean Patterson

ID 526866

Kate Terry

Marketing, analytics, and technical writing strategist. Background in customer service, client acquisition, & technology. Work: Invenio Media and Texas Monthly.

ID 561045

Iñaqui Delgado

Full stack developer with a wide range of experiences from uKernel development, driver & user app development on Linux, to Django and Android development

ID 379229

Nic Tolstoshev

Community Manager for large scale B2B communities

ID 817657

Clinton France

ID 496683

Andy Terrel

Team Member @continuum-analytics • Studied at @university-of-chicago, @texas-tech-university

ID 670088

Tom Nelson

Corporate & M&A partner @ MEMN. Former partner @ Brobeck, Patton Boggs.

ID 776623

Dania Toth

ID 154835

Matthew Snapp Austin

Austin, Texas, resident Matthew Snapp currently maintains a busy schedule as a Psychologist with a private practice, an Executive Coach, and a DARS Consultant.

ID 434754

John Woods

National Science Foundation Fellow, Virginia Tech CS, National Merit Scholar, SciRuby founder, Bioinformatics PhD (U. Texas), competitive swing dancer

ID 320411

Rodrigo Sanchez Servitje


Managing Partner Bridge 37, tech VC Firm. Before B37, VC team Gerbera Capital. Invested in Alandra Medical, ID90t and KiwiLimon. Kauffman Fellow Class 17

ID 89792

Aaron Nicholson

Founder of The Code Builders. High-profile front end development, web applications, mobile apps. Long list of Fortune 500 and top entertainment clients.

ID 219589

Jeremy Koester

Founder @art-print-me prev @prime-surveying-academy • Worked at @geekdom, @rowdy-towel • Studied at @the-university-of-texas-at-san-antonio, @wayland-baptist-university

ID 255302

John Setlak

Senior-level management executive with core leadership experience in business management, marketing, sales, business development, and service-based solution delivery. Strategic leader with equally strong execution skills. Versatile entrepreneurial individ

ID 499540

Anthony Pavich

MBA at UT-Austin McCombs; Strong finance background; Experience working in VC and software startups.

ID 255877

Rajan Babaria

Founder @eborhood, @Ipelion Healthcare

ID 622281

Jason VanFickell

UT M.S in ECE with focus on software engineering; experienced driver and firmware developer for National Instruments since 2004

ID 742152

Mark Danforth

Founder BookAround • Worked at @oakland-unified-school-district • Studied at @davidson-college, @university-of-san-francisco

ID 263346

Eddy Reyes

Love to learn and build systems that simplify our lives. Worked at IBM, Lifesize, Click. M.S.E. UT Austin

ID 750514

John Pontius

Technologically Oriented Sales Guy//Thinker//Reader//Opportunity Seeker

ID 677435

Lauren Forgie

Georgetown Law | experience of a corporate lawyer + salary requirements of a recent undergraduate | interests include operations & client development/retention

ID 294538

Salil Navgire

Data Scientist at @rank-style , Machine learning and Natural Language Processing Enthusiast, studied at @nyu

ID 564199

John Rohrbach

Psychology PhD at UT Austin (2014). Research consultant. Interest in social networks, attitude and behavioral change/marketing, and UX research.

ID 78657

Ammon Fife

Started 3 companies, Manage Social Media Analytics at WCG (PR/Comm/Ad agency) for Fortune 100 companies and startups. Also teach Microeconomics adjunct at BYU-I

ID 66864

Isaac Levy

Founder/CEO @resolute-productions-llc, Founder @amalgamii-llc.

ID 734970

Jeff McCollum

ID 339098


ID 499337

Lakshmi Dhevi Jayagobi

Image processing engineer

ID 70361

Agatha June

Mobile Product Designer. From concept to launch, the goal is an intuitive experience that will engage and delight your audience.

ID 183013

Micah Frazier

Founder Campus Slice • Worked at @ibm • Studied at @indiana-university-purdue-university-at-indianapolis

ID 430938

C'pher Gresham

Accelerator, Hedge Fund, VC, and Startup Experience (, Ability Dynamics). 3rd Place Washington Post BBQ Sauce Competition. MBA from Thunderbird 2014.

ID 714850

Christina Cerchiai

Social Media and Marketing Manager at RydeBarre

ID 434016

Nora Green

Extensive background in customer service. Recent experience with accounting, statistics, and client services as an Executive Assistant.

ID 823691

Jake Peyser

ID 641473

Mykel Mitchell

Managing partner of Cloudee. President of Heatwave INC.

ID 650917

Matt Beltran

UT - Austin CS grad, Product Manager for Native Mobile Applications, wears lots of hats at a start up in Austin, TX

ID 579553

Micah Stewart

Web Developer - love building things. Ruby, Rails, JS, and HTML/CSS. Currently playing with the Angular gem for fun.

ID 571649

Sarah Kempa

UX designer and product enthusiast. 2012 U-Mich grad.

ID 708447

Robert F. Dickerson

ID 206803

Jenner Gorn

ID 231550

J Allen

CEO, Founder and Creator of Appeer. Creator and Founder of Crowdini. 10+ years in Network Administration

ID 738408

Julie Varghese

ID 441748

Patrick Heney

Seeking entry to mid level software development position. Diverse experience ranges simulations, networking, machine learning, CG animation, mobile and game dev

ID 175375

Jennifer O'Neil

Studied at @university-of-michigan graduated in May 2013 Works at @university-of-michigan as a instructional aide Interned at @bloomberglaw

ID 34226

Scott Leisk

Writer / Director / Producer - Currently producing my first feature film Mahogany Sunrise. Looking for investors.

ID 719919

Carl Elbaz

Recent Michigan Grad, interesting in Web Development

ID 316163


University of Michigan CS, Web Developer, Front to Back

ID 634663

Christian Catalan

I'm an optimist who loves tracking/fitness devices. Ruby, Javascript developer. My mission: build amazing software that enable people to live healthier lives.

ID 384468

James Barela

ID 447803

Luis Berga

Co-founder @music-meets-video Associate @techstars Associate @Cabrillo Advisors

ID 342492

Tim Naughton

UPenn grad. Master of ridiculous client requests at GLG. Working on several business ideas. Former startup CFO and Business Development Exec.

ID 478944

Irina Tyshkevich

Dual degree in CS and Linguistics. Working on eCommerce websites for IBM for 3 years. Looking for: something new, social job, more analytical, something unique

ID 540794

Catherine Hut

Marketing professional with MBA and 20+ years of experience. Knows how to organize, develop and execute integrated marketing programs.

ID 170883

Michael Estrin

Hands-on Agile Execution

ID 490913

Rachael Gilbert

Studied @georgetown-university and @university-of-brussels, finishing a PhD @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-1. Experienced in data analytics and language.

ID 383998

Carleton Britt

Marketing strategist, innovator, and tactical leader of initiatives that build brand value and result in sustainable profit growth.

ID 447410

Crystal Hale

Founder Digital Sweets, Creative Director Interactive & Mobile Product Marketing

ID 110803

Mehernosh (Nosh) Mody

Master in CS and MBA - can take an idea from design to production and customer satisfaction!

ID 226700

Tiffani Schuh

Founder of a small business consulting firm-Financial Strategist, Insurance Evangelist, Private Equity Finder, Business Developer, Startup Lover, Native Texan.

ID 772583

Jason Spiegel

Entrepreneurial law grad looking to help with business growth and development.

ID 385877

Lionel Felix

Fixer, breaker, technology enabler, traveler, mentor, leader, creative

ID 827364

Jason Spangler


Served as chief technical officer (CTO), technical director, lead programmer, and programmer for a variety of companies and projects.

ID 242681

Jason Carroll

CEO of startup, Social Medium. Lover of people. Champion for local business. Forward thinker with strong business acumen and a million ideas waiting to happen.

ID 688912

Michael Pazienza

Over 10 years in design/dev with a focus on leading teams and creating stimulating work environments. Expert in HTML, CSS, and JS with a design background.

ID 306174

Barry Leybovich

COO and Co-Founder of @atlas-wearables B.S. Biomedical Engineering; JHU '13

ID 426386

Brian Adamovich

Team leadership, strategic planning, business development, marketing with a focus on analytics, risk analysis, win-win negotiation and conflict resolution.

ID 78024

Keith Gaddis

Full stack developer with strong architectural, product management, business strategy and leadership skills.

ID 277077

Mark Garcia

ID 522368

Christopher Brooks

Senior Software Developer, full stack, Ruby on Rails, Javascript

ID 183910

Johnston Ayala

Founder and Editorial Director of @theascendermag. Digital publishing innovator shaping the future of magazines and digital media.

ID 485995

Ophelia Ho

Tech Entrepreneur, Business Development, Project Management, Client Success.

ID 781007

Steven Saldana

ID 670175

James A Tiller

CompE graduate from Vanderbilt; C#/Java Developer; Native Android and Rails App Developer;

ID 798052

Matt Petri

ID 857999

Chad Shepler

ID 438653

Michael Ranalli, M.B.A.

Accomplished web marketer with a proven background of driving tangible results for businesses of all sizes and across numerous verticals.

ID 537762

Pace Kaneshige

ID 8700

Brian Land

Team member of @endeca, @siebel, @scopus-technology, @retalix.

ID 483949

Michael O'Keefe

UT McCombs grad student '14 studying technology commercialization. Healthcare software product manager. Previously a software developer

ID 434633

Joe Freedman


Founder of two businesses sold to publicly-traded companies. CEO of four companies listed on the Inc. 500/5000, eight times. Start-up to exit multiple times.

ID 165972

Matt Mills

VP Design @cogsy. Artist, engineer, programmer, and designer working on everything from video games to large corporate web applications.

ID 420840

Christopher Sayson

Bootstrapped Polysil America and bootstrapping MuseQuip. Keen eye for opportunity and problem solving.

ID 682753

Danielle Hunt

ID 434097

Guy Goldstein

Creator of and

ID 220527

Elena H. Chobanova

Bachelor of Science: Corporate Communication, the University of Texas at Austin. Worked in operations, marketing, & administration with start-ups & non-profits.

ID 333646

Karen Leventhal

Founder & CEO SE Rising. 15 years experience in fundraising and program management.

ID 194442

Craig W Rider

Founder FWB Loyalty, @diamond-tools-direct-inc • Studied at @stephen-f-austin-state-university

ID 618200

Terri Lee

Vanderbilt University graduate; Editorial Intern for Think Publishing; English Teaching experience; Proficient in several languages

ID 573994

Jeremy Trifiro

ID 249119

Sammy Holaschutz

Graduate from @UT-Austin. Non-ferrous Metal trader

ID 560737

Cristina Montemayor

ID 502175

Nick Middleton

Founder @m-house-consulting • Worked at @square-root • Helped launch multi-million dollar website while at UT Austin

ID 61755

David Choi

Research Intern at St David's NeuroTexas Institute

ID 259333

mahdi Jaber

Creative Marketing & Business Development Specialist

ID 329277

Todd Wacker

Rails, Javascript Web Developer

ID 210566

Cort Bucher

Strategic senior technologist and operations manager. Have served as both CTO and COO for several successful companies. Excellent problem solver and strategist.

ID 462874

Charlie Hulcher

Hackathon Hacker, Web Development, UMD Electrical Eng. Undergrad

ID 556695

Julia Branham

Lead Project manager who saves her companies hundreds of thousands through process reform and has earned over a million in new revenue through good relationship

ID 330664

Muhammad Yousaf Sajjad

Engineer of Software, Services and Automation.

ID 580595

Gokul Anandayuvaraj

Founder Vinveli • Worked on building small satellites for @nasa-jpl , @us-air-force @rockinfrnz 1st startup out of high school • Rocket Scientist @ut-austin

ID 608046

Jason Banta

Current product management director at AMD. Successful team builder/leader, business/P&L manager, software/hardware project manager. U of Texas MBA, A&M BSCE.

ID 368284

Maria D. Nunez

Founded @dream Clowd, Studied @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-1, @3-day-startup Alumni, Worked @austin-independent-school-district, UT Austin and The Syndicate

ID 626964

Matthew Poplawski

Product manager for mission critical software. Passionate about product strategy and delivering a superior user experience. Self-taught web,db, mobile developer

ID 54121

Kyle Varga

Team member of @bazaarvoice.

ID 220471

Jared Huke

Award winning, international design lead, fast moving and focused with disciplined approach to design process and user centered design.

ID 352720

Casandra West, MPH

Experienced Health Communication and Engagement Professional

ID 315003

Jared Benson

Participated in management presentations to private equity, venture capital and banks which raised over $300M in capital.

ID 885727

Jeri Saper

COO in charge of client service, DB content and QC. 5th start-up. Founded and exited 2 digital marketing firms; owns successful Jazzercise franchise, 24th year.

ID 456551

Shane Patience

MS McCombs, Engineering BS UT. Extensive background in manufacturing (PCB, Sheet Metal, Plastics). Passionate about new product/business dev around technology.

ID 543366

Ashesh Sahib

Product Management and Marketing Executive. Technical minded (CS background) MBA. Strong marketing and analytical skills. MBA and Computer Science (BS) - exas

ID 210338

Keith Jamison

Founder or co-founder of three companies, helped raise over $34M in VC funding, wrote and received 27 Phase I and 9 Phase II SBIR awards as PI.

ID 380679

Mark Milligan

CS degree, Sales Professional, Co-founder, Big software company and start-up sales experience. Still code - now Rails.

ID 269649

Keff Ratcliffe

Digital Solutions professional with experience in Ecommerce, marketing and product management. Leading small to multimillion dollar projects with major brands.

ID 204077

Lindsey Lauren

BIZ DEV WUNDERKIND [the #1 #2] Powering other people's projects since 2001. Successful ventures from finance to fashion.

ID 325524

Brad Jewell

Software Engineer experienced with a wide array of technologies. Passionate about writing great software, learning new things, and taking on new challenges.

ID 468253


ID 232362

Hunter Cash

President of @basanty, Founder of @brew-cupid-coffee-co. Worked at @silicon-valley-bank and @spring Branch ISD. Entrepreneurship Major at @st-edwards-university

ID 462180

Allison Noblitt

Managing Editor at local startup publication, strong background in marketing support strategies

ID 433967

Bomin Kim

-Founder Pync -M&A Strategy Planning Manager, BNR ENTERPRISE, INC. -Online Marketing Manager, WOORI Investment & Securities -Investment Consultant, LG Investment & Securities

ID 202115

Corey Ward

I'm a product developer, full stack designer, and marketer interested in startups and companies creating consumer applications and physical products.

ID 569185

Christopher Molaro

Officer at @us-army, Founder @things-we-read • Studied at @united-states-military-academy

ID 659630

Chris Hogue

ID 573801

Veronica Perry

English graduate from University of Texas; concentration on creative and analytic writing. Freelance social media writer. 5 years as customer service trainer.

ID 401508

Michael Marks

Former technical director of Aspyr Media. Engineer at AMD, 3dfx, Nvidia, and Midway Games. PGP fingerprint

ID 611794

Aric Birnbaum

ID 411160

Shelby Dremely

MIS student (Junior) at UT Austin; Seeking internship for summer 2014; Hard-working; Creative; Team-player; Passionate.

ID 100151

David Yakobovitch

Data Scientist at ADP, Special Projects. Strong business background (Deutsche Bank, Citi, Aflac). B.S. Finance/Stats. Hackathon veteran. PM/Biz Dev.

ID 214012

Tyler Reinhart

UT CS Student. Designer & front-end developer.

ID 48450

Joe Molinelli

Team member of @agent-aquarium.

ID 199806

James Hergott

Ceo of Owned Entertainment, writer/exec producer of doc about GSP (the UFC's top PPV draw) writer/producer/director of several released MMA film and TV projects

ID 791640

Margot Yeager

PICU nurse, healthcare research/coordination, patient experience improvement, clinic efficiency, office management, blogger, html, CSS, YogaMadre founder

ID 410391

Russell Ryan

Conceptual, detailed and innovative designer. Managers and peers have described me as driven and capable of creatively solving complex problems.

ID 328628

Christopher Vela

Statistics/Ethnicity and Race Studies at Columbia.

ID 606536

Jennifer Ervin

Worked at @ibm, @accenture • Studied at @texas-a-m-university

ID 367678

Doug Fierro

Seasoned product management professional with experience at several start-ups

ID 858047

Tom Woodrome

ID 193733

Amir Sadoughi

Work at @rackspace • Worked at @riverbed-technology, @check-point-software-technologies-1, @rgm-advisors • Studied at @university-of-california-berkeley

ID 101852

Cody Ward

@evosure - Director of Marketing

ID 557365

Vivek Viswanathan

Purdue MSECE; engg mgr and generalist; specialist in media streaming, video encode/decode; cofounded video startup that got acquired 2011; looking for CTO roles

ID 542878

Lauren Foster

Founder Stretch Recipes (Stret¢h) • Worked @meritage-homes-corporation at @comcast, @us-cellular • Studied at @columbia-college-chicago, @woodbury-university

ID 468233

Josh Rabinowitz

Founder @articulate-labs • Worked at @college-forward • Studied at @michigan-state-university

ID 43694

Andi Gillentine

COO and co-founder of

ID 459364

Robert Kleinman

Attorney at Virtuix. Common sense legal counselor and intellectual property litigator.

ID 559742

Erin Ayson

@ucberkeley Alum. Currently @oracle-corporation, previously @google @fox-networks-group @safeway.

ID 393960

Kristine Bryant

Director of Marketing @ Pristine • Worked @gemalto • Studied @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-mccombs-graduate-school-of-business, @southwestern-university

ID 604186

Natalie Moore

Strong startup background with an advanced knowledge in all operations. A keen ability to build process for success.

ID 362196

Matt Mathews

Founded OakHill Voicemail; Father, Innovator

ID 575081

Mark Swanholm

Unstructured Content & Data Guru - Sales & Professional Services Executive; multiple startups & Fortune 500 experience

ID 399860

Michael Tarng

UTexas CS, Technical Project Manager; Worked at Jackrabbit Mobile,, SXSW, Texas Instruments

ID 578959

Ben Ponder

fierce generalist in an age of hyper-specialization

ID 632030

Tom Inman


12+ years of venture capital investing experience at Limestone and Gefinor Ventures. Focus on early stage investing in software & tech-enabled services.

ID 394181

Hobson Brown


Part of multiple e-commerce start-ups, founded one.

ID 507316

Quinn Donovan

Startup veteran with client and agency side experience building high performing digital marketing programs and teams in a variety of industries.

ID 130535

Michael Van Steenburg

Advanced Technology Developer and Consultant

ID 567963

Meredith Gritzer

ID 158153

Lee Billington

Founder @beak

ID 595709

Justin Spencer

Founder misePOS • Worked at @sway, @craft-2 • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 787021

Ashley M. Summers

ID 400054

Chris Mills

Founder Veribuy • Worked at @capital-one • Studied at @virginia-military-institute

ID 248748

Dan McMahan

Founder @unclipd, @snapshowing, @awethentic • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 435314

Chris Diede

Digital Executive, Entrepreneur, Chief Marketing Officer. Strong client background and business leader. Founded & sold startup digital marketing agency.

ID 570916

Corey Higgins

Technical Support Guru, Creator of Incredibly Happy Users, Culture Generator, Spiritual Advisor

ID 399033

W Edward Stamps

Self Starter with Capital Markets and Internet Technology expertise exploring opportunities in Austin to co-found a consumer product.

ID 782370

Todd Goodall

PhD student at UT Austin; Image/Video Processing, Computer Vision

ID 308347

Jennifer Aldoretta

Designer, entrepreneur, engineer, learner. CEO & Co-Groover of Groove, providing tools to help women easily & confidently manage fertility.

ID 411369

Robert Rose

MBA Candidate at McCombs School of Business. Chinese speaker. Former US Navy Intel Analyst.

ID 453281

Daniel Mahler

Worked at @bazaarvoice, @google

ID 292828

Josh Kivenko


Fortune 500 Marketing Executive and investor for a privately held fund. Looking to invest in dynamic people with ideas that solve real-world problems.

ID 339686

Lawrence Johnson

CEO of Hurl. Background in sales and project management with Microsoft and Apple. UT Austin graduate.

ID 485651

Alisha Pannell

ID 460521

Joseph Moriarty

Working as an investor and business operations consultant at a software focused private equity firm owning over 20 software businesses

ID 117396

Matt Harris

Most recently co-founded @urbee-1. I previously worked at Morgan Stanley as an FX Trader. 2010 Texas @texas-a-m-university grad, bachelors in finance.

ID 193747

keith maitland

Emmy-nominated independent filmmaker; writer-director-producer; enjoys pumpkin flavored baked goods. BA in Creative Writing from @university-of-texas-austin

ID 210176

Allen Walker

Co-Founder @merj, Full stack Ruby Rails consultant

ID 778942

Emma Cervantes

ID 374638

Dave Yeats

PhD researcher: delivering insights about users in e-commerce, social, user-generated content, government, entertainment, higher education and more

ID 130851

Priyanka Kodikal

I design form and function for products that improve lives in a meaningful way.

ID 384303

Tanya White

Marketing Leader: from Setting Strategy and Leading Teams to Rolling Up My Sleeves

ID 720587

Jianwen Yin

ID 672982

Brent Cohn

Experienced quantitative analyst.

ID 808219

Ameen Kazemi

Public Relations and Social Media Coordinator with Sales experience.

ID 218269

Tom Maiaroto

Internet mercenary.

ID 387907

Delwin Campbell

Freelance web application & front-end developer.

ID 532292

Donald Gonzales

otolaryngologist, Serial med device entrepreneur, raised over $50M in VC funding for multiple companies, recently sold my first start-up (ENTrigue Surgical) to ArthroCare

ID 54989

Blaine Kohl

Work at @itrend, Big Data Analytics • Founder @ethernet-alliance, Life Slice • Worked at Intel, Motorola • Studied at @university-of-texas-austin

ID 206696

Chad Owen

Studied at @university-of-chicago

ID 430321

Robbie Reed

Startup and Venture Capital Experience. MBA with a focus on strategy and analytics to help businesses grow

ID 671174

Chris Elliott

Marketing Director with experience in Sales, CRM, and Business Development in a variety of industries. Founded 2 startups and co-founded 2 others.

ID 88644

Hunter Inman

Founder @okkem-consulting • Worked at @bny-mellon, Launched@livingtree • Studied at Economics@texas-a-m-university, MBA@trinity-college-dublin

ID 744578

Apple Capital Group

Co-Founder Apple Capital • Worked at @autonation • Studied at @university-of-notre-dame, @friends-university

ID 706372

Brian Traudt

Founder and product manager focused on building a amazing solutions that bring value to clients and shareholders.

ID 534165

Sheila Fenelon

Worked at @sociometri-inc-1 • Studied at @university-of-florida

ID 783591

Michael Olsen

ID 329080

Michael Marshall


Founder @weeli • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 546288

Akash Mankar

Current SW Engineer R&D at National Instruments. UT Austin MS CS, 3 years work ex at NVidia, Entering start up arena, Delivered couple of start up prototype

ID 40746

Ryan Cole

University of North Texas CS, full stack generalist, web developer, love databases and reverse engineering

ID 490686

Terence Yeo

ID 641744

Jennifer Noinaj

UI/UX Designer. Worked at Google, Zurich, and Accenture. Studied at University of Illinois. Located in Austin, TX.

ID 76122

Michelle Kerkstra

Co-Founder @biocentric-developments • Built amazing products at @2nd-md, @insignia-health • Studied at @rice-university

ID 592699

Matthew Rigney

Writer, lawyer, problem solver seeking a collaborative and transparent work environment.

ID 59493

Sidharth Garg

Founder of @stand-up-apps. Data analyst and iOS developer. Worked at Facebook and Intel.

ID 410445

Bob Little

I help companies craft new market strategies and then turn those into effective go to market tactics

ID 746668

Mark Allen

West Point graduate; Top-Rated US military officer; Combat Leader; Founder of Austin-based charity event company

ID 194360

Lindsay Franklin

Lindsay Franklin discovered a way to combine the utility and ubiquity of print maps with the voluminous information capacity of mobile, and apply it to the unique needs of the tourist.

ID 380597

Patricia Silva

Web Developer

ID 138909

Matt Hawkins

Founder @pipcoin • Worked at @bazaarvoice, @socialware • Studied at @university-of-colorado-boulder

ID 632498

Zach Watkins

ID 110323

Joe Putman

Owner, Dart Data Inc.

ID 175247

Craig Halley


CTO, Founder @MPV (acquired by Experian). Software Architect @Concero. Strong design, web dev, database, software architecture. Studied @northwestern-university.

ID 443324

Josh Norem

Experienced EE. Extremely broad range of experience in embedded systems. Experience in all phases of planning, development, and production with specialties in firmware development and debug.

ID 800295

Travis Richardson

Thunderbird MBA student, looking for an innovative tech start-up to further my Product Management career.

ID 224190

Brandon Harris

Full stack developer, unicorn. I build applications that run a business.

ID 259642

Carter Hogan

Founder @ubtane • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin

ID 780493

Darshan Modani

ID 220665

Sean Schade

Founder Zenkata IO • Worked at @ebay and @dell

ID 559365

Sapan Upadhyay

B.S. CS from UT Austin

ID 79886

Pedram Salek

ID 212536

Marcel Bensch

CTO&Co-Founder @froof. Studied at @university-of-california-santa-barbara. Software Developer & UI/UX Designer. Passionate about open healthcare and open data.

ID 359642

Sarah Ratliff

Worked at @petparent, @halfpastnow • Studied at @abilene-christian-university

ID 641061

Mike Reed

Team-Oriented Startup Addict; Helped launch the iPhone at Apple; Last three years at a mobile security startup that went public in June 2014

ID 195335

Jay R. Stanka


Internet TV & Social Media, Humanitarian Assistance, Special Forces, Platform Development, Global Human Networks, Disaster Relief, Medical & Corporate Diplomacy

ID 169994

Jonathan Wells

Aspiring Entrepreneur, UNC School of Law grad, Tech enthusiast, I love to get after it.

ID 286083

Matthew Twite

Founder of Salesbot. Experienced and successful sales professional in medical device industry (NuVasive, Zimmer, & Biomet). Self-proclaimed technophile.

ID 641087

Julie Miller

UT Austin Chem Engineering and Comp Sci, worked in mobile app development and have taken 4 years of java, business skills, worked at IQ Learning tutoring agency

ID 64481

Michael Miller

co-founder | sales & marketing at The MobiSolution | Serial entrepreneur.

ID 666484

Dave Williams

ID 539806

Oz Nathan

Working on decentralizing our online identities. Our data belongs to us, not to Facebook and Google.

ID 848157

John Mitchell

UT student looking for unpaid internship; minor experience in Python, JavaScript, Java, and Android app development. Just looking for experience.

ID 415695

Patrick Hess

Supply chain at Apple; seeking program management and sales opportunities; proactive, analytical, thorough, quick adapter; UCSD master's degree in economics.

ID 643595

Shannon Lu

UT Computer Science and Finance student, Entrepreneurship mindset, technology focused

ID 101577

Colby Wilson

CEO at Cervisior LLC, CEO HireaHammer LLC

ID 362209

zach prager

University of Texas Computer Science BS. Full Stack Rails Engineer at Spiceworks in Austin. Remote iOS development for Floodlight Software.

ID 395951

Clay Tobolka

Working as a Android Software Engineer @golden Frog • Computer Science and Economics double major at @the-university-of-texas-at-austin

ID 514730

Matt McDaniel

Extremely passionate designer with a love for creating and developing new products and improving ones that need help

ID 592403

Jordan Goldberg

Currently at University of Texas studying Economics and minoring in Finance. Began Hook the Cure charity organization. Worked at Pulman, Pullen and Cuppucio Lawfirm.

ID 548487

Caroline Gaynor

ID 554352

Joe Koenig

Creator of beautiful hardware @apple • Master of supply chain, operations, planning • Builder of large factories • Wi-Fi Junkie @broadcom • EE/MBA @ UT Austin

ID 364012

Nickolay Shestopalov

PhD in Computational and Applied Science. Worked in software industry. Inventor and entrepreneur in clean technology. Strong mathematical modeling and programming skills.

ID 263946

Alex Artushin

Full stack developer, started

ID 471144

Sarah Eshelman

Manager & Project Coordinator. Built multiple video departments from scratch. Love organization and people management.

ID 752221

Eddrick Spencer

UT Austin 2012.

ID 172894

Mike Driska

Founder & CEO @bodmodz • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 692086

Rebecca Whitehurst Bitter

Marketing Director for Century Communities Texas division. UNC-Chapel Hill MBA candidate for 2013-2014.

ID 216133

Chris Mullins

Internet marketing, community and e-commerce leader offering a rich blend of hands-on experience, Team Leadership and a consistent history of success.

ID 557489

Rajan Bose

Freshman Computer Science software developer.

ID 786867

Katie Eldredge

Designer. Social butterfly. Dance Queen.

ID 537842

Jennifer Burkhardt

Consistent top performer with experience in several growing SaaS companies. Strong background in Public Relations, Marketing, and Social Media.

ID 137705

Reid Moody

Founder VoiceWorks Mobile, VoiceWorks Mobile, Inc • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 561770

Jillian Domingue

Executive Director and Founder of Affect Change, Inc. dba ColorCancer an active 501(c)3.

ID 177555

James Rutledge

Founder @likeriser

ID 366144

Peter Valka

Founded West Campus Furniture. Strong sales background. UT Austin graduate.

ID 116250

Dastan Aitzhanov

International entrepreneur & mid-size company owner.

ID 462299

Bryan Bartley

MakerSquare student, interest in rapid prototyping and Rails development. Attended the University of Texas.

ID 73913

Peter Keller

Founder: @fringesport, @ProductSimple. CrossFit gearhead. I build companies, I design cool kit.

ID 847464

Nicolai McCrary

UT Computational Biology. CEO of Already Maid LLC. Background in bioinformatics and computers, experience in sales and marketing. Published photographer.

ID 312395

Philip Bernhisel

Team member @capdominus. Strong marketing and business background. Worked @deloitte-consulting , @cassidy-turley • Studied at @university-of-southern-california

ID 184403

Tanner Powell

Founder @truckhunt • Worked at @travaasa-experiential-resorts • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 208992

Hersh Amin

Founder P-Asl Development • Worked at @texas-instruments • Studied at @university-of-texas-austin

ID 176012

Joshua Ellinger

CTO/Founder @exemplar-technologies * Scientist @ Pavilion Technologies * BSEE @ UT Austin

ID 182201

Andrew Templeton

Companies and their backers hire me (and the team I lead) to replace in-house development teams.

ID 237131

Getty Hall

Junior Business Honors student at U of Texas. Founder of live music startup CrowdNoise. Passionate about UX/UI, customer engagement, and product innovation.

ID 628407

Jeffrey Cardenas

ID 35625

Sid Upadhyay

Co-Founder & CTO at @hoot-me. @dreamit-ventures Summer Class of 2011. @university-of-texas-austin Stats Grad.

ID 464443

Varun Brahme

USC graduate, Worked on different projects and different technologies, Interested in software engineer or web developer positions

ID 349357

Rani Deshmukh

Founder @boutiquein, Fashion & Tech enthusiast. Product Ideation, Design & Development,Marketing and Business Development M.S. Eng. Mgmt. UT Austin B.S. (COEP)

ID 537294

Csongor Juhasz

Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1 - Advertising

ID 641945

Erin Barandes

Energetic leader with a passion for start-ups and building teams.

ID 485944

Blake McGregor

IBM Software Consultant. Advised large tech, finance & aviation clients. UT-Austin Engineering Degree. Communicate between business and engineering effectively.

ID 470921

Mayank Ketkar

CMU MS, built small search engine (not launched), dabbled in front end design (, good planner and awesome at visualizing stuff

ID 795269

Aviva Pinchas

Digital Strategist | Storyteller | Writer & Designer

ID 284155

Anubhav Ashok

High Performance Computing Quest, Bronze Award (Scalable Drug Categorization, parallel programming, visualization of results) + Research in Artificial Intelligence in Game Design + Recipe Generator using AI algorithms project

ID 690445

Daniel Flowers

McCombs Alumni, Strong background in engineering management and customer advocacy, Evangelist for innovation and technology commercialization.

ID 248001

andy maloney

Worked at @ravel-1 • Studied at @university-of-texas-austin, @university-of-new-mexico

ID 860939

Claire Hansen

Organizational Development professional with experience in tech HR (Kiva and TubeMogul). MA in organizational communication from Texas A&M. 

ID 572411


Startup enthusiast | Social Media Coordinator @CapitalFactory | 

ID 399160

Lindi Horton


Creative problem solver and leader who is passionate about travel and exploring the world of technology and earth

ID 773237

Mike Kolarik

ID 161291

Lars Hjältman

co-founder @hcg-partners • Partner in Management Consulting, serial entrepreneur and big company C-leve exec

ID 434823

Justus Hanna

Founder of Develatec. Developed Squared Away app. Ran a Bitcoin mining pool. IT/management/banking background. Solver of all problems complicated.

ID 636678

Ivickza Sanchez

Bilingual MBA with 16 years of Marketing/Business Operations experience

ID 449791

John (JP) Pullicino

Founder & Lead Systems Engineer @22solutions-llc (Install/Test Fiber-Optic Networks) CoFounder @api-network • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 463894

Aanand Shukla

Finance & Operations Consultant. Worked with Real Estate, Airlines, Banking, Staffing, and Financial Services. Texas A&M MBA 2012.

ID 149153

Jason Griffin

Worked at @demand-media • Studied at Texas @texas-a-m-university

ID 488889

Chris Boette

MakerSquare and CMU alum. Full stack web app developer looking to surprise and delight users. Eager to keep building and keep learning.

ID 553572

Marius Ghercioiu

Interested in remote SW Dev projects

ID 459772

Craig O'Sullivan

Product Manager seeking business development opportunities for Digital Marketing, Big Data innovations. Works @american-express. MBA @vanderbilt-university

ID 571163

Michael Pistone

ID 233264

Evan Rabinowitz

Veteran support professional with leadership, training and project management experience.

ID 567774

Kafi Mavour

Oracle hardware account manager, social media consultant, marketing and customer service background.

ID 516466

Sandra Everett

Founder travel mobile & web app for travel planning and experience capture. 13+ years supply chain operations experience in big corporations.

ID 414638

Umar Siddiqui, M.D.

Founder @vphysicians • Advisor @epatientfinder @health-care • @health-care-information-technology BSci @university-of-pittsburgh-1 MD @american-university-1

ID 57570

Stephen Newman

Chief Executive Officer at @culturemap, LLC

ID 205031

Bradley B. Clark

Co-Founder @lawful-ly | Shareholder | TX Rising Star: Business (top 2.5% under 40) | Fellow: @txbforg (top 1/3 of 1% of Texas Attorneys)

ID 162403

Ed Sullivan

Founder and CTO @g2link • Studied at @pennsylvania-state-university

ID 256174

Jeremy Cross

Associate Creative Director at Razorfish Austin. Proven record helping companies like Samsung and Coca Cola thrive. Ready to do the same for a start up.

ID 112463

Eric Brynsvold

Founder of @trailerq, freelance Android developer, graduate of Rose-Hulman

ID 437049

John Bennett

co-founder of moAD Labs, Austin, TX. Monetizing the Mobile advertising ecosystem. Experienced technology trusted advisor and business builder. Roll up your sleeves and get the job done attitude. Not concerned with "titles" just building success.

ID 651731

Ryan Vernon

CSM at Enterprise SaaS company; Thrive in start-up environments; Passionate about people and customers

ID 317448

Michelle Trudo

Art Director: branding, interactive design, e-commerce, app design, UI

ID 308163

Zia Word

Co-founder Lialina,, AFTR & Guerrilla Gameshow. Worked with large brands bringing digital to life. Tech, Creative, Growth hacking, Marketing & business

ID 377908

Tay Sarian

Sales professional of 8 years.

ID 316899

Bobby Jo Sawey

Technologically Enhanced Creator

ID 15124

P.J. Snavely

Founder @Fat Dog Mobile • Worked at @sony-computer-entertainment-america, @acclaim-games • Studied at @university-of-south-carolina

ID 518358

Gerald Russell

Senior Product Manager and Project Manager Specializing in SaaS with 15 years of Austin start-up experience.

ID 526100

Hatty Ostrowski

ID 482460

Brian Chappell

Senior Consultant supporting the nation’s top hospitals and health systems, academic medical centers, insurers, and governmental agencies.

ID 161393


Founder Current Startup • Worked at @amd • Sematech, Multiple Startups in Semiconductor Industry, Studied at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, MSEE, MSME, PhD

ID 725442

Nathan Brigmon

GIS Analyst. Holds degrees in Business and Urban Planning.

ID 136862

Eric Van Hensbergen

Disruptive Systems Builder; Worked at @lucent-bell-labs, @ibm-research on everything from embedded consumer products to the top-ranked supercomputer.

ID 525630

Kori Mirsberger

Founder Band Draft • Inventor of Fun Wraps • Studied at @boston-university • Graphic & Web Designer • Owner of IROK Designs

ID 634617

Lorne Wilson

ID 487075

Stefan Peierls

Get Smarter and Unite The World

ID 333875

Mayer Seidman

MBA, Full stack web developer. Excited about technology and startups. Always looking to learn and grow both on my own and in collaboration with others.

ID 666623

Manuel Pena

Co Founder and Product Manager @ToochillGames, Product and Biz Dev consultant for several startups, Product Mktg @NeuricTechnologies, Co Founder @zealous

ID 828556

Jonathan Cartmill

ID 107351

Florin Matei

Running the technology for a GIS business for more than 5 years. Looking for the next big thing where geospatial meets big data and computer learning. Join me!

ID 503700

Harman Singh Johar

Social Entrepreneur, G20 US Delegate, Next gen food company in college

ID 589072

Christine Bentsen

Director, Product Marketing with multiple years of PM and PMM experience. Great customer-focused attitude, roll up your sleeves approach.

ID 876067

Chad Riley

ID 156600

Tracy Stewart

Co-Founder Crowdflair • paradox, dialetheism, mom of jackson, max & bennett, caretaker of atticus ratticus, lover of austin lifestyle

ID 271087

Caryn Laviv

Babson MBA. Tech savvy entrepreneur with marketing, operations, and sales experience. Recognized skills in mentoring and leading team projects. Innovative, customer centric problem solver.

ID 665863

Nina Beary

Columbia University B.A., Worked at JP Morgan & Venture Fund, Looking for meaningful strategy role

ID 879880

Kaley Ervin

Former Teacher, Instructional Technologist, Aspiring Project Manager

ID 470855

Elise Krentzel

Visionary implementer of new business anywhere, pioneer market creator/finder, fearless entrepreneurial spirit, funny people person.

ID 457895

Maureen McCarthy

Recent Georgetown grad. Looking to write, communicate for local startup. Interested in education, fitness, health, and tech initiative that makes lives better.

ID 338794

Emily Brouillet

Austin writer and brand strategist, 5 years at IDEO, curator of major Shepard Fairey exhibition.

ID 791369

Michael Van Meurs

Passionate full-stack JavaScript developer that loves tackling hard problems and learning new technologies

ID 522233

Nikee Pomper

ID 6989

Stanley Florek

Tangerine Power helps communities develop the clean energy resources in their neighborhood.

ID 837620

Justin David Sofia

ID 275442

Andrea Rojas

UT graduate - Technology Commercialization, Economics bachelor, worked at the University of Texas

ID 653362

Caroline Johnson

Consultant at IBM, Georgia Tech, BS in Industrial Engineering. Lead consultant on several production deployments across multiple industries.

ID 552954

Tejaswini Ganapathi

ID 625597

Brian Granaghan

Georgia Tech grad. Electrical Engineer well versed in low level software and system architecture who makes innovative use of new IP.

ID 483270

Ron Zhang

UI/UX web and interaction designer with 15+ years of design experience. Worked with startups and variety of high-tech firms such as Asus, Nvidia, and Motorola.

ID 668789

Gilbert Van Cutsem


ID 497221

Alexandra Henke

Scrappy. Economist by education, consultant by chance and technologist by choice.

ID 425896

Mel Frontino - Bergeron

Studied at @bowling-green-state-university

ID 270958

James Hodgkins

Educational background in research and analysis now managing a member-driven organization. Looking to combine my love of people with my passion for technology.

ID 703815

Sachin Ahuja

Georgia Tech Chemical Engineer, recent MakerSquare graduate, launched 2 successful final projects in Node and Rails.

ID 328169

Charles Neill

CS B.A. @ UT, 2013. Software Security Engineer @ Rackspace.

ID 384082

paul snyder


ID 443902

Britt Ballard

ID 653410

Lawrence M

ID 618774

Kevin Binswanger

Passionate engineer, loves new technology and knowing how things work. Even my hobbies involve leadership, mentoring and customer service!

ID 570569

Mike Weisbuch

Columbia Economics, Multi-Channel Marketing Expert, Innovation Group Director/New Solutions Manager at digital agency. Open to exciting opportunities anywhere.

ID 523691

Igor Holas

Rogue scientist. Founder and CEO at Youcognize.

ID 851915

Giacomo Ravo

ID 592892

Taylor Thomas

5 years experience in digital marketing. Search Strategy & PPC Specialist. Lifelong musician & audio engineer. St. Edwards University BA in Political Science.

ID 582852

Robert Graham

GT grad, embedded engineer, developed multiple device drivers for Linux and Windows including device 4-port network device driver.

ID 232970

Ravel Thai

ID 122921

Nevin Watkins

Founder • Working at • Worked at @adlucent • Studied at @washington-university-in-saint-louis

ID 290077

Parker Laramore

Texas adv & biz; committed to scaling companies, defining order, finding targets of opportunity, & furthering mission statements.

ID 57104

Minsok Pak

Managing Director at Actium Corporation

ID 259881

Stephen Peyton Austin TX

The book, entitled Kicker Box from Afghanistan, chronicles Mr. Peyton’s journey from his Austin home to the war zone around Bagram, Afghanistan.

ID 635199

Ian Alexander

One-man customer support and documentation team. Experience documenting and supporting products from development to call center.

ID 172445

Matt Tokoly

PHP Developer at UT - Co-Creator of RIPPIN' - Studied at @southern-methodist-university

ID 821825

Marek Zapletal

ID 614247

Garrett Boyle

Recent law graduate looking for startup work

ID 105000

Michael Judkins

ID 293963

Hunter Cross

Founder and CEO of Ponticlaro. Full-stack Developer. Interactive Art Director with international agency experience.

ID 242676

Michele Pierini

Junior developer learning lots of stuff on the job in downtown Austin.

ID 58507

Alfonso Aramburo

Design Engineer. Founder of Publicity Startup. Master in Marketing and Technologies Management. Play guitar and Sing. Sports.

ID 86345

Chris Swaim

Founder Canary • Works at @apollo-endosurgery • 787 Aircraft Design • BSME at @university-of-washington

ID 80515

Wayne Harrel

Author and Founder of Zielix®, Thrib and Hatchboy.

ID 382288

Jason Ozols

ID 390194

Robert Balderas

A startup essential offering Full Life Stack: Front-end Dev, Product management, Sales, Business Dev, Marketing, Web Design, UX design, and humor!

ID 267462

Gerardo Treviño

Founder & CEO of Paybook, Inc. Bachelor degree in IT at Technological University of Coahuila. Worked as CTO at Dicex Int., Inc. and already sold 1 company.

ID 242926

Wiley Bennett

Founder BMDware, studied HCI, focus on information visualization, software architecture design/development

ID 537502

Nitin John

ID 451343

Michael Plaster

Enthusiastic. Adaptable. Strategic. Consultant and business development for startups. Film Producer. Internet Marketing and Advertising native.

ID 839874

Alice Yu

ID 522064

Gabriel Camacho

Entrepreneur, FX trader, German Shepherd lover.

ID 544628

Spencer Bull

University of Texas at Austin perusing CS degree with UT Business Foundations. Previous Internship with Ctuit Software

ID 529690

Corinna Bahr

Worked at @continuum-analytics • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 165957

Patrick Dickson

VP Operations, @cogsy; BBA Finance, @university-of-texas-at-austin-1, 2003

ID 598545

Jeannette Kremer

Efficient Office Administrator

ID 562277

Brad Caponigro

Engineering student at Univ of Texas, very diligent and good work ethic, interested in tech startups and venture capital

ID 683121

Alexandra Arca

Experienced multi-tasker looking to join a high energy team in an operations based role.

ID 746376

Lisa Mergen

OEM Account Specialist at Western Digital. Open to new opportunities.

ID 456794

Sean Waters

Java and/or Rails Software Engineer with 10+ years experience comfortable in full stack development and DevOps.

ID 718550

Thomas Ramey

Graphic Design Generalist with an emphasis on great typography and layout.

ID 303506

Tania Lyerly

Communications strategist, organizer of chaos, project manager, event planner. Better, faster, more efficient. Collegiate athlete. Studied @nu

ID 236307

Parag Patel

Founder Spw Consultants, NullReviews • Studied at @university-of-massachusetts-amherst

ID 171187

Will J. Evans

Founded Pivit. Studied at UT Austin. Strong marketing and business development experience. Excellent outside the box problem solver.

ID 859926

Cuatro Kowalski

Self-made entrepraneur. Veteran of multiple start-up businesses. Adept at customer service, personel management, and thinking outside the box. Can do anything.

ID 464843

Adrian Pina


Innovative and results-driven strategist focused on evaluating strategic fit of potential opportunities, developing strong leadership teams

ID 501745

Marian Justiss

Engineering Manager with broad experience base. Focus on people and process.

ID 108670

Ganesh Shenoy

Co-Founder, @rackfox. Enjoyed at @cisco-systems-deleted-deleted, IPCell, @texas-instruments. Pioneered VoIP technology at IPCell (acquired by Cisco). MBA.

ID 364641

Duncan Dodds


Founder: Big Vision Advisors, Tops Global, Inc., Alliance Media Group. Advisor: Mach10Ventures, Former CSO, Flippen Group & CEO, Joel Osteen Min.

ID 482041

Matthew Van Dusen

Interaction Designer adept at producing great user-centric experiences. I love creating products that are elegant, easy to use. 10+ years experience in visual communication (web design, graphic design, front-end development, and fine arts).

ID 286386

Andria Strehlow

Sr. Pricing/ Sr.Project Manager. Worked at: Pearson Education North America, Omega and IRS. Exp in Government DoD contracting, grant writting and contracts.

ID 291905

Dan Germain

Software Co exec, experienced w start ups to global publicly traded comps, sales management, sales strategy, business development, product management skill set.

ID 152949

Beau Armstrong

Studied at University of Colorado, Boulder. Chairman/CEO at @stratus-properties-inc

ID 848291

Tom Gilley

MBA with 15+ years of experience developing and managing supply chains and outsource manufacturing operations across a wide diversity of technologies.

ID 266360

Kartik Mathur

Masters Student at Indiana University Bloomington, Computer Science background, Worked at AMD and ACI Worldwide. Experience with java and web technologies.

ID 330993

Andrew Yoder

Financial Software Consultant, Former CU Boulder Student Body President, B.S. in Information Management, interested in early stage start-ups.

ID 544187

LeeAnn Wick

Experienced FP&A Finance star, looking for next exciting opportunity. 14 yrs exp; 12 yrs for Fortune 100 Companies. Dynamic & driven leader

ID 667955

Margaret Long

Effective and experienced project manager with proven record of solving complex challenges. Strong startup background (PicnicHealth YC '14, WorkFlowy YC '10). 

ID 361860

Eric Yi

Founder ShareAD Previously: AdOps Manager of Q1Media; AdOps Supervisor of AdRevolution; Business Analyst and Financial Analyst Experience

ID 380891

Lauren Davis

ID 573216

Daven Brodess

Worked at @amazon, @bloomberg • Studied at @university-of-notre-dame

ID 838591

Paul Laiming

Eletrical Engineering Manager at Enviro Systems

ID 843170

Lindsey Pence

Audience Developer, Anthropologist; Strong Copy Editor; Works at State of Texas, Formerly at the Inter-American Development Bank

ID 485709

Chesley Lorraine Roberts

Worked at @jellifi • Studied at @university-of-north-texas, @western-kentucky-university

ID 720447

Mary Clare Davis

ID 148998

Kalli Doubleday

CSO at @partingout-1, Adjunct @texas-christian-university-tcu-william-m-dickey-entrepreneur-in-residence • Undergraduate at @texas-christian-university & Masters at CSULB

ID 667896

Troy Blankenship

Transformation Manager with an MBA and PMP certification. I'm looking to bring my experience in the large multinational environment to the startup community

ID 803809

Leigh Williamson

Distinguished Engineer, IBM’s software: OS/2, DB2, AIX, Java, WebSphere, Rational, MobileFirst, Bluemix. On CTO team.

ID 46648

Dustin Bozarth

Web Developer/Creative Designer at @airshp

ID 569093

Matthew Clarkson

Worked at @facebook • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1 • Explorer of the depths

ID 426261

Dennis Hadley

Web and User Interface Design, Front End Development.

ID 624670

Daniel McCabe

University of Texas Computer Science, 11 years of Experience developing software using C#/.NET and Java. Worked in high stress environments.

ID 867088

David Salgado

Web engineer: front-end expert. I have a deep passion for building beautiful web software that presents friendly, intuitive, and accessible GUIs.

ID 546820

Rohan Shah

Texas CS and Mathematics. Graduating May 2014. Full-stack developer, Android developer, Data mining hacker

ID 241693

Patrick Daniels

Account Management / Vendor-Client Relations Specialist; worked at Oracle, Sun Microsystems, ClearCube Technology, Vignette, KIDASA Software.

ID 379411

Jason Pattinian

ID 386569

Connor White

Successful Data Analyst/Individual Contributor | Comfortable working in ambiguity | Quick Learner | Self Starter

ID 64786

Anand Chamarthy

UT EE '13

ID 531209

Renato Recio

UT Austin; Developed Health Record Management System; Created a 16-bit Processor Simulator

ID 768290

Bo Jacks

ID 684814

Robert Varela

Founding member to launch the UMeTime app and make it the #1 local college app at The University of Texas at Austin

ID 386586

Viraj Chaudhary

Studying Finance and Computer Science at The University of Texas at Austin

ID 206860

Joey Feste

As Partner and owner of KM Capital Management, Joey Feste provides financial management services for a variety of high-net-worth individuals and families.

ID 704517

Daniel Berkowitz

University of Texas, Theatre Design, Communication and Rhetoric, Creative Writing, Collaborative Artist

ID 706739

Alison Barker

USC graduate with several years of professional experience in operations and account management. Quick learner who is comfortable in a fast-paced environment.

ID 70179

Annamalai Muthu

Chief Operating Officer/Co-founder at @solspot-systems Inc.

ID 234882

Oren Silverstein

ID 668948

Duy Nguyen

ID 550919

Laura Gay

Top Revenue Generator in Fortune 50 Companies

ID 494146

Abhijit Sreerama

College graduate with already three internships' worth of experience. Worked at Indus Instruments, Sun Power, and IBM.

ID 616263

Phoebe Johnson

BBA in Management Information Systems at UT Austin '15 ; Worked in IT at Shell Trading; Student Associate for the Office of the Executive VP & Provost;

ID 424494

Leonie Weerakoon

Multilingual, business professional with experience securing funding for startups. Creative mind working on developing a pharmaceutical product to go to market.

ID 344612

Jim Dominello

Highly motivated business development and product management professional with start-up and Fortune 100 experience.

ID 706090

Jason Kobelan

McCombs MS in Business Analytics graduate. Worked at HP and Freescale.

ID 439869


Business Degree from Austin, starting up my own store and brand.

ID 551209

David Momberger

Recent UT Grad, Linguistics Major, CS Minor

ID 379201

Amanda Lyles

ID 333385

Kevin Li

UT Austin Actuarial Science and Economics. Looking to help startups develop from the business side whether it be through marketing or financials. Worked at Zappos, ToysRUs, and CampusCred.

ID 698147

Alexandra Lavelle

Looking for an internship in an Austin startup

ID 748086

Andrew Watts

UTAustin McCombs BBA studying MIS, Marketing, and Computer Science. Passionate about technology, biz dev, and startups. I want to help startups however I can!

ID 416055

Carl von Havighorst

Founder Lucky Wild Cat Software • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 548158

Elfrey Shira

Software Engineer, focused on front-end, enjoy full-stack, still learning.

ID 544548

Lindsay Bartels

Advertising Student at UT Austin; Graduating May 2014; Ready for Adventure; Worked at Fahrenheit Marking

ID 574779

Daniel Athey

B.S. Human Relations at UT Austin, Senior Fellows Honor Student; Vice President Texas Men's Volleyball; Worked at FlowBelow Aerodynamics; Expert communicator.

ID 849443

Russell Ashen

Versatile and Seasoned Sales President with track record of exceeding quotas and growing successful start-ups in multiple industries including technology

ID 448572

Ross Dickey

Worked at @storspeed • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 561475

William Knobles

Local Marketing Consultant | Social Media Sales | Avid Scuba Diver | Amateur Photographer | Outdoor Enthusiast

ID 798500

Amro Shohoud

UT Austin Computer Science, Experience in Web Development

ID 267558

Monique Acuff

VP of Marketing at Paybook. Seasoned in developing and implementing marketing strategies. B.B.A. from @university-of-texas-austin

ID 552524

Elliot Rosen

Student at UT Austin w/ Communications Major. Strong Sales Experience. Leader in sports and the classroom. Self-Motivated and ambitious.

ID 394845

Joshua Cruz

ID 601930

Tien Do

Austin native, enjoys caring for others, excellent administrative professional, lover of DIY

ID 374894

Erica Liu

Full stack generalist

ID 545387

Paco Brambila

Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

ID 396633

Joseph Shrier

ID 138860

Yurij Bryndzia

Experienced Project Coordinator & Aspiring Entrepreneur

ID 390994

David Galstyan

Texas grad; worked at Epic System as a Project Manager; recording artist

ID 305511

Steven Garcia

Advertising Account Executive. Background in creative project management, video production and online marketing. Technology and Brand Development junkie.

ID 787281

nancy germond

Experienced Generalist - creative, analytical, strategic. Entrepreneurial with proven background. BS-ChE and MBA from UT.

ID 359785


Rayne Beridon

ID 770403

Preston Gutierrez

Dedicated, results-driven professional seeking employment position in Account Management and Sales with opportunities for growth.

ID 789845

Adam Ullrich

My technical background complements my passionate excellence in Product Management. I've led the creation of products, strategy and vision from top to bottom.

ID 549204

Mike Moehle

Founded 3 companies, Strong Financial Services,High Energy Sales

ID 800590

Lori Long

Results-focused professional with more than 10 years diverse experience in sales management, beverage industry knowledge, and an extensive background in wine.

ID 819044

Brady Zhou

ID 627797

Aaron Smith

At the intersection of Technology, Math, and Education

ID 339796

Raul Mireles

ID 501834

Natalie Mok

UTexas Austin BBA, Public Relations, Sports Marketing, Event Planning, Event Management, Self Motivated, Dream Big, Quick Learner

ID 590930

Asim Ali

University of Texas Engineering First year student looking for an internship for summer 2014

ID 554391

Adriana Escalante

Austin Community Manager at TangoTab. Honors student at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1.

ID 434841

Eiman Ebrahimi

UT Austin PhD. Full stack experience from the lowest levels of SoC and processor architecture/micro-architecture to developing algorithms. Worked at NVIDIA, Microsoft, and IBM. Deep interest in big data systems and analytics, and business development.

ID 262275

Christine Soules

ID 534155

Erin Chaiken

ID 360863

Jesse Ahrens

ID 862111

Michelle Mattern

ID 385172

Michael Tarng

ID 488576

Carrie Dyer

Strategic marketing and communications practitioner that specializes in start-up, business-to-business and nonprofit communications.

ID 803489

Walid Owais

Current student studying CS at UT Austin, also working at CrowdTorch making iOS apps. Have some experience in robotics and back end web development in python.

ID 584094

Claire Hogan

ID 425368

Herschel Kulkarni

Self-starting software engineer seeking opportunity to work on meaningful products in an entrepreneurial environment

ID 418159

Jane Ko

Editor of online food publication, featured on Huffington Post and NBC iVillage. Host of largest food crawl at SXSW.

ID 574075

Ali Martinez

ID 685468

Patrick Lu

University of Texas CS, Ruby, Photography.

ID 765820

Alex Faust

Making the boring stuff, AWESOME

ID 333440

Stephen Olander-Waters

15 years of experience in software development, integration, and application administration, experienced enterprise implementor, very happy customers

ID 294513

Sharez Prasla

Co-Founder/CTO of Student at The University of Texas at Austin studying Management Information Systems

ID 265377

Stephen Roquemore

ID 607876

Brian Provost

Web developer in sunny Austin, TX. Looking to join a good team as a Ruby on Rails or JavaScript engineer.

ID 640411

Jocelyn Elder

Serves as a freelance SEO & Social Media Strategist, Social Marketing Expert, Startup Business Consultant, Resume Writer, Business Plan, and a Freelance writer

ID 387491

Herschel Kulkarni

Self-starting software engineer seeking the opportunity to work on meaningful products in an entrepreneurial setting.

ID 481969

Christine Chiang

Senior Consultant at Deloitte. Strengths in managing multiple projects at a time and training staff. Passionate about technology and food.

ID 741559

Kevin Won

ID 749752

Christopher Mitchell

Well rounded individual with diverse technical and personable skills looking to make a change in the world in a unique envirionment.

ID 287155

Louis Sato

Worked at @reqwip, @homeaway, @indeed, @involver, @oracle-corporation

ID 627401

Sergio Escoto


ID 476070

Ashley Park

Account Executive for NPR affiliate, UT Austin graduate, vast background ranging from writing to marketing and operations.

ID 716731

Bradley Lide

Dynamic, creative problem solver with diverse background in sales, data analysis, research, education, and psychology seeking to improve educational outcomes.

ID 437930

Victoria Goss

University of Texas, BA, Marketer and Content Writer

ID 851657

Danny Strack

A talented marketing professional with a diverse skill-set combining account management, graphic design, tech writing, public speaking & 15 years of experience.

ID 531402

Sarah Stancik

Architecture student at UT Austin; working on the redesign of the Daily Texan website; passionate about creating engaging user experiences

ID 193702

Ruby McQuade

ID 73670

Tom Nguyen

Student at UT Austin, started import business. Strong technical background. Experienced with many web technologies.

ID 278694

Akshay Sriprasad

ID 399789

Yash Aggarwal

UT Austin Computer Science Class of 2017. Solid web development experience.

ID 549540

Andrew Magill

ID 425906

David Ha

ID 362148

Christopher Vesti

Founder of IT Sales and Solutions startup

ID 500654

Ulises Osorio

University of Texas at Austin BS in Electrical Engineering; Minor in Business; Interned at TI as Product Marketing Engineer.

ID 131746

A.L. Johnson

Account Manager | Client Services | Luxury Brands | Ray of Sunshine Licensing/Business Development Consultant & PT Talent Recruiter All-around busy body

ID 284644

Shaun McCormick

SEM at Bigcommerce; Chief Architect at @siphonlabs; Co-architected MODX Revolution CMS; over 15 years experience in web software engineering.

ID 366054

Do Soon Kim

ChE Graduate Student at Northwestern. Spent summer at BCG and some time after undergrad at Genentech. Looking for passion.

ID 781516

Richard Reedy

Full Stack Engineer with experience building highly scalable APIs and managing big data

ID 587489

Alastair Wilkes

Startup services, technical sales, and product guy. Love getting in the weeds technically, getting on the phone with clients, and building teams from scratch

ID 332245

Priya K

Experienced project manager and SaaS services operations manager.

ID 371914

Trey Sullivan

ID 638673

Tsung-Tai Yang

Jack of all trades entrepreneur

ID 726240

John Johnson

University of Texas ECE, Ruby on Rails and iOS Developer, Finishing up my first iOS app that will be deployed mid to late September

ID 714446

Krishna Nadoli

UT Austin EE/Math, C/C++ Proficiency

ID 875240

Kelsi Kamin

Driven to #Disrupt • Student at @UTAustin • Former BFS Intern at @cognizant • Women In Business Assocation • AΔΠ • Fanatic for all things #tech + #digital

ID 250849

Stephen Goodwin

Co-Founder @edgecase-formerly-compare-metrics • Worked at @indeed • Studied at @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 575439

Akif Rahim

20+ years of experience, Breadth and depth in technical solutions ranging from front to back end.

ID 352715

Sanjay Tourani

Electrical Engineering, UT Austin 2012. Economics, UT Austin 2012. Software Engineer at Goodybag.

ID 448741

Thejas Prasad

University of Texas CS and EE, worked on Hadoop and Hbase at Azul, Implemented the Hbase architecture

ID 99295

Daniel Jones

My favorite twitter client is I can be found on twitter @danieljones and @dfj.

ID 181717

Robert Leung, University of Texas 2015; Always learning

ID 301529

Juan Barraza

ID 374733

Raquel Breternitz

Multifaceted hybrid designer, working in print and web. Storyteller, writer, and general enthusiast.

ID 521707

Steve Kim

Former Applications Engineer at Logic PD. Studied at UT Austin. Unique blend of both hardware and software experience. See my portfolio for software examples

ID 448239

Nick Cremona

Writer, Marketing/Advertising

ID 359675

Danny Lynch

Computer Architect, interested in startups, investing, breweries, and technology in general

ID 706032

Feypiero Edris

ID 769269

Susie Ruff

Marketing & Growth Guru

ID 638458

Tom Jordan

Self-motivated, innovative, result-oriented Manufacturing/Equipment engineer/Project Manager in Semiconductor and consumer electronics.

ID 553651

Ram Amir

Drilling Controller, an Israeli CPA, part of EV importers group. Worked at KPMG, AEL and consulting for EVEN.

ID 802549

Sherrie Nguyen

ID 470274

David Bitkowski

Founder Ready, Set Promo! • Studied at @university-of-technology-sydney

ID 798711

Rush Vann

ID 198961

Ryan Floyd

Recently graduated with Masters Comp Sci at @university-of-washington. Ready to get back into startups after 5yrs @MSFT. First computer startup in high school.

ID 170367

Makoto R. Kern


Consultant in the world of Web and Mobile Design - User Experience, Usability, HCI, Information Architecture, SEO, Web and Mobile app programming, Social Media

ID 107516

Chester Bailey

University of Texas Grad Student McCombs School of Business (MSTC) Master of Science in Technology Commercialization; Bachelor’s in Design Graphics Engineering.

ID 482552

Benjamin White

Full-stack Web Dev Student at MakerSquare

ID 400380

Nancy Do

Senior at UT Austin. Majoring in MIS. Currently working at PDS Energy

ID 451572

Ernest "Lyndy" Watkins

Venture capital and startup enthusiast - Experience in financial analysis, market research, and M&A - Searching for finance-based internship

ID 320053

Derek Buchanan

Founder MightyBark • Worked at @morgan-stanley, @fiberio-technology • Studied at @southern-methodist-university

ID 69379

Andy Miles

Founder Bandize

ID 506156

Daniel Lewis

I'm a software engineer with experience in front end, back end, and anywhere in between.

ID 546294

Alex Carberry

Inside Sales Account Executive at SHI International Corp. Strong communications background.

ID 600878

Gabriela Lopez

SAP Consultant to Fortune 500 companies; SAP Sales and Distribution Certified; Managed onshore, offshore, and international resources; Ambidextrous; Bilingual

ID 353675

Kaushik Nagabhushan

Founder Anotiste • Studied at @university-of-houston, @university-of-connecticut

ID 568015

Mario Guerrero III

You can usually find me in the crossroads of profit, adventure, quantitative analysis, sports, thought-provoking conversation and one-liner jokes.

ID 583990

Michael Aldape

Full Stack, product focused programmer with an eye for design.

ID 474386

Mahesh Balasubramanian

UT San Antonio, MSEE, VLSI Design; Launched a company for marketing in 2011;

ID 843002

Mark Thorsen

Founder New Crew

ID 670452

Caitlin Stuff

Blogger and copywriter with an eye for business and financials and excellent office management skills.

ID 301836

Josh Ebsworth

Works at @findafax-2 .

ID 648849

Jeffrey Cherewaty

Designer / developer, @sparefoot's 1st post-VC hire, @capitalfactory summer '09 alumnus

ID 743663

Whitney MACK

Attorney at National Law Firm. Taken over seventy depositions. Trial experience. Argued multiple dispositive motions in central Texas.

ID 658614

Leila Noone

ID 80942

Jeremy Zykorie


VP, Mastodon Ventures, Inc. Specific knowledge of restaurant space

ID 784600

Jonathan Thrower, PMP, ITIL, FAC-P/PM, FAC-COR

Project Manager with experience in large, mature organizations looking to work with smaller businesses wanting to take it to the next level.

ID 488713

Eric Bonilla

PMP certified, coveted 3X professional of the year award winner at a Fortune 100 company (FedEx), leader of global high value, cross-functional projects.

ID 434658

Tim Lindsey

Studied Computer Science at @university-of-central-florida, and Information Engineering @university-of-west-florida

ID 373507

Paul Phelps

Business strategist with experience developing and implementing financial and business intelligence systems for companies experiencing explosive growth.

ID 488589

Shubh Singhi

Product, Digital, and Creative Strategist. Developed 4 patents. Worked on over 80 brands. Know UX, Design, Business Strategy, Tech trends. Emory BBA 2012

ID 260934

Shane Stodghill

Worked at @united-states-marine-corps, @texas-house-of-representatives • Studied at @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-mccombs-graduate-school-of-business, @university-of-north-texas

ID 416407

Dave Angelow

Strategy and Ops expert, worked at Dell, Deloitte, E&Y. Multiple start-up launches, designing business models and scalable processes is my gig

ID 359118

Darin Campbell

ID 231948

Liz Harder


ID 498974

Matthew Hall

ID 349777

Jeff Neria

Over a decade of real world experience helping Cowboys, Grandmas, and other non-techies utilize technology.

ID 217316

Alex Levine

Founder Advisaur • Studied at @university-of-massachusetts-amherst

ID 192918

Francisco Bonilla Kuhlmann

Founder @Altrüus; Investment Banker @santander @banorte; Business and Marketing, Organizational Development and Innovation (@Universidad Panamericana, @ipade)

ID 551130

Sam Radbil

ID 451909

Mark Angil

Founder RBD Adaptive, LLC

ID 83630

Joe Wurzburger

Co-founder/CTO of @ninut, coder, writer.

ID 507154

Bill McMurray

Student, teacher, entrepreneur. Lean operations background (Danaher), fullfulling start-up future. Penn State Industrail Engineer, Acton MBA in Entrepreneurship

ID 643787

Leah McNamara

Worked at @wells-fargo • Studied at @dickinson-college

ID 816151

Young S. Ryu

ID 437902

Brian Shumway

Sales and Marketing Leader

ID 838542

Bryce Cathcart

ID 614673

Chris Niedzwiedz

Founder Alpha Turtle, Inc. • Worked at @cisco, @cisco Systems • Studied at @university-of-tennessee

ID 192403


World adventurer.

ID 643685

David Sanchez

Ambitious individual seeking to demonstrate financial expertise

ID 564781

Alex Patterson

Lead Mobile Engineer at Buzz Points, Inc.

ID 240171

Austin Nelsen

Worked at @pulsepoint, @toms-shoes • Studied at @pepperdine-university

ID 196592

Jason O'Brien

UT Austin McCombs MSTC, Texas Tech MIS BBA. Strategy, project management and development experience.

ID 481867

Carlie Anne

I create innovative economic development programs targeted at women entrepreneurs. Strong B2B sales background, MAT from Johns Hopkins University (2011)

ID 493986

Mike Shin

Marketer / User Acquisition. Founded & sold advertising agency. Web/programming background. Worked at @microsoft, @adobe, and

ID 678551

Jake Glascock

Drama King

ID 501308

Aneri Mehta

Account Manager & eCommerce Business Developer. Buyer/Sales @uncovet

ID 670317

Amelia Bakameyer

MakerSquare graduate looking to get into the industry

ID 512320

Gene Chatham

Embedded systems EE with some new web development skills, looking to mash those two specialties together.

ID 107635

Pablo Gonzalez

CEO, @tugg Inc.; PM at GelPro, Augmentix Corp., Engineering Manager at Augmentix Corp., Tanisys Tech; Electrical Engineering at @john-brown-university, MBA at Balyor.

ID 368234

Anthony Porter

Values-based leader with a passion for making organizations successful. MBA, Lean Six Sigma, PMP (enrolled)

ID 449372

Chelsea Twohig

Technology driven writing professional. Generator of innovative and engaging content. Coordination wizard. Organizational aesthete. Grammar fanatic.

ID 685443

Rachel Weisberg

Enthusiastic and dynamic office manager with acupuncture savvy

ID 700368

Alicia Hayden

The University of Texas Communications- Human Relations BA, Master's Non Profit Management, 8 years of experience in the Non Profit Sector

ID 47535

Jonathan Hartman

CEO of @sandbox-ideas, First startup to uncover the wealth of knowledge within our social networks.

ID 676111

Roslyn Johnson

Veteran healthcare and energy management consultant with strong analytics and UX skills seeks work with healthcare startup

ID 567382

Wesley Price

ID 21866

Peter James Schmitz

Strong Product/Program Management track record, 10 years of management experience with teams of up to 65 people, and a passion for the mobile industry.

ID 550994

Michael DeSantis

Current Master of International Business Candidate seeking an entry level position in the Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Investment Banking industries.

ID 581914

Caitlin Moore

ID 449797

Darren Sillett

Founded iPhone casual gaming company. and Microsoft alumni. Technology MBA.

ID 17612

Lloyd R. Tullues

Technical Director and Electronic Arts. Previously founded Aonyx Software - UI middleware company. Over 13 years of game development experience.

ID 283469

Ben McClain

emarketer, web designer & developer.

ID 339376

Hunter Sherman

Software engineer, architect, team leader specializing in web applications • Tech Lead at Weeva • Studied at @university-of-florida, @university-of-west-florida

ID 326107

Rob Bastian

ID 456673

Thomas Firnhaber

Studied at @university-of-california-santa-barbara

ID 213251

Matt Gregory


Founder Crafted Pours

ID 402065

Tyler Reynolds

Co-Founder of OJOS Eyewear | Entrepreneur and Good Times Extraordinaire Running on Bravado | Currently living "Go, Be, Do" with OJOS Eyewear; Studied @ The University of Kansas

ID 301283

Zach Dilworth

Worked at @jones-dilworth-inc • Studied at @university-of-maryland-college-park

ID 530774

Nick Moore

Business development/fundraising professional and MBA candidate at UT McCombs School; experience in a high-touch business focused on long-term relationships.

ID 841264

Eric Steele


ID 385269

Cortnee Doyle

Austin, TX - Product Manager - Startup motivated -

ID 666825

Gian Scozzaro

ID 141545

Cory Stout

Founder @tikkrwatch-com, @woodies-sunglasses-com • Studied at @university-of-florida

ID 722229

Mihir Hulikal

Business-Technology Specialist; Entrepreneurship Consultant

ID 810395

Matthew Jaffee

M.S. in CS. All around developer - varied interests. Experience with full stack Python webapps, CUDA, networking and monitoring, Java cloud dev,

ID 845780

Ben Havemann

Intellectual property valuation consultant and business analyst with semiconductor sector experience in engineering and operations.

ID 483104

Davis Martin

Electrical engineer and full stack web developer .

ID 471633

Eric Sharma

Passionate about chaning the Healthcare Industry. Worked at GE, Huron Consulting, and The Department of Veterans Affairs.

ID 804884

Lisa Corless

ID 397087

Ivan Mills

Acton MBA in Entrepreneurship, Successful Entrepreneur, Electrical Design Engineer

ID 552066

Deniz Aydemir

I am currently an iOS developer at IBM. I have an insatiable desire to create products that are both beautiful and meaningful.

ID 402619

John Champagne

ID 226456

Verick Cornett

Worked at @bancvue, @kershner-trading • Studied at @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-mccombs-graduate-school-of-business, @the-university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 593234

Pranshu Khanna

Seasoned finance manager & CPA with 7.5+ years of experience serving internal and external clients within professional consulting and accounting firms.

ID 481958

James Ray Anderson

A Swiss Army Knife for software development and technology.

ID 151845

Rick Cockerham

Founder @pocket-knife-software. Programming since he was eight. Written custom software for companies from 1 to 20,000 employees for over 17 years.

ID 488548

Zack Budinscak

Current Head of Financial Services at Nationwide Insurance. Experienced in sales, finance, and management. (Nationwide, Ohio State University)

ID 699295

Andrew Edmonds

Experienced Customer Relationship Manager looking for client-facing role

ID 98214

Kate Maxwell

MBA Candidate at UVA Darden. Prev w/ World Bank (DC), Aspyr Media (Austin), and eLong Inc. (Beijing - Expedia affiliate in China).

ID 836631

Pearl Burkham

Creative Marketing and Development Specialist, previously VP at iChase The Cure, Project Specialist at Philips Healthcare, Recently moved to Austin

ID 528760

Kyle Boyd

Product Development Engineer at AMD. Strong in software and automation. Worked at Microsoft, Boston Scientific.

ID 27849

Donna Imam

Purdue Engineer and Product Manager infusing customer interests in the design and development of successful high-tech products.

ID 492976

Samuel Kim


BSME/MSME Stanford, Dual PhD EE/Nano University of Washington, entrepreneur, expertise in advanced materials, hardware/electronics, sensors, and semiconductors.

ID 706397

Ryan Sherlock

Product Lead & Software Engineer

ID 794925

Courtney Allen

Boston University graduate; Strong Arts and Events management background; Social Media Outreach; Adept coordinator of chaos and creative problem solver

ID 627785

Mary Hein

Marketing, Event Coordination, Business Development; Diverse work background; Virginia Tech Hokie; Pamplin College of Business, 2012.

ID 95150

Peter Kallodaychsak

Versatile professional with multiple successes in various roles from project management to business development

ID 659715

Lissette Martinez

Community & Content Professional. Previously at @cratejoy, Leverage PR, @penguin-group-usa, @likeable-media. Studied Journalism @boston University .

ID 360501

Cory Jez

BS Economics, Data Driven Analyst and BI Developer with experience in direct marketing and eCommcerce, specializing in data visualization and large data sets.

ID 625359

Patrick Sanner

I bring nine+ years of operating, designing, delivering and helping to sell video production broadcast systems and internet video delivery systems. At Haivision, I worked with amazing teams to deliver versatile encoding solutions to provide the best broad

ID 367202

Jon Read

Founder @noow • We help people successfully complete their physical therapy

ID 471355

Alexandra Reese

Boston University COM Alum, recently relocated to Austin, TX, and E-Marketing Guru.

ID 428339

Lavanna Martin

ID 346440

Jason Verette

Experienced Entrepreneur & Executive --Strengths in Biz Dev, Sales B2B2C, Operations, Relationship Building, and Technical & Business Consulting.

ID 360386

Bryan Parker

A highly experienced Multimedia Executive who has demonstrated the ability to lead diverse teams of professionals to new levels in fast-paced environments.

ID 452363

Michael Logozar

Highly technical, personable and creative. 18 years in the technology industry. Infrastructure Architect. Consultant. DevOps. Accomplished Musician

ID 298535

Bryan Caplovitz


Founder of and several other web properties.

ID 520914

Micha Thomas

Founder The MiA Project • Worked at @yahoo, @golin-harris-communications • Studied at @san-diego-state-university, @fashion-institute-of-design-merchandising

ID 212232

Tom Hoar

Founder & MD of Precision Translation Tools • 25 years in language technologies: Asia Online, Nuance, Scansoft, IKON Office Solutions, CIA • U of A

ID 487954

Ben Fuller

Top-performing sales professional with 12 years experience driving organizational growth & profitability for small to medium size firms.

ID 103628

Shane Faulkner

Technology Master

ID 270207

Angela Valis - owner, founder

ID 88276

M. David Cloyd


From startups to Fortune 500s.

ID 467676

Craig de Waal


Investing in Austin

ID 747998


Creator, marketer, sales, and social media maven at Linda Wagner Nutrition. Excellent sales and marketing background with over 50K followers on social media.

ID 628839

Elvis Yang

Student at The University of Texas at Austin

ID 231204

Joel Wright

Accomplished Sales Professional - Worked for Riskpulse, ESRI, UK Graduated from the University of Edinburgh and Glasgow.

ID 159058

Alex Garner

Founder YUMIX • Worked at @the-coca-cola-company • Studied at @university-of-texas-san-antonio

ID 123239

Tom Giesberg


ID 358407

Blake Mendez

Owned + operated several businesses. Enjoy the challenges of entrepreneurship. Seasoned, multidisciplinary business experience. Tulane finance graduate 2001.

ID 501703

Michael Venman

Proven sales representative and account manager with a Bachelors in Math.

ID 605774

Astrid Richardson

Creative, computer-savvy music producer. Worked as a research analyst for a confidential Google X project.

ID 440771

Luke Wendling

Full Stack Dev Lead and Application Architect with a knack for learning anything and building startup teams. API designer and creator of

ID 750897

Daryl Cooke

Oregon State University, Student graduating Dec '15.

ID 304199


Mike Dillard of Austin, Texas, balances his demanding career as a start-up business founder and entrepreneur with community work and outreach.

ID 228701

Jon Wilsdon

Technology Director / Founder of Bouncing Pixel, SMU Guildhall Graduate, Strong Web Programming and Video Games background

ID 372916

Stephanie Barbour

ID 811969

Brian Wigginton

A Full Stack Software Developer in Austin, TX with natural leadership ability. Personable, professional and passionate about delivering software that matters.

ID 63302

Matt Rand

Creative Director - VP at Cramer Krasselt

ID 15974

Bryan Noteboom


ID 420252

Ken Baker

Founder Urban Technology Services • Worked at @hewlett-packard, @compaq-computer-corp • Studied at @texas-a-m-university

ID 369012

Britney Jo Ludkowski

Junior Developer/Designer, General Assembly Graduate, Freelance Designer, previously Marketing Coordinator at XO Communications.

ID 647883

Eric Fennell

Software Dev II at uShip Inc.

ID 356888

Samuel Smith

MBA in Digital Media Management. Just graduated, now seeking jobs.

ID 60202

Brannon Harris

Sr. Manager, Design Engineering at Intersil

ID 733884

Scot Maitland

Publisher of Pharmacy Marketing Quarterly, Hytality and the PO List | Owner of Tacit Almonds | Health & Wellness Social Media Expert & Public Speaker.

ID 87013

Chris Voigt

ID 804384

Carlos Voltron

CEO/Founder of Cake Intake. 3 acquired ventures.

ID 751078

Tess Oliver

Pre-Med Neuroscience Major with Sales Experience and Strong Communication Skills

ID 238571

Michael Jordan

I bring order from chaos in infrastructure. Build & manage amazing teams of people who do the impossible for the company.

ID 457983

Aaron Jones

Front-end / UX developer

ID 101079

Chuck Bloodgood

Results Oriented: Sold first startup, Helped on 2nd, 3rd. Achieved aggressive results as Software / Technology Lead. Web, .Net, SQL, LAMP, etc. Deep SW exp.

ID 410262

Andrew Smith

ID 426452

Jonathan Salser

Worked at @cso-research • Studied at @texas-a-m-university

ID 887676

Rakshitha Nagaraju

ID 812055

Joshua Baron JD

Business Development Specialist Looking For An Opportunity With An Exciting Start Up!

ID 646028

Jonah Burstein

Bentley MBA MKT & MGMT. Marketing/Social/PPT. Have worked with/for Microsoft, Mazda, HP, Pfizer, Yodle, Softscape, FreeFi Networks.

ID 544630

Neil Stout

Solutions-Focused Digital Leader

ID 518130

Tim Robertson

Founder @currently-unnamed • Worked at @ibm, @netspend • Studied at @san-jose-state-university, @new-mexico-state-university

ID 525703

Matt Tolley

Experienced Account Executive in AdTech. Past experience in both start-up and large international roles.

ID 417984

Travis Brodeen

Austin based CEO/CTO - 18 years Enterprise IT - Led previous company to #21 - Inc 500 (2011) - Has closed $10M VC (2001) - Consulted over 100 Fortune 500

ID 127708

Kelly Coppock

ID 418472

Kacy Hulme

Ruby on Rails Developer with an unlikely professional past including a career as an actress, vegan food writer and accountant.

ID 230153

Matthew Adams

Pragmatic business software guy specializing in middle tier and down; primarily Java+Spring+ORM; expert group member for JDO & JPA; anti-ivory-tower architect.

ID 398685

Brogan Ingstad

University of Texas at Austin Graduate, Worked in Australia, Middle East, Europe, and Central America.

ID 426687

Peter McDowell

Cyber-security at GM IT, ready to learn and work hard

ID 82271

Nadeem Rajani

ID 307549

Jeb Barnouski

Worked at @subjectmatter-inc, @university-of-phoenix-2 • Studied Finance at @university-of-pittsburgh, MBA @university-of-phoenix

ID 192949

Galvin Chan

Business Development at Rackspace, the #1 Managed Cloud. VMware Federal Sales 2005 until 2009, Mercury Interactive (HP), and Oracle Sales.

ID 701315

Ryan Crysler

Professional Staff Sales Leader for Titleist and web marketing and security analyst for small business.

ID 522112

Meghan Austin

SMU Math(B.Sc), Physics(minor). Software Developer. Heavy interest in android development. Legacy Enterprise Web App experience.

ID 236933

Josh Szepietowski

Worked at @intific, @kingsisle-entertainment • Studied at @southern-methodist-university

ID 290742

Kathryn Engelhardt-Cronk

Kathryn Engelhardt-Cronk founded Austin, Texas-based Community TechKnowledge, Inc., in 1999 to provide better resources and support to nonprofit organizations.

ID 426848

Steve Meyer

Entrepreneur experienced as CEO, CTO and CMO. Boot-strapped multiple startups in B2B enterprise software and B2C eCommerce markets. Strong technical leadership.

ID 574077

Bobby Phelps

SMU '12 Grad and recruiting/sales specialist. Started my own technical recruiting firm in Dec. '13. Hard worker, quick learner, go-getter.

ID 621254

AJ Joplin

MBA, Product Mgr, Strategist, Relationship Builder

ID 48393

Hayes Davis

I'm the CEO of Union Metrics. I build things.

ID 250024

Jack Poorte

ID 458489

David Smestuen

Naval Academy BS, 5 1/2 yrs experience as a leader in the Marine Corps. Actively seeking employment as part of a motivated team striving toward a common goal.

ID 576970

Brad Hubbard

Recent web dev bootcamp grad with background in management, production, sports entertainment & digital media. Looking to affect the user experience.

ID 510061

Jacob Holt

Nearly a decade of customer service experience; Ever-striving to find the relationship between leadership and my foundational values; Significance > Success.

ID 249646

Scott Rhodes

Worked @invodo, @razorfish, @tm Advertising • Studied @TCU

ID 88223

Jared Franklin

Manuel Hyundai General Sales Manager

ID 634180

Taaha Chaudhry

Full Stack Web Developer Looking for the right place and team to join and contribute to and as a developer in Austin, TX or San Francisco, CA (Bay Area)

ID 645091

Barrett Stutzman

Ruby on Rails Fullstack & MEAN Stack Developer. Accounting/Finance Background.

ID 434627

Drew Longworth

Good Design | Bulletproof Coffee Junkie | If you don’t have ADD in today’s world, you aren’t paying attention. - @jasonsilva

ID 833743

Jayarama Marks

Founder and CEO - Canopy, Inc. Chief Editor - Rays of The Harmonist Editorial Board Member - GVP International

ID 320037

Alex Phegley

Strong record of bringing new concepts to the market place in the form of intuitive mobile apps.

ID 131389

John McIntosh

Freelance iOS developer. Worked at National Instruments. Computer Engineering / Business at Auburn University.

ID 281796

Alyssa Ralston

Detail-oriented, customer-focused multi-tasker with over six years of account management in the non-profit and for-profit sectors. Grammar dork, amateur baker.

ID 79321

Rahul Malik

CEO at Strong engineering background. MS from IIT,Chicago and BTECH from GGSIPU, Delhi. Worked at AMD and Philips.

ID 789091

Kathryn Wiles

ID 130937

William Lowe

ID 455888

Peter Cahill

Mechanical engineer working in the oil and gas industry as a Cementing Technical Sales and Support Engineer geared towards business and project management.
http://[email protected]

ID 519847

Danny Johnson

ID 854383

Sean Houston

Experienced in all facets of the sales cycle. Diverse and talented marketer. Self-motivated, energetic, creative, and extremely driven.

ID 303787

Chandler Thompson

ID 702323

Colby Horan

Graduate of Texas State University in Marketing. Looking to start my professional career. Hardworking and driven. Extremely coachable

ID 652499

Victoria Adesoba

NYU Biochem grad, worked at Pickie, Columbia U, and now at Gerson Lehrman Group. Project Management guru. Brooklyn to Nigeria, back to Brooklyn, now in Austin.

ID 485604

Karalyn Capone

Support and operations rockstar for SaaS environment. Master video compressionist. Producer, editor, firefighter. Strong business and IT background.

ID 456543

Chris Dunn


Equities & futures trader, founder of E-mini Trading Academy, Angel Investor.

ID 54516

Tom Dore

experience with governments, refineries & large manufacturing. Will be remembered when I walk out the door, and will work my tail off to get in that same door.

ID 618243

Nethanel Kohen

blocked by @meowmix

ID 301823

Steve Allen

A driven sales professional with a passion for technology/software solutions that support businesses & nonprofits.

ID 602066

Candy Yu Yen Kuo

ID 770903

Jo Kehagias

Strong project management, operations and marketing background. Multidisciplinary project experience across web dev, digital marketing and traditional media.

ID 440737

Peter Holmertz

International sales and business operations driver. Have the start-up bug after wireless & global career at Ericsson. MBA.

ID 442076

Aaron Bumbarger

Founder @shark-pond • Worked at @unisys-corp • Studied at @university-of-pittsburgh

ID 456833

Pedram Amini


Software developer, reverse engineer, entrepreneur, fan of dogs, and most recently founder of acquired by Avast in 2013.

ID 539879

Outhorn (oo∙tahn) Keophila

Director of Business Development - In search of awesome, meaningful and innovative product ideas that disrupts the norm. Discover. Envision. Create. Realize. Twitter - @Carbon_Design

ID 883528

Ross Langley

Multi Skilled Creator Of Written And Visual Content

ID 114548

Ryan Lipps

Research Coordinator at @cbre

ID 517035

Andrew Brown

Trained marketer, experienced researcher, data analyst & designer. Worked for Tata, Electronic Arts, Universal and Visa.

ID 677193

Matthew Walsh

Full stack developer

ID 550558

John Kotos

Masters from Wake Forest University, Interested in the Start-up Community in Jacksonville

ID 166341

Dewi Morgan

Founder @morganalley-ltd • Worked at @dragon-s-eye-productions-llc, @concentric-networks • Studied at @university-of-bradford

ID 721932

sam kraft

ID 504037

Andrey Krokhin

Experienced C/C++ Software Engineer

ID 128243

Joe Broderick

Studied at @ohio-state-university

ID 322009

Andy Nguyen

Django / Python enthusiast, product strategist, polymath

ID 844335

Carl Edwards

University of Missouri graduate;

ID 298212

Christopher Sherrod

Entrepreneur / CEO / Partner / Investor / CMO at @JoyfulNan

ID 530634

George Currie

Principal/Lead Software Engineer or Software Team Lead with a wide breadth of knowledge from UX/UI Design to high performance close to the metal computing.

ID 399877

Jamie Pruitt

Business and Intellectual Property Attorney looking for dynamic startup to work with full time.

ID 488656

Thomas Burnett

23+ years developing in C/C++. Experienced with 2D/3D, point-cloud and light-field rendering in OpenGL, imaging processing, Kinect, OpenCV, PCL, game dev.

ID 216179

Luveen Rupchand Wadhwani

Developer at Bazaarvoice. Worked at T-Mobile. Strong experience and interest in big data and visualization

ID 775605

Lacey Gibson

Coordinator, production, executive assistant, events and live shows.

ID 208904

NSR Holdings


NSR Holdings focuses on acquiring growth companies in the technology space, specifically companies with annual revenue below $5MM.

ID 597147

Jack Lu

experienced software engineer

ID 74058

Carrie West

Founder of @gig-spinach, Jazz Singer, Austin Enthusiast, All around Happy Gal

ID 528206

Justine Lambright

Driven, determined, dependable.

ID 381958

Justin Blaisdell

Freelance full stack web developer and MakerSquare graduate. Co-founder of 5th Cinema.

ID 337345

Carrie Lewis

Talent Acquisition and Recruiting Strategy Specialist

ID 212872

Sameer Jagtap


ID 353608

tyler c

ID 455972

Aman Dhingra

Operations Analyst at Jai Devgun Inc. Strong business background. UTSA BSc in Electrical Engineering, 2011. Looking for a fresh and challenging opportunity!!

ID 494991

Kienan Clute

Online Sales @ Apple in Austin. I also design/build furniture on the weekends and scout out tasty craft brews.

ID 693554

Richelle Ouellette

Event and project manager in non-profit and university sectors; Entrepreneurial soul: first profitable business at 11, still waiting for billion dollar idea.

ID 726432

Margaret Loomis

BS from Iowa State University in Pre-Vet program. Second major in French. Strong science and animal care background.

ID 54372

Paul Krasinski

Founder of @golocal-prov. Investor in @golocal-prov, @airkast. Team member of @arbitron.

ID 369428

Lorena Reyna

Interested in politics, sports, journalism, fitness, food and the arts. Austinite and GWU grad.

ID 357778

Jeremy Davis

Marketing Campaign Strategist, Web Designer, Graphic Designer, Publisher, Video Editor, Writer

ID 158298

Logan Lindquist

Developed CMS for NASA shuttle missions; Organizer of Austin PHP @meetup; and PHP Application development for and

ID 210583

Alex Kharbush

Object Oriented Programing, Dynamic Web Page design, Database Work, QA Automation testing. Methodical approach to solving problems.

ID 870534

Zack Bartlett

Payment industry and Customer Experience professional with strong roots in Operations, Internationalization, and Team Leadership

ID 142269

Shaun Sheikh

Founder @highway-1-technologies • Worked at @sony, @exxact-corp • Studied at @california-polytechnic-state-university-san-luis-obispo

ID 612374

Molly Wheaton

Washington & Lee grad; Advertising & Marketing professional

ID 505735

Mohammed Khalilia

PhD computer science with focus on machine learning, natural language processing, health informatics. Enjoys data analysis, mathematics and programming.

ID 252603

aaron snyder

Founder @domain-oms • Studied at @american-university, @syracuse-university-college-of-law

ID 198426

John Mills

OpenMarket: lead development of the Global MMS Messaging Service (SaaS) full H/A and geo redundant

ID 45415

Drew Moynihan

Serial Entrepreneur, previously co-founded Techarati Inc. & Docuda Inc. SVP

ID 420208

Igor Ramos


Technology entrepreneur. Inventor (8 patents). Worked at @caterpillar, Studied BSEE @uic, MSEM at MS&T. @six-sigma-black-belt.

ID 534975

Adrienne Martin

ID 723294

Jeremy Warren

MakerSquare graduate, full-stack web developer. Industrial Engineer from Texas A&M University.

ID 629516

Evan Caron

Founder Whistler Technologies • Worked at @morgan-stanley, @deutsche-bank • Studied at @binghamton-university-1

ID 657287

Katelyn Watkins

Small Business Social Media Manager, in charge of developing a unique aesthetic & content for multiple social media platforms.

ID 625306

Wes Rives

Hard working tech guy who is looking for an opportunity

ID 652088

Sara Bryant

ID 387797

Jason Hatchett

Java Inclined Recent Grad looking to expand skills and help create something game-changing.

ID 127293

Chun Wang

Full stack developer, great passion working at Startups.

ID 258161

Fahad Nari

Agile Business Analyst with rich product management experience for services industry and client relationship skills

ID 80152

Paris Vega

UX Designer/Product Manager at a handful of startups. On a mission to find heroes and help them change the world. Let's talk over coffee and bacon.

ID 357312

Shane Dimon

Built up two companies and sold them for profit. Both companies are still viable and running today. Excellent entrepreneurial instincts.

ID 668315

Alex Wykoff

Designer, Social Entrepreneur, and Technologist. I've launched sites on multiple continents.

ID 672802

Joshua A. Hughes

Over the past five-plus years, I’ve been creating stuck-in-your head branding and marketing across several industries.

ID 856524

Michael Joshua Tanguma

ID 361597

Brandon Mulder

Journalist; Information and Research Enthusiast

ID 339728

Ryan McDermott

Developer at Stardition and Ryansworks

ID 368447

Rex Posadas

CS background, Over 12 years of experience, Fulltime Go developer.

ID 569715

Natalia Rodriguez

Soutwestern CS, English, and Business A Hacker and Journalist by trade

ID 528976

Ross Clurman

Perpetual student, agile entrepreneur, and sarcasm advocate. Launched and sold my first startup in < 2 years. Now navigating my next: Comnio™.

ID 614756

Michael Brozgul

Started up operations, sales and marketing for a solar firm before transitioning into the top 10th percentile of sales at the most popular Austin-based startup.

ID 425929

Karyl Fowler

ID 488191

Walter Moreira

Software Engineer and Mathematician

ID 711476

Courtney Hynek

ID 139540

Bain Mullins

Founder @roommatch • Studied at @texas-a-m-university

ID 494713

Lucas Cooper

Just a developer who would rather be solving problems than taking long walks on the beach.

ID 628336

Mario Urquidi

Recent Graduate

ID 644353

Melody Neumann

Tech­-oriented account manager with 5+ years experience in customer service and a passion for developing client relationships.

ID 517465

Austin Geerts

Sport Management student at Texas A&M. 3x NCAA champion and track & field athlete. Work well in team environment. Looking to gain experience.

ID 702068

Rahul Keeranoor


ID 750383

Sarah Eisenbraun

ID 435595

Eric Park, CPA

Crazy Financial Services Professional, Texas A&M Alum, Excel Ninja, Client Services Expert, CPA

ID 639577

Katie McCauley

Marketing & Ops super-connector. Tech sales > advertising > real estate marketing startup. Worked at TOMS, AT&T, Y&R Austin, and Real HQ.

ID 527240

Dwayne Vogler

Microsoft Certified Professional with 5 years product development as a consultant. Proven ability to rapidly familiarize with new Technologies

ID 798779

Andrew Slorp

Versatile business leader. Diverse experience in different industries and roles(B2B, SaaS, personal development training). Team builder, creative problem solver

ID 541063

Morgan Ferguson

Undergrad at William and Mary, pursuing joint degree in Marketing and History. Interested in start-ups and design thinking.

ID 374630

Derrick Frohne

Founder of Frohne,,,, and

ID 144120

Randy Scott

Studied at Texas @texas-a-m-university

ID 454089

Craig Lombardi



ID 473829

Josh Kelfer

ID 574099

Taylor Bullard

Renaissance man - How can I help you?

ID 656373

Zach Sankovich

Worked at @lin-digital, @time-warner-cable-media-sales • Studied at @texas-a-m-university

ID 401100

Dorian Tsirozidis

Lead Solutions Engineer at SHI. CEO of startup Sandwannabes. One of the largest and most active sand volleyball groups in the nation, 900+ members. Strong business and technical sales background. BS of Science in Networking and IT security.

ID 454643

Zachary Chetchavat

Data Analyst with strong MySQL background. Eager to use Python and Web Development languages in practice. Highly capable and adaptive learner.

ID 229846

Chris Walk


ID 552901

Mike Reasor

Recently relocated entertainment professional interested in being part of high-energy team.

ID 651920

Thomas Peres

Looking to begin career in IT or related fields. Experience with SQL and Java, as well as Database Management and System Analysis and Design, Project MGMT

ID 501489

Larry Peterson

Founder Budget Infographics LLC • Studied at @university-of-saskatchewan

ID 552378

ethan cope

Texas A&M University '05. Strategic analytical perspective and aptitude for problem solving.

ID 84186

Jonathan Hartman

Partner at Sandbox Ideas

ID 438672

Cristina Quiroga

Texas A&M, marketing internships, Austin Fusion Magazine Intern, Bolivian

ID 213439

Evan Lu

I combine analytics with intuitive design, convince you and your grandma to like it, do a voiceover for your new ad, and test your new insights.

ID 538599

Jimmy Mooney

Full-stack web development, iOS development and IT administration. Experience of building a web development startup AND taking a company public (NASDAQ:BV)

ID 138704

Linnie Phebus

Linnie Phebus is the Sr. Vice President for Frost Bank in Austin, Texas.

ID 300697

Reece W. Freeman

Small biz economist & jack-of-all-trades; Content marketing, SEM, web-traffic analyst, front-end dev, IT, research, email marketing, and database whiz.

ID 372701

Neeraj Munshi

4 years of professional experience in BI reporting & analytics, Business analysis and Pre-sales;Certified IBM Cognos Report Designer with expertise in SCM

ID 155039

Rick Vasquez

Hands-on Technical Product and Strategy executive.

ID 656025

George D. Hamilton

Orchestrator of machines

ID 494914

Chris Eddy

Founder at Trekr Inc. and creator of Blipic. Industrial Designer and Outdoor Adventurist gone Entrepreneur.

ID 432890

Pat Krouse

ID 495443

Cecil R. Reynolds


Cecil R. Reynolds is an Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology, Professor of Neuroscience, and Distinguished Research Scholar at Texas A&M University. He is the author of over 300 scholarly publications, author or editor of over 45 books, and the cr

ID 542454

Cody DeArmond

ID 361561

Brian Saghy

RIT CE, Several Internships and 7 years of experience in software dev testing processors at AMD

ID 305412

Vikram Chadaga

Successfully launched, Founder of Other products:

ID 313924

Nathan Bass

Electronic enthusiast (comp tech since 11) with an affinity for C. Entirely self taught, primarily versed in LPMUDs but trying to do more GL related.

ID 367420

Carey Beard

ID 608773

LaVonda Thornton

Founder Lovely Jewelz Event Planning • Worked at @sumitomo-corporation, @sandvik • Studied at @university-of-houston, @devry-university

ID 611944

Judson Moore

I am a world traveler with lot's of professional experience in a variety of cultures and industries. I am very flexible and demand to be challenged.

ID 633174

Benjamin Cooke

Founder / Engineer / Product Designer / Mfg Engineer / Doc Control / janitor at Big Ideas Inc. Physics / EE @colorado-school-of-mines, Worked at EchoStar, Microchip, Maxtor, Ramtron. Co-founded Paradigm Cryogenics, ICE Inc and Big Ideas Inc Passionate

ID 432512

Carlos Balderas

Software Engineer @recommenu , ResearchAssistant/Developer at Center for Transportation Research, Student @university-of-texas-at-austin-1

ID 459002

Audrey Pietrzak

Well rounded, extremely versatile, super ambitious event planning, customer service, marketing and sales rockstar!

ID 837367

Jeff Laney

Experienced group manager with ability to determine individual strengths and set strategic vision to drive software product development with a customer focus.

ID 261288

Fredrick Gabelmann

ASU Masters of Science in Engineering, expert mobile architect, agile/DevOps expert; expert at getting under performing projects into kick-ass shape.

ID 298851

Tyler Wetzel

Co-founder of Goodwerp. Strong design and business background. RIT Bachelors of Science, 2013.

ID 350471

Nick Gallardo

Maker of technology-related things @ticketcity by day. Aspiringly journeyman furniture maker by night.

ID 83262

Bryan Goines 

"Polyglot" Software Engineer specialized in Rails, jQuery / Backbone.js, CoffeeScript, and much more.

ID 45246

Jetté Momant

Brand Marketing/Content Marketing Strategist experienced in public relations, social media and event marketing

ID 201916

Ritter Hernandez

Founder Get Some Fast

ID 228520

Nicole DeAngelis

Creative digital media professional with community and project management skills.

ID 320502

Joe Ramirez

Founder & CEO of @MottoMobile. Worked at Internet Brands, OutClick Media, and Bank of America.

ID 563552

Renuka Rajan

Master's in CS. Excited about EdTech. Have lots of innovative ideas. Currently working with a nonprofit in Austin to further STEM ed.

ID 578031

Leslie Stine

B2B Tech Start-up Inside Sales/Market Development/Bus Dev. Worked at 3 start-ups who were acquired: BreakingPoint (began Inside team), NetQos and HyPerformix.

ID 522896

Ravi Karanam

Lead Developer

ID 668667

Joshua Nguyen

Product Ninja: scaled from managing enterprise applications for F100 to building web solutions driving 60M+ per month. Love building products and making money!

ID 557288

Eric Dayal

McCombs evening MBA student graduating in May 2015 with MIS undergrad. Strong IT Project Management and Business Process Improvement background.

ID 145734

Austin Merritt

I do startups at @daxko, testing and launching new products and expanding into new markets to keep us growing. Also worked at @medseek • Studied at Auburn

ID 314922

Parker Ferguson

Technology, Strategy, Operations, Music

ID 270556

Larry D. Lewis

Founder @mykelarry • Studied at @full-sail-university-1 University Worked as a 3rd party with Google, Uncle Larry Foundation for single mothers and kids.

ID 382032

Michael Watts

MBA professional looking to stay away from corporate firms. Experience in business development, growth strategy, and SaaS sales.

ID 613044

Blayne Dreier

Founder Alpha Turtle, Inc. • Worked at @cisco • Studied at @university-of-north-carolina-charlotte

ID 149610

Will Taylor

Studied at @miami-university

ID 90362

Larry Vaughn

COO of @cabforward

ID 190432

Sriratana Sutasirisap

Worked at @bazaarvoice, @Goldman Sachs, TribalDDB

ID 358763

Rishi Patel

Graduate from Fordham University in 3 Continent Masters in Global Management. Strong international experience.

ID 733127

Joe Folkens

Great work experience, strong tech understanding w/ customer-facing & prod mktg/mgmt background, significant int'l experience incl. biz dev & tech cust support

ID 615895

Chad Ramey

Motivated EE looking to impact the world.

ID 249884

Scott Weinert

Founder @comfy

ID 137854

Jaime Calder

Freelance Writer specializing in mobile, creative, & NFP clients. Midwestern ethics. Global perspective.

ID 585031

Abigail Simpson

ID 373609

Charlotte Hall

Experienced Accounting Professional. Worked at Deloitte & Touche and NAVEX Global.

ID 375229

Tim Stockman

Working with Chinese producers and world imports

ID 187609

Michelle Blaine

CMO and co-founder of Chef 52, Inc., a tech startup online community marketplace where foodies meet their makers. Farm to kitchen table, education, and advocacy

ID 551176

Marty Saxton

Hands on Technical Leader

ID 622536

Michael N. Magan

Auburn Alum | Opeartions and Finance  | Past: Operations Manager at

ID 225111

Chance Dinkins

ID 622927

Scott Schulte

Lead developer of manufacturing and analysis system. Helps users use data to make decisions, automate the mundane, merge data sources and clarify the obscure.

ID 694372

Adam Cammack

Founder and CTO of @ziqqu • Open source hacker • Software Developer @lin-digital • Studied CS @baylor-university-1.

ID 217301


Software engineer with a penchant for data analysis and visualization. Proficient in C#. Varied experience with the .NET stack. Ever thirsty to learn.

ID 126365

Kenny Quinlan

Aspiring Entrepreneur. Recent graduate from Auburn University with a degree in Economics. Worked previously at Kinsale Capital and ESBL Sports Management.

ID 788288

Carl Scogland

Software Engineer looking for Telecommute opportunities

ID 533638

Nathan Reese

Open Source Evangelist, Solution Finder and Builder of Systems, Expert Human Replacer, Jack of all trades - Master of some

ID 449025

Grayson Goff

Professional paintball player with San Antonio X-factor. Social media marketing Guru!

ID 557928

Andrew Kunzel

Data Architect for Business Intelligence Reporting initiative. Experienced developer in SSIS/SQL Server/Microstrategy

ID 598606

Maximilian Goldfine

Lifelong entrenrpreneur ready to assist the proliferation of tomorrow's most desirable company.

ID 393536

Chris Delvizis

Senior Product Manager at National Instruments

ID 693000

Dina Venezia

ID 360429

Nika S

Founder Drujo Promo

ID 563175

Doug Stienstra

ID 822322

Kenneth Bier

Founder and CEO of Revolver Social Media, Inc. Mobile programmer; recent graduate of UT Law.

ID 277775

Leslie Mock

Founder @Idea Pioneer Media and ecommerce business Strong online marketing and business strategy background. MBA UT Dallas.

ID 273933

Will Compernolle

Masters in Economics. Quantitative focus looking for creativity. Well-rounded individual looking to create something innovative from the beginning.

ID 456329

Evan Michner

Currently at @atlassian HipChat | Worked @netspend (IPO in '10) and Portico Club (acquired in '13). Cofounder @contractor-view | @butler-university grad

ID 626489

Harold Hughes

Bandwagon Founder, MBA, passionate about Innovation & Technology Management, Bachelors in Economics, Negotiation & Leadership Certified, B2B Sales Experience

ID 153810

Ahad Raza

Experience in developing & nurturing strategic relationships | Entrepreneurially focused, problem-solver

ID 206917

Rachael Shaw

Works at @balderdash • Studied English at @oakland-university

ID 542763

Tanmay Gurjar

Masters Student at UT Austin, Highly flexible and resourceful employee with an interest in product design and developement

ID 822347

Fred Liao

ID 385039

Jedd Fenner

Studied at @university-of-bradford

ID 814683

Modesta Matos-Acosta

Finance and Accounting Whiz Looking for Co-founders

ID 582690

Kathryn Beaty

MakerSquare graduate. Full stack web developer looking for a fantastic opportunity. Editorial and writing background.

ID 785021

Shana Bitterman

Exceptional marketing skills; worked for Integrative Nutrition, the world's largest nutrition school, and Skanska USA, a leading project development group.

ID 673134

Matt McPheely

Successful fundraiser for private equity & real estate deals, Co-founder/CEO of 33Vincent, Author of The Inquisitive Man (book on nutrition & exercise)

ID 635173

Stephanie English

Recent Pitt grad, non technical, working at Capital Factory.

ID 754337

Cam Hardaway

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);