Austin Startups List

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ID 430246

Wes Kay

UT-Austin, B.S, CSM/CSPO Agile Professional Currently: Agile Coach at

ID 100151

David Yakobovitch

Data Scientist at ADP, Special Projects. Strong business background (Deutsche Bank, Citi, Aflac). B.S. Finance/Stats. Hackathon veteran. PM/Biz Dev.

ID 436045

Jason Shoemaker

Love creating awesome products. Created functional beverage company. Managed creation of iPhone to do list app. Experienced consultant @accenture and @ey.

ID 362196

Matt Mathews

Founded OakHill Voicemail; Father, Innovator

ID 459772

Craig O'Sullivan

Product Manager seeking business development opportunities for Digital Marketing, Big Data innovations. Works @american-express. MBA @vanderbilt-university

ID 131639

Remington Robertson

Product guru; design enthusiast; gentleman scoundrel. Founded two former startups with just under 1M in private angel investment.

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