Austin Startups List

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Meet 14 CTO View everyone

ID 66214

Brandon Knicely

Entrepreneur, principal @wigwag, Co-founded @cor Advisors, CTO @onsite-access, VP @Harris/Caprock, Think big, use leverage, add value, listen well.

ID 511636

Bart Robertson


Experienced angel, CTO, cloud and big data - consultant, coach, and mentor - 20 years @msft

ID 472774

Bryan Young

CTO @JobJybe. Expert in Mobile Health. Studied @yale and @JohnsHopkins. Partner at @SailTime Group and principal @intertwine. Founding bassoonist Poulenc Trio.

ID 236307

Parag Patel

Founder Spw Consultants, NullReviews • Studied at @university-of-massachusetts-amherst

ID 104403

Patrick McGuinness


CEO / founder at EduTech startup VeritasU. Entrepreneur and SW professional. Prior: CTO @ Engine, EDA mgr @ Freescale, Moto, CS PhD @ UIUC.

ID 540376

Adam Walker

Founder @futon • Studied at @the-university-of-texas-at-san-antonio

ID 803809

Leigh Williamson

Distinguished Engineer, IBM’s software: OS/2, DB2, AIX, Java, WebSphere, Rational, MobileFirst, Bluemix. On CTO team.

ID 98057

Christian Primozich

Founder and CTO at Togga, Inc. (

ID 329450

Chad Pavliska

CTO @thread-1

ID 329115

Jon Hanks

Product Manager - Former: Game and Web Developer, Web Marketer, Data Scientist - Studied: MBA @university-of-texas-at-austin-1 Comp. Sci and Math @virginia-tech

ID 173289

Ryan Salmons

ID 211905

Chris Weaver

Experienced hands-on startup guy. Technical chops. Business mind. I solve customer pains with tech that works.

ID 595384

Christopher Mueller

Founder Lab7 Systems • Worked at Life Technologies, Array BioPharma, Research Systems • Studied at Notre Dame, IU B'ton

ID 360807

Michael Pfister

Co-Founder @noki; iOS Development @retailmenot-inc Student at University of Texas Computer Science; Mobile Application Development; Web Development

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