Austin Startups List

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Meet 6 Social Media View everyone

ID 109904

Liz Hall

Founder of Pain Sufferers Speak; Advocate; Author; Blogger x3; Mom x2; Wifey for 21yrs; practices unconditional love & respects ALL

ID 704517

Daniel Berkowitz

University of Texas, Theatre Design, Communication and Rhetoric, Creative Writing, Collaborative Artist

ID 748086

Andrew Watts

UTAustin McCombs BBA studying MIS, Marketing, and Computer Science. Passionate about technology, biz dev, and startups. I want to help startups however I can!

ID 843170

Lindsey Pence

Audience Developer, Anthropologist; Strong Copy Editor; Works at State of Texas, Formerly at the Inter-American Development Bank

ID 747998


Creator, marketer, sales, and social media maven at Linda Wagner Nutrition. Excellent sales and marketing background with over 50K followers on social media.

ID 592892

Taylor Thomas

5 years experience in digital marketing. Search Strategy & PPC Specialist. Lifelong musician & audio engineer. St. Edwards University BA in Political Science.

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